The English pure vowels can be classified according to
1.the height of the raised part of the tongue
2.the position of the lips
/i: /: 前元音,是字母ea,ee,ie或ei在单词中的发音。此音是长元音,一定注意把音发足。其发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/口形扁平。
Please read it.Please keep it a secret.Eve is Peter’s niece.
Do you see the green leaves of each tree in the field?
A friend in need is a friend indeed.Where are you going to be at three?
Where are you going to be? Meet me in the evening.Meet me in the street.
Meet me in Fleet Street.
Meet me at three.
/ i /    舌位: 前舌的后方, 舌端抵下齿. 和汉语不同, 普通话中没有一个和[ i ]相同的音. 这个音的特点将前舌的后部抬得很高,不然容易发成[e]; [i] 是个很松弛的音,口腔肌肉过分紧张就会发成[i:]
•1) it, sit, bit, fit, big, pig, kick, pick, give, live, kiss, miss, ill, fill, sink, think, rich, which, fish, wish
•2) city, pretty, busy, visit, limit, minute, willing, filling, begin, belong, delay, desire, remain, return secure, prefer, present, elect, event, explain, extreme
•3) a big clinic, a big dictionary, a bit chilly, a bit dizzy, fix it, finish it, finish it quickly, give him six, bit by bit, little by little, pretty busy, sixty woman
/e/ 该音是个前元音,是字母e或ea在单词中的发音。发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i:/低;唇形中长,开口度比/i:/大。
•1) get, debt, yet, wet, neck, check, bed, dead, egg, beg, pen, ten, tell, fell, best, text, next, spend, friend
•2) any, many, very, ever, never, seven, heaven, metal, gentle, yellow, fellow, section, question, attend, accept, forget, correct, collect, connect
•3) /e—i/ pet—pit; fell—fill; set—sit; when—win; hell—hill; dead—did; tent—tint; peg—pig; lest—list
1) seat; sit; set
2) leap; lip 3) beat; bit; bet
4) miss; mess
5) feel; fill; felt
6) eat; it; ate
/ æ /是短元音。是字母a在重读闭音节中的发音。发音时舌尖抵下齿;舌前部稍抬高,舌位比/e/更低;双唇平伸。
•1) cap; map; fat; hat; bad; mad; back; lack; carry; marry; fancy; carriage; manage; matter; pattern; handle; anxious; annual; avenue; salary; practical; practical
•2) / æ –e / bag, beg; gas, guess; mat, met; sad, said; bad, bed; land, lend; sand, send; pack, peck; ham, hem; pan, pen; lad, led
A fact is a fact. Hang your cap on the stand. Fancy that!
Catch that mad black cat. Thank you for the stamp. Don’t let the cat out of the bag. Handsome is as handsome does.
æ- e
This bed is bad.
This is a bad pen.
I guess they want gas.
Can you bed that iron band? What daddy said made me sad.I met a little boy Jack
Who came from another land.
I couldn’t speak his language,
But I took him by the hand.
/ə : / and / ə/ are central vowel.
/ə : / occurs only in stressed syllables; but
/ ə/ is a schwa which is most frequently used vowel in English.
No other vowel, with the exception of the other reduced vowel, /I/ and / ə/,  is as important to an understanding of the English sound system and the way it functions in unstressed syllables. Pronunciation tip
•Native speakers of English often use schwa (  [ʃwɑ:] 英语中非重读音节的元音) vowel in :•Unstressed syllables
•F or t—comf or t; pr o gress—pr o duction; l a ce—neckl a ce; necessity—necessary; late—chocolate; valid—validity
•Reductions, especially in informal conversations
•The old man has got much money.
•I went to cinema just for fun.
Back vowels: (后元音) / a: /    / ɔ /    / ɔ : /    / u/    /u:/
/ a: /  该音是个后元音, 是字母组合ar的读音,也是字母a在ss, st, th等字母前面的读音。/a: /是长元音。发音时口张大,舌身压低并后缩, 后舌稍隆起, 舌尖不抵下齿。双唇稍收圆。
1) arm, art, cart, hard, fast, last, glace, chance, class, glass, harsh, march
2) army, party, after, rather, castle, parcel, market, basket, garden, pardon, carpet, drama, regard, demand, command, depart, advance, remark, papa
/ ɔ / 该音是个短元音,是字母o在重读闭音节单词中的读音。发音时口张大,舌身尽量降低
1) top, shop, what, hot, God, rod, lock, rock, wash, watch, song, long, cost, lost, spot, stop, block, clock
2) copy, coffee, body, sorry, offer, honor, model, bottle, college, orange, knowledge, hollow, swallow, doctor, concert, occupy, hospital, possible, quality, quantity, property, policy, October, whatever, tomorrow
The clock has stopped.Copy the song, it’s not long.
Lost time is never found again.
Lots and lots of clocks and watches have gone wrong.
•/ ɔ: / 该音是个后元音,是字母o, or, al, oar, our或oor在单词中的发音。它是长元音。发音时舌后部抬得比/ ɔ /,双唇收得更圆更小, 并向前突出。
•1) saw, law, ought, bought, talk, board, lord
2) story, forty, water, daughter, always, almost, portrait, forward, quarter, porter
Pride goes before a fall. George saw a saw hanging on the wall.
He was born on August the fourteenth, nineteen forty-four.
u / 该音是个后元素,是英语字母u, oo或ou等在单词中的发音。/u/是短元音。发音时舌后部抬起, 舌身后缩, 舌尖离开下齿。双唇收圆, 稍突出。
1) put, foot, cook, look, book, took
2) should, cold, would, push, woman, sugar, bushel, football, good-bye, cuckoo, manhood
3) looks good, a good cook, look at the cook, took some sugar, a good-looking woman
/ u: / 该音是个后元音,是字母oo或ou在单词中的发音。它是长元音。发音时舌后部尽量抬起,舌位比/u/高。双唇收圆并突出。口形比/u/稍小。
1) too, do, shoe, who, you, food, fool, tooth, youth, choose, moon, soon, cool
2) duty, beauty, music, future, pupil, student, excuse, produce, opportunity, university
3) a new school, a new suit, huge spoons, beautiful music, a blue moon, a group of students, whose
shoes, a music school
Don’t lose the opportunity. Choose either boots or shoes. Who said the soup was too cool?Your spoon
won’t be useful for noodles. As a rule, the skies are blue in June. What do you choose to do this afternoon?
Diphthongs (双元音)
There are eight diphthongs in English. They are sounds which consist of ____________________________
The most important things to remember is ____________________________
1. 口形由/e/ 向/ i / 滑动, 注意双元音的一般发音规则.
2. 发音过程中下鄂稍稍向上合拢, 舌位也随之稍稍抬高.
name, cake, late, state, able, place, mainly, arrange, radio, decade
[ai]:Kite, fight, guide, write, mind, unite, High, apply, define, divides, neither, Provide, finally [ɔi]: Soil, noise, voice, join, coin, choice, toil
[əu] : Soap, note, throw, show, know, low, over, old, most, only, those
[au] : Out, south, round, found, about, amount, bound, sound, houses, mountain, thousand, louder [iə]: Ear, year, deer, cheer, tear, queer, Merely, nearly, really
[eə] :  There, where, their, fare, square, various, repair, affair
[uə]: Curious, furious, rural, mature, secure
Phonetics exercises
A clear idea
Fair and square
A real hero
A curious tourist
Their parents
Repair chairs
Wear and tear
Fair share
From ear to ear
Fewer and fewer
I think it is really a good idea.
It’s near the end of the year.
Dear me, the black beer is really dear.
“Hear, hear,” the chairman declared.
Mary shares the room with a girl who wears long hair.
Surely, the disease can be cured.
The mayor appeared in the square.
Stop consonants
English consonants can be classified according to
1. the points of articulation;
2. the manners of articulation;
3. the state of the vocal cords The pronunciation of /p/ and /b/
/p/ pork, peace, lip, top      /b/ bat, bare, cab, herb
/p-b/: pea-be; pat-bat; cup-cub; mop-mob
A big park; bought a bike; pay the bill; hope to stop; on top of the pie
Peter is picking plums and apples.
The black-bird brought back a beautiful big worm for his babies.
The pronunciation of /t/ and /d/
/t/ tea; towel; foot; cut      /d/ dirt; date; sad; ride
/t-d/ bet-bed; sight-side; bit-bid
A dark night; read the card; cut the bread
Don’t do that, Tom!
Teddy hurt his foot and was taken to the doctor.
The pronunciation of /k/ and /g/
/k/ key; cat; sick; lock  /g/ go; girl; big; vague    /g-k/ bag-back; beg-beck
A kind guide; take a look; good luck
Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
Fast-food restaurants are very popular.
The service is fast.
The food is inexpensive.
This is more important than the quality of the food.
These restaurants are also popular.
The food is always the same.
connect下载They eat at a company’s restaurant.
The restaurant are in the north or south of the city.
The food will be the same.
If they eat in New York or London, it will still be the same.
Fast service is important in the United States.
Low cost is also important in the United States.
About 50 percent of married women work outside the home.
Many married women with children are working outside the home.
They are too busy and too tired to cook dinner every night.
Fricatives and affricates
/f/ /v/  /θ/ /ð/  /s/ /z/  /ʃ/ /ʒ/  /h/ /ʧ/  /ʤ/
/f/ and /v/ are labio-dental sounds.
/f/ is voiceless and /v/ is voiced. They are fricative sounds that you produce by forcing the breathstream between you upper teeth and lower lip.
Leaf-leave; safe-save;
Very fast; an awful view
They are fricatives that you produce by squeezing the breathstream between your tongue and teeth. Breath-breathe; south-southern; bath-bathe
Three-free; thrill-frill; Thin-sin; thought-sought
Something is better than nothing.
He left his father and mother and went abroad with his brother Arthur.
They are fricatives that you produce by forcing air between your tongue and the upper or lower front teeth.
Soft, soil, house, pace; Zeal; zip; buzz; gaze; boys; Cease-seize; race-raise
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
You produce them very much like the /s/ and /z/, except the tongue is farther back and the lips are rounded.
Shame; harsh; Treasure; pleasure; confusion; prestige;
Rushed to the garage; a harsh decision; crushed the invasion
Mr. Mash sells fish and shellfish fresh from the ocean.
/h/ is not generally a problem sound
/h/ is a voiceless glottal (声门的) fricative. It is simply a stream of air from the larynx (喉) directed through the open mouth.
It is not found in word-final position in English words.
He; hard; hall; high
Hour; honour; honest; heir; vehicle; exhibit
How horrible! Hugh has hurt his hand with a heavy hammer.
/tʃ/ /dʒ/
Cheap; cheer; choice; Each; watch; torch; Jane; join; large
Jane had chicken and French fries for lunch.
Just for a joke, we mixed gin and ginger with some jam.
Nasals, approximants, and laterals
Like the stops, the nasals (鼻音) are all made by closing the vocal tract (声道) at some point in the
