Unit 16 习语总结
Unit 16 习语
1. in one’s opinion 以某人看来
2. a waste of 浪费
3. have no wheels and no engine = have no wheel or engine
4. make much/a/any noise 吵闹
5. make use of = make best of = take advantage of 利用
6. conduct /do/ make/ carry out/ try an experiment 作实验
7. fly high in the rainy sky
8. get /become charged 充电 charge into 冲进
charge for sth 要价 be charged with 被指控
in charge of 负责 in the charge of 由…负责
connect to和connect with的区别9. a (great / good/ large) number of 大量(修饰可数名词)
a great deal of 大量(修饰不可数名词)
10. Your advice proved (to be) useful. 你的建议证明很有用。
11. A paper kite tears easily. 纸风筝很容易撕烂。
tear down 推倒 tear…into pieces 把…撕成碎片
in tears 含着泪
12. tie / fasten /fix…to 把…绑/固定在…上
13. protect…from… 保护…免受…的伤害
14. conduct electricity 导电 conduct a concert 指挥音乐会
conduct sb around / to (a place) 引导…参观/去(某个地方)
15. pick out 挑出来
16. have a sense of (humour/direction…) 有(幽默/方向…)感
17. end in a tie 打成平局
18. test on 在…身上作试验
19. There is no doubt that…
I don’t doubt that…..
I doubt whether/if/when/what……
20. have no right to do sth 没有权力做某事
20. go against 与…相违背
1. be of great + 抽象名词 = be very + 形容词
2. connect…with… 把…和…相连
3. 虚拟语气:
(与现在/将来相反)If+ 过去时,主句(would do)
(与过去相反)If+过去完成时, 主句(would have done)
4. keep sb from doing sth =stop / prevent sb (from) doing sth
5. the Theory of Relativity 相对论
6. take on the American nationality 加入美国国籍
7. take a doctor’s degree 获得博士学位
8. leave…for… 离开…前往…
9. live a simple life 过简朴的生活
10. take/have/show an/no interest in 对…有/没兴趣
