英语高考高频词汇讲解与练习 (2 )
support one against another
support sb. in the struggle for freedom.
in support of
take one’s side  / take the side of sb  /  be on one’s side  /  be on the side of
They often _______ one players or team _______ another.
在护士的搀扶下, 病人下床走了几步。
___________ by the nurse, the patient got out of bed and took a few steps.
He made  some experiments _____ _____ ____ his ideas
We ____ _____ ____ _____ the workers in the strike .
On earth  _________________ _______________  ______________
二、  On the earth
In the earth
It is said that there may be some diamonds ____ the earth. Many people are digging for them.
There used to be much more  plants ________ the earth.
Karl Marx was the greatest man ________ earth.
I wonder what ________ earth he is doing  now.
三、  connect , join, unite        我们应该联合尽可能多的人。
connect…. With…          We ought to _________ as many people as possible.
be  connected with        苏伊士运河把非洲和亚洲连接起来。
join … to …              The Suez Canal _______Africa ________ Asia.
join up                  手术的第一步把骨头接起来。
unite …. Into…           
The first step of the operation was to __________ the bones.
Broad __________________    wide _____________________________
Open one’s eyes ________,  be  __________ awake     
This river is said to be over 1234 metres _________
The doctor told  the boy with _________ shoulders to open his moth __________
四、Would  rather  do  sth       
She would rather that you _______(post) the letter right away.
Would rather not  do  sth       
Rather than ____ (stay) indoors we would ____(go) for a walk.
Would  rather …than….     
I would rather that you ___ (take) the doctor’s advice last time.
Would rather that …..       
He would rather ____(borrow) money from the bank than _______(be) helped by you.
Would ….rather than….       
I would rather not ____(invite) any to my birthday party.
Rather than…..would,          
五、翻译下列句子, 注意从属连词的多意。
How can he succeed when he won’t work hard?
①  Turn off  the machine when anything goes wrong with it.
He walks when he might ride .   
While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.
②  You like sports , while I would rather read.
Much as I like it, I will not buy it.
③  As he can’t finish his work in time, he was punished.
I will go if I die for it .
④  If I don’t understand what he says  , I always ask him.
If you don’t like the job, why don’t you change it ?
You can keep the book as long as you like.
⑤  As long as you tell the truth, I ‘ll try to help you.
So long as the weather is changeable these days, we’d better get in wheat in time.
Why do you want a new job _________ you’ve got such a good one already?
A . that    B, where    C, which    D, when
六、 On exhibition / on show
Some of the children’s paintings are ___ ___ at the school.  (展出)
Most of the machines ___ ___ are made in China. (展出)
In the afternoon they went to exhibition of modern art. (改错)
Many treasures from  Egypt are on the show in Beijing . (改错)
七、try / attempt
I will ______ to get this done by six o’clock..
The thief ____________ to urn away , but failed.
The patient ________ stand up but the doctor told him to lie down to rest.
Mention sth to sb     
Thank you for your help . ____ ____ ____    (不用客气)
As mentioned above 
There was ___ ___ of he purpose of this meeting.(没有人提到这次会议的目的)
connect to和connect with的区别
Don’t mention it .   
  No one ____ the purpose of this meeting. (没有人提到这次会议的目的)
Mention to sb that ….. 
Did you ____ this ____ my sister?    (你对我说到这件事了吗?)
He ____ ____ _____ that he had seen you。  (他跟我谈到曾经见过你。)
fasten/ tie
fasten one’s eyes on sb
tie one’s tie
1) The murderer was brought in, with his hands _______ behind his back.
A, being tied  B, having tied  C, to be tied  D, tied
2) All the eyes were _________ on me , which made me feel uncomfortable.
A, fixing  B, tied  C, fastened  D, fastening
十、Affair / business / event / thing
1) The president is kept busy with affair of state.
2) The party on Saturday evening was pleasant affair.
