Free GRE General Test Preparation Materials
Free, official test preparation materials for the computer- and paper-based GRE® tests are available to anyone who registers for the GRE tests worldwide or who visits this website. Other helpful test preparation materials are available for a modest fee.
register forNOTE: In November 2007, the GRE Program began including two new question types in the computer-based GRE® General Test. You may see ONE new Verbal or ONE Quantitative question type in your test. These new question types will be counted toward examinee scores as soon as an adequate sample of data has been collected. View sample questions and additional information.
GRE Powerprep® Software — Includes two computer-based GRE General Tests, sample Analytical Writing topics, scored sample essays and reader commentary, test-taking strategies, a math review, and test tutorials. It is sent to individuals who register for the computer-based General Test, or may be downloaded here. 
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Read Powerprep download instructions
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 GRE Practice General Test — Contains one full-length paper-based GRE General Test, test-taking strategies, sample Verbal and Quantitative questions with explanations, sample Analytical Writing topics, and scored sample essays and reader commentary. It is sent to individuals who register for the paper-based GRE General Test or may be downloaded here.
 An Introduction to the Analytical Writing Section of the GRE General Test — Contains a description of the Analytical Writing section, strategies for each task, directions, scoring information, scoring guides, score level descriptions, a sample test, and scored essay responses with reader commentary.
Issue topics and Argument topics are available for review.
 Preparing for the Verbal and Quantitative Sections of the GRE General Test - Contains sample questions with explanations.
Math Review — Contains information on the mathematical skills and concepts likely to be tested on the GRE General Test.
Test-taking Strategies for the computer-based and the paper-based General Test
See also: Free GRE Subject Test preparation materials
Sample Questions
Verbal Reasoning
Sample Analogies
Sample Antonyms
Sample Sentence Completions
Sample Reading Comprehension
Quantitative Reasoning
Sample Quantitative Comparison
Sample Problem Solving
Sample Data Interpretation
Analytical Writing
Sample Issue Task
Sample Argument Task
NOTE: Since November 2007, the GRE Program has been including two new question types in the computer-based GRE® General Test. You may see ONE new Verbal or ONE Quantitative question type in your test. These new question types will be counted toward examinee scores as soon as an adequate sample of data has been collected. View sample questions and additional information at .
