高中英语知识点大全(36):combine/ connect/ join/ unite的区
1、combine/ connect/ join/ unite
combine 意为“结合、联合”,指为了某一目的而把两事物结合在一起。如:
We must combine theory with practice.我们必须把理论和实践联系起来。
He combines botany with chemistry.他把植物学和化学联系起来了。
connect “连接”,指用东西把两事物连接在一起,或两事物直接相连,二者仍保持原状。
The two cities are connected by a railway. 两座城市由铁路相连。
He connected the gas stove with gas pipe.他把煤气和接在煤气炉上。
We had better join the island to the mainland with a steel bridge.我们最好建一座钢筋桥把这个岛与大陆连接起来。
Where does this stream join the Changjiang River?这条河和长江在哪里会合?
unite 意为“联合”,指两种以上的事物结合为一体,有合二为一的意味,强调结合后的统一性。
The two companies will unite into one.这两家公司将合并成一家。
The whole family united to help him.全家齐心协力帮助他。
2、complete/ finish
二个词都有“完成”之意,但complete更突出使一切完备、没有欠缺、多指完成工程、设计等。而finish是一般用语。常用短语有:complete the work完成工作;complete the new railway 修完铁路;complete one’s collection of stamps完备集邮;finish one’s homework/middle school/writing the article 完成作业/中学毕业/写完文章。
注意:complete还可用作形容词,意为“完全的,彻底的、完成了的”。completely 是副词,“完全地、彻底地”。如:a complete sentence/strange/success/failure完整的句子/完全陌生/完全成功/彻底的失败。This job is completely new to me.这项工作对我来说是完全陌生的。
①You have to finish to read the whole passage in five minutes.
②Professor Smith has been complete successful in working out the problem.
connect to和connect with的区别Key:①改to read为reading,因为finish后只能接动名词。②改complete为completely。
3、communicate  v.
communicate information/feelings/news…to sb.把信息、感情、消息……传递/传达给某人
I’ll communicate the news to you directly.我会直接把消息传达给你。
(2) vi.通讯,通话
communicate with sb.(by)用……与某人联络/沟通
We communicate with each other by telephone/letter.  我们用电话/信件彼此沟通。
拓展:communication n.[u]通讯[c]消息pl.通讯系统
Radio and television are important means of communication.  收音机和电视机是信息交流的重要工具。
Communications satellite helps the human a lot in many ways .  通讯卫星在很多方面对人类有很大的帮助。
