Revised September 2005
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
General Guidelines
Doctor of Philosophy Degree
Although advanced course work is an integral part of the doctoral candidate's program, no specific number of courses is set for attainment of the degree.  The real basis for developing an acceptable program is to demonstrate mastery of a selected field and the ability to conduct independent research in the field.
You become a candidate for the PhD degree AFTER the following requirements are completed:
a) Approval of your Petition to Begin Study in the PhD program
Qualifying (preliminary) Exam – written and oral portions
register forc) Provide proof of English proficiency
d) Approval of the Application for Candidacy by the Graduate School
The Petition to Begin Study for the PhD is reviewed by the Graduate Faculty in the major area and the Graduate Advisor.  For University of Texas students completing the MS, a form is available.  Students finishing their MS elsewhere give this same information in the application for admission.  The Graduate Advisor will notify students whether they are admitted to begin the PhD program or denied admission.
The Qualifying (preliminary) Exam usually consists of a written exam in a given area of Civil Engineering followed by an oral exam which is administered by a committee consisting of at least thr
ee members of the Civil Engineering faculty (at least one member should be from an area other than the student's major area of study).  This exam should be taken by the end of the first semester beyond the MS degree.
The objective of the English proficiency requirement is to ensure that all PhD candidates possess the writing skills necessary for effective technical communication before embarking on the dissertation writing process.
1.English proficiency should be demonstrated in one of three ways:
♦By submitting a GRE analytical writing score of 4.0 or greater at the time of application;
♦By retaking the GRE and achieving an analytical writing score of 4.0  or greater; or
♦By passing an approved technical writing course.
Students who cannot demonstrate proficiency on the basis of their GRE analytical writing score must either retake the GRE, or enroll in an approved technical writing course in their first semester as a Ph.D. student.
CE 397 Advanced Communication Skills for International Students; CE 389C Advanced Engineering Communication; or an acceptable Graduate School (GRS) course are the only technical writing courses approved at this time.
2. Arrange through your major area of study to take the technical portion of the qualifying examination.
This exam has any of four possible outcomes:
a.  Pass
b. Pass with recommendations regarding the student's program of work.
c. No Pass but re-examination permitted
d. No Pass - No re-examination
The technical portion of the qualifying exam should be completed as soon as possible in the student's doctoral program, preferably during the first semester in residence.  The qualifying examination must be taken and passed during the first year in residence or continued registration will not be permitted.  Exceptions to this rule will be handled on an individual basis by petition.
Revised September 2005
After passing the technical portion of the Qualifying Exam and demonstrating English proficiency, you should apply to the Graduate School for Admission to PhD Candidacy and request that a supervising committee be appointed by the Graduate Dean.  You MUST be admitted to candidacy before you can register for CE X99R.  The Application for Doctoral Candidacy is now completed on the Graduate School's website.  The total program of work (all organized courses including MS degree work which is less than six years old) is included as well as courses remaining to be taken.  The program of work must include at least nine hours outside the major area of study.  The application for candidacy should be submitted as early as possible after passing the Qualifying Exam (before completion of the course work).  A student whose admission for candidacy has been approved by August 31 qualifies to be appointed at a higher salary rate effective September 1.
When most of your course work is completed and you have been admitted to PhD candidacy, you should arrange to take the Mastery of the Major (Comprehensive) Exam which is administered by your supervising committee.  This exam is usually taken early in the second year of residence in the PhD program.
The Defense of the Dissertation is the final exam of the PhD program.  It is your obligation to submit an acceptable dissertation to the Graduate School.  Therefore, every effort should be made to complete the dissertation and pass the Defense of the Dissertation exam before you leave The University of Texas at Austin for employment.
You MUST be registered for Dissertation (X99R and W) continuously from the time you are admitted to Candidacy until graduation.  Register for "R" the first semester ONLY and "W" for each subsequent semester.  If you leave the campus without completing the requirements (incomplete courses or dissertation), continuous registration must still be maintained.
The following steps constitute the usual procedure for completing your degree requirements:
Degree Candidate Card, signed by the Graduate Advisor, early in the semester you plan to graduate.  Exact a
deadlines are specified by the Graduate School each semester.
2. If there have been any changes in the program of work submitted on the petition for candidacy, the Graduate Advisor and the
Graduate Studies Committee must approve such changes.
3.    A copy of the final draft of the dissertation which has been reviewed for technical and grammatical accuracy by the
supervising professor should be submitted to each member of the supervising committee not less than four weeks before the date on which you intend to defend the dissertation.
4. Each member of the supervising committee must sign a form on which he/she indicates that the dissertation has been
received and agrees to be present at the Final Oral Examination (Defense of the Dissertation).  Changes to the supervising committee membership must be made not less than 30 days prior to the defense.
5. The application for Final Oral Examination (Defense) must be filed in the Graduate School along with an original copy of
the Vita and ten copies of the dissertation Abstract at least two weeks prior to the Final Oral Examination.
6. Submit one copy of Dissertation in PDF electronic format, turned in on floppy disk, zip disk, CD, or via FTP; Microfilm
Agreement Form; Dissertation Data Sheet; Publication by Microfilm;  Copyright Disclaimer; Survey of Earned Doctorates to the Graduate School by the predetermined deadline.  Submitting a printed copy of dissertation is optional (effective summer 2001).  There are processing fees.  For more information inquire in the Graduate Studies Office.
