必修第一册Welcome Unit 一阅读词汇检测
1 exchange student 交换生
2 attend a lecture 听讲座
3 give/deliver a lecture 作讲座
4 register for English class 登记选修英语课
5 female workers 女工
6 nation 国家
7 nationality 国籍
8 design a car 设计汽车
9 by design 安排好的,故意的
10 on campus在校园里
11 formal--informal正式的--非正式的
12 be anxious to do 急切地想要做某事
13 be annoyed about为...而烦恼
14be frightened of doing害怕做某事
15 a frightening thought 可怕的念头
16 outgoing喜欢设计的,外向的
17 leave an impression 留下印象
18 What if the train is late? 火车要是晚点怎么办?
19 concentrate on集中...于某事... 20 carry out an experiment做实验
22 an awkward question一个难以回答的问题
23 explore--exploration探索,探究(n.&v.)
24 be confident about sth.对...很确信,很有把握
25 build up one’s confidence建立自信
26 look forward to your early reply 期待你尽快回复
27 take notes 记笔记
28 organize a meeting组织会议
29 set up an international organization成立国际组织
30 achieve/reach one’s goal实现目标
31 learning strategy学习策略
32 partner配偶;合伙人;伙伴;搭档
33 improve改善;提高
34 be curious about 对...很好奇
35 out of curiosity 出于好奇
36 for company作伴;陪伴
37 personality个性;性格
38 revise --revision复习,温习(n.&v.)
register for1.It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money in exchange ________ favors to them.
2.According to the law, all foreigners have to register _________ the local police within two weeks of arrival.
3.David Beck-ham's _________ (nation) is British.
4.My __________(impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.
5.The little girl walked ____________(confident) onto the stage, ready for her first speech.
6.One study in America found that students’grades __________(improve) a little after the school introduced uniforms.
7.People have always been curious __________ how living things on the Earth exactly began.
8.Filled with _________(curious), the artist packed his bags and left.
KEY:    1. for    2. with    3. nationality    4. impression    5. confidently    6. improved 7. about
8. curiosity
1.我是一名来自英国的交换生。I’m an exchange student from the UK.
2.她为睡眠质量不高而烦恼。She was annoyed about the quality of her sleep.
3.我害怕深更半夜独自走回家。I’m frightened of walking home alone at midnight.
The teachers were deeply impressed with your performance in the exam.
I gained so much confidence that I went back to school as a new person.
6.我盼望着下周去参观美术馆。I’m looking forward to visiting the art gallery.
To succeed in life, one first needs to set a goal and then gradually make it more practical.
8.几乎没有风,只要篝火的火焰与我们作伴。There was almost no wind--only the flames of our fire for company.
