高中英语第二册下 Unit 23
高中英语第二册下  Unit 23
dial, excellent, chat, hire, conversation, wind, handle, directory, strength, frequently, redirect, recover, mobile, smart, cordless, distant, lately, interrupt, remind, lack, due, income, announce, sew, bargain, needle, thread, frequent.
have ... on, get together, all the best, have a word with, connect with, in other words, free of charge, bring along, due to, in case.
1).How a telephone works is a question which not everyone can answer.
1) Would you like a word with her?
2) I've already got something on that evening.
3) We must get together some other time for a chat.
4) All the best.
Unit 23
1.Would you like a word with her?
=Would you like to speak with her?
短语 would like a word with sb 其中a word 可以用a few words 代替,表示"说几句话"。例如:
  My father would like a word with you.
  Don't be nervous.
  Someone is waiting to have a word with you.
注意:have a word / a few words with sb.  意为"和某人说几句话。"
  have words with sb. 同某人吵架或发生口角。
  in a word / in one word  总之,一句话。
  keep one's words  守信,break one's words  食言。
2.The speaker is supposed to be excellent. 人们认为这位发言人很不错。
  suppose sb / sth to be  "认为某人 / 某事如何。"
  被动结构 sb / sth is supposed to be  "某人/某事被认为如何。"
例如:I suppose her to be over forty.  我想她40多岁了。
  还可以用 suppose + that 从句表达。即,I suppose that she is over forty.
  I supposed that she was mad = I supposed her to be mad.
  be supposed to do "应该......,必须......,"例如:
  Teachers are supposed to know a lot.老师应该知道许多事。
  You are not supposed to smoke here. 你不应该在这里吸烟。
3.Hold on  请等一下,别挂线。
此句为电话用语,后接表示很短一段时间的状语。如:a moment, a minute, a second等。
  Hold on a moment, Jenny is coming. 稍等,珍妮马上就来。
  hold on 可作"继续、坚持"例如:
  Hold on, success will belong to you. 坚持,成功会属于你。
  If you made a decision, you should hold on to the end. 如果你已决定,就应该持之以恒。
4.I've already got something on that evening.
=I already have another engagement for that evening.
5.All the best  祝你万事如意。
  All the best wishes to you .或 All the very best. 是临别时表示祝愿的用语,意为"一切顺利,一切如意。"
All the best with your family. 祝你全家都好。
All the best in your business / study. 祝你事业顺利/学习进步。
6.How a telephone works is a question which not everyone can answer.
1)本句的主语是how 引导的名词性从句。谓语是系表结构is a question,其中question 是用由which引导的定语从句来修饰。
2)not everyone  不是每个人都......
当every, both, all 与not 连用时,表示部分否定。例如:
Not all the girls like singing.=All the girls don't like singing.= Some girls like singing, and some don't. 并不是所有女孩都喜欢唱歌。
Not both his parents are engineers.他的父母不都是工程师。
若全部否定分别为none, neither, no one 等。例如:
Neither of the two brothers is a policeman. 他们兄弟俩都不是警察。
None of them like the film. 他们都不喜欢这部电影。
connect to和connect with的区别7.The problem with electrical signals is that they get weaker and weaker as they travel along metal wires.
1)这是一个复合句。主语是The problem with electrical signals 后跟一个表语从句that they metal wires, 其中又包括一个表示时间的状语从句"as they trael along metal wires."
2)get weaker and weaker, get是连系动词,作"变得"解,后跟"weaker and weaker"作表语。这种"比较级+ and +比较级"结构表示"越来越......"的意思。
如:As spring comes, it gets warmer and warmer.
As he talked on, he got more and more excited.
3)as 作连词,表示时间,引导状语从句,作"当......时候"解,有"随着......"的意思。强调主句的动作随着从句的动作同时进行。例如:
As time went on, Einstein's theory proved correct.
As days passed, he became more and more impatient.
8.They need to be strengthened every 3-4 km. Need当实义动词时,意思是"必要"、"需要"、"必须"有以下几种表达方式。
(1) need + n / pron
  I need you ( your help ).
(2) need to do
  We need to work hard.
(3)need + doing (形式表主动,意表被动=need to be done)
  My bike needs repairing.= My bike needs to be repaired.
  You needn't get up so early.
  Need we finish the work before supper?
9.There are some of the ways in which they can be used.
  ways(方式,方法),后需跟in which 或that 引导的定语从句,大多时候that可省略。例如:
  I don't like the way that he speaks.
  The way you treat your mother is wrong.
  the way of doing sth / the way to do  做某事的方法,in this / that way 以这样/那样的方法,by way of 通过。
10.It also shows that the caller's telephone number in order that you recognize who it is.
  in order that  以便,为了。引导目的状语从句,可与so that互换。但若放在主句前,常用in order that.例如:
  You should take a note of it in order that (so that ) it will not be forgotten.
