Course: Theoretical Foundations of ESL 二语习得与教学研究
Instructor: Dr Xiaoguang Cheng
Time: Fall of 2011
Course Materials:
Brown, H. D. 2007 (Fifth Edition). Principles of language learning and teaching.NY: Pearson..
Mitchell, R. and F. Myles. 2004. (Second Edition). Second language learning theories.
London: Arnold.
Order of Presentations:
1.    B. Chap 1. Language, learning, and teaching
2. M & M. Chap 1. Second language learning: key concepts and issues
3. M & M. Chap 2. The recent history of second language learning research
4.    B. Chap 2. First language acquisition (biological)
5.    B. Chap 3. Age and acquisition (biological)
6.    B. Chap 4. Human learning (cognitive)
7.    B. Chap 5. Styles and strategies (cognitive)
8.    B. Chap 6. Personality factors (affective)
9.    B. Chap 7 Sociocultural factors (sociocultural)
10. B. Chap 8. Communicative competence (pragmatic)
11. B. Chap 9. Cross-linguistic influence and learner language (linguistic)
12. B. Chap 10. Toward a theory of second language acquisition
13. M & M. Chap 3. Linguistics and language learning: the Universal Grammar approach
14. M & M. Chap 4. Cognitive approaches to second language learning
15. M & M. Chap 5. Functional/pragmatic perspectives on second language learning
16. M & M. Chap 6. Input and interaction in second language learning
17. M & M. Chap 7. Sociocultural perspectives on second language learning
18. M & M. Chap 8. Sociolinguistic perspectives
19. M & M. Chap 9. Conclusion
Description of the Course:
Teaching is the most complicated human undertaking, and teaching ESL is more so because it involves almost all the disciplines of human study that one can think of—linguistics, pragmatics, philosophy, psychology, cognition, culture, sociology, communication, education, and so on. Therefore, English teachers and English graduate students must assume a rational approach, secure a solid foundation in the rationales of all related theoretical models, and study and research the nature and characteristics of English learning and teaching so as to eliminate all irrationality, intuit
ion, and recklessness in their teaching practices. (英语教学专业的研究生和英语教师必须具有这些相关学科和英语教学的理论知识,研究、了解和掌握英语教与学的性质、特点和规律,从而避免非理性、直觉性和盲目性,科学地指导英语教与学的实践。)
There are a few points that this course tries to make:
1.The process of second language learning and teaching involves so many different
variables that any focus on only some of them at the expense of others will be
doomed to an ignorance of the complexity of this human activity. One cannot
afford to be one-sided about the nature of ESL.
2.All the research findings, theories, and models about ESL so far remain
hypothetical in nature. They are perspectival in that they offer us their own
reference points for reflections but not absolute truth. There is simply no absolute
truth about language and language learning.
3.Because of the above, it is imperative that one must think for him/herself, make
one’s personal judgment, and become a critical thinker. This, of course, should be
done on the basis of the heritage of the discipline and through interactions with
4.Any hypotheses one develops should be put to a test in practice. While it is
important to develop theories, it is more important to combine them with practice.
A theory which is not tested remains as empty talk. One should continously form
hyphotheses, test them, revise and improve them so that one can get closer and
closer to truth and help learners learn beter and better.
The goals of this course are, therefore, to develop an integrated understanding of the theoretical aspects of learning and teaching English as a second language, a rational activity which must be placed under the guidance of contemporary ESL and educational theories. Learning and teaching ar
e two inseparable parts of the same process, with teaching serving learning and learning informing teaching. Contemporary English education aims at developing independent learners and problem-solvers. Participants in this course, therefore, are expected and encouraged to combine theories with their ESL practices and become conscious problem-solvers and teacher researchers. (本课程旨在全面了解英语作为外语教学全过程的诸方面。学习和研究英语教学理论,从而加深对英语教学这一认知活动的理性认识,体现现代英语教育的原则,即,教是为学服务的,学是教的目的,现代英语教育的最终目标是培养有独立解决问题能力的学习者。Participants还要理论联系实际,提高英语教学的科研能力,提高运用理论探讨和解决英语教学问题的能力,成为自觉的problem solvers and teacher researchers。) This course will explore various varibles of ESL, basing the investigations on ESL research in varied fields and involving a variety of disciplinary perspectives. The approach we will adopt will be ―pluralist,‖ taking selections from across the range of ESL studies and offering theoretical positions which are most active and significant up till now. Hopefully, this course will provide a somewhat panoramic picture of what ESL involves and what goes on in this profession. Participants will be encouraged, on the basis of this overview, to keep track of the emerging trends in the new century and look towards the future of ESL research.
Format of the Course:
Lecture and discussion. Requirements include:
(1)  A powerpoint class presentation. Participants will register voluntarily for one of
the scheduled readings above for presentation and class discussions and will be
responsible for submitting their courseware to both the class mailbox at
******************right after their presentation for sharing and evaluation
purposes. A presentation will count as two reading journal entries. (There will
be a penalty in the case of late submission).
(2)  A reading journal. Participants will complete a reading journal on topics of their
own choice on the reading assignments on a weekly basis and post all their entries
(totaling 6) in the class mailbox for peer responses in Week 15. (There will be
penalties on plagiarism.) Another part of this assignment will require each
participant to respond to another participant’s journal randomly assigned to him/her
and submit his/her responses electronically to the class mailbox for sharing in Week
17. (Responses can take the form of either terminal comments or marginal ones, in
which case they should be printed in red.)
(3)  A final exam.
For names of all the files to be posted in the class mailbox, please type
XXX (your Chinese name) XXX (name of the chapter in English) for class 成晓光Language, Learning, and Teaching
XXX (your Chinese name) journal for journal 成晓光journals
XXX (your Chinese name) –XXX (the Chinese name of the writer of the journal you respond to) 成晓光-光晓成
Please make sure that all your files are in the mailbox at the required date and downloadable.
There will be a penalty on late submission.
Suggested Readings:
Arends, R. 1988. Learning to teach.NY: Random House.
Brinton, D. M., M. A. Snow and M. Wesche. 2003. Content-based second language instruction.
Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press.
Brown, H. D. 2001. Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. NY: Longman.
Brown, J. D., T. Hudson, J. Norris and W. J. Bonk. 2002. An investigation of second language task-based performance assessments. Honolulu: university of Hawai'i Press.
Bruner, J. 1996. The culture of education. Massachusetts: Harvard UP.
Celce-Murcia, M. and E. Olshtain. 2000. Discourse and context in language teaching: A guide for language teachers. Cambriege: Cambridge UP.register for
Cook, V. 2000a. Second language learning and language teaching.Beijing: FLTRP.
--. 2000b. Linguistics and second language acquisition. Beijing: FLTRP.
Crookes, G. 2003. A practicum in TESOL: Professional development through teaching practice.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
De Bot, K., W. Lowie and M, V erspoor. 2005. Second language acquisition: An advanced resource book. New Y ork: Routledge.
Dornyei, Z. and T. Murphey. 2003. Group dynamics in the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
Eggen, P. and D. Kauchak. 1994. Educational psychology: Classroom connections.NJ: MerrilL.
Ellis, R. 1999. Understanding second language acquisition.Shanghai: SFLEP.
--. 2000. Second language acquisition. Shanghai: SFLEP.
Fenstermacher, G. D. and J. F. Soltis. 1998. Approaches to teaching. NY: Teachers College Press.
Gass, S. M. and L. Selinker. 2008. (Third edition) Second language acquisition: An introductory course. New Y ork: Routledge.
Gallaway, C. and B. J. Richards. (Eds.). 1994. Input and interaction in language acquisition.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
Goodluck, H. 2000. Language acquisition: A linguistic introduction.Beijing: FLTRP. Haley, M. H. and T. Y. Austin. 2004. Content-based second language teaching and learning: An interactive approach. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Harmer, J. 2001. The practice of English language teaching. NY: Longman.
Howatt, A. P. R. 2000.    A history of English language teaching.Beijing: FLTRP. Johnson, K. 2002 (English Edition 2001). An introduction to foreign language learning and teaching. FL TRP.
Kormos. J. 2006. Speech production and second language acquisition. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Krashen, S. 2003. Explorations in language acquisition and use. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Kumaravadivelu, B. 2003. Beyond methods. Macrostrategies for language teaching.
New Haven: Y ale University Press.
Larsen-Freeman, D. and M. H. Long. 2000. An introduction to second language acquisition research.Beijing: FLTRP.
Medgyes, P.. 2002. Laughing matters: Humor in the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
Pienemann, M. 1999. Language processing and second language development: Processability theory. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Reid, J. M. (Ed.). 1998. Understanding learning styles in the second language classroom. NY: Prentice Hall.
Richard-Amato, P. A. 1996. Making is happen: Interaction in the second language classroom: From Theory to Practice. NY: Longman.
Richards, J. C. 2000. Beyond training. Beijing: FLTRP.
Richards, J. C. and C. Lockhart. 2000. Reflective teaching in second language classrooms.
Beijing: FLTRP.
Richards, J. C. and D. Nunan. 2000. (Eds.) Second language teacher education.Beijing: FLTRP.
Richards, J. C. and T. S. Rodgers. 2000. Approaches and methods in language teaching.
Beijing: FLTRP.
Richards J. C. and T. S. Rodgers. 2001. Approaches and methods in language teaching.
Cambridge: Cabridge UP.
Ringbom, H. 2007. Cross-linguistic similarity in foreign language learning.Clevedon: Multilingual Matters LTD.
Romaine, S. 1995. Bilingualism. MA: Blackwell.
Rose, K R and G. Kasper. (Eds.). 2001. Pragmatics in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
Saville-T rioke, M. 2006. Introducing second language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
Skehan, P. 1998.    A cognitive approach to language learning.Oxford: Oxford UP.
Smith, M. S. 1994. Second language learning: Theoretical foundations.London: Longman.
Spolsky, B. 2000. Conditions for second language learning.Shanghai: SFLEP.
Stern, H. H. 1999a. Issues and options in language teaching. Shanghai: SFLEP.
--. 1999b. Fundamental concepts of language teaching.Shanghai: SFLEP.
Strozer, J. R. 1994. Language acquisition after puberty.Oxford: Oxford UP.
Tarone, E. and G. Y ule. 2000. Focus on the language learner. Shanghai: SFLEP. Widdowson, H. G. 1999. Aspects of language teaching.Shanghai: SFLEP.
V anpatten, Bill. 2003. From input to output: A teacher's guide to second language acquisition.
Boston: McGraw-Hill.
成晓光,2006,后方法时代的外语教学法研究,《天津外国语学院学报》,第4期,63-68。刘润清,1999,《外语教学中的科研方法》, 外语教学与研究出版社, 北京。
