New Progressive College English Book III
UNIT 2 Conspicuous Consumption
课程名称 大学英语(三) 使用教材 全新版大学进阶英语 综合教程(3) 授课内容 教学 目的 教学 重点与 难点 教学 方法 与 手段 Text Who Are the Joneses and Why Are We Trying to keep Up with Them? (精读) 6 授课学时 Reading Stop Keeping Up with the Joneses-They’re Broke (泛读) 1. Have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically 2. Talk about the conspicuous consumption of luxury goods 3. Conduct group discussion centering on the “fuerdai” phenomenon in China 4. Become familiar with expository writing 1. Analyze the structure and grasp the main idea of Text 2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 3. Learn some techniques in writing 4. Critical thinking 1. Audio-visual method and audio-lingual method. 2. Task-based language teaching method 3. Communicative approach 4. Using CAI, PPT 5. Smart teaching (using online tools or materials) 1. Lead-in Activities Step 1. Warm-up activities St
ep 2. Discussion about the topic 2. Global Reading Step 1. Approaching the theme Step 2. Analyzing the text organization 3. Detailed Reading Step 1. Understanding the text in a deeper level Step 2. Learning useful expressions Step 3. Learning difficult sentences structures Step 4. Learning new words 4. Comprehending Reading 1 Step 1: Skimming the text Step 2: Explaining the difficult sentences of the text Step 3: Doing sentence translation 5. After reading Step 1. Viewing and Listening Step 2. Speaking Step 3. Assignments 教学 过程 Assignments: 作业 1. Read the text in Reading 2 and finish the exercises 2. Write an expository writing 3. Preview the next unit. 1
UNIT 2 Conspicuous Consumption
1. Teaching Objectives:
Students will be able to
A. Have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically B. Talk about the conspicuous consumption of luxury goods
C. Conduct group discussion centering on the “fuerdai” phenomenon in China D. Become familiar with expository writing
2. Time Allotment: 1stPeriod: Lead-in Activities (Warm-up activities; Discussion about the topic)
2nd Period: Global-reading (Text: Approaching the theme; analyzing the text organization) 3rd Period: Detailed reading (Understanding the Text A in a deeper level, analyzing difficult
sentence structures)
4th Period: Detailed reading Activities (Learning new words, summarizing good usage)
5th Period: Comprehending Reading 1 (Skimming the text, explaining the difficult sentences
of the Text, doing sentence translation))
6 Period: After-reading Activities (Viewing and Listening; Speaking; Assignments)
3. Teaching Procedures:
3.1 Lead-in Activities
Step 1. Warm-up activities
Ask Ss to listen to a song and fill in the missing words in the lyrics.
Have Ss work in pairs. One student asks the other the questions in Opener, the other answers. Then switch roles.
Method: PPT, communicative approach.
Step 2: Discussion about the topic
Introduce the topic of the unit to Ss either in English or Chinese: Sometimes people buy t
hings just for the purpose of showing that they are richer, or have better taste than others. Expensive brand-name goods can serve this purpose, and are often wanted precisely because they are expensive. Whether spending money in this way is good, bad or simply silly is something we are going to explore.
Method: Using task-based language teaching method, communicative approach.
3.2 Global reading
Step 1. Approaching the theme
Ask Ss to take a look at the Culture Notes, or ask them to do some further reading before class about the idiom “keep up with the Joneses”, its origins and its social impact, etc.
Guide Ss to explore the text to fide the meaning and origin of the expression “keep up with the Joneses”, how this phenomenon came into being, and what we should do to rid ourselves of the pressure of keeping up with the Joneses.
centering Method: PPT; communicative approach.
Step.2 Analyzing the text organization
The teacher tells students that the text can be divided into three parts which have been given in the Text Organization. Then students should summarize the main idea of each part and compare notes with each other.
Parts Paragraphs Functions Main Ideas Bringing up the social phenomenon The meaning and origin of the Part One Para. 1-2 of conspicuous consumption Explaining how it occurs and why Part Two Paras. 3-6 Exploring ways of dealing with it Part Three Paras. 7-10 expression “keep up with the Joneses” How the phenomenon of keeping up with the Joneses came into being and why people buy into it. What we should do to free ourselves from the pressure of keeping up with the Joneses. Method: skimming and scanning, communicative approach
3.3 Detailed Reading 3.3.1 Procedure
1) Students are asked to read the passage carefully again and for each paragraph (sometimes two-three paragraphs), invite students to answer questions related difficult sentences and understanding of each paragraph.
2) Help Ss find out the good usage in the text and underlined them. 3) Learn new words in details.