高一英语试题                  2024年1月
第一部分 听力(满分30分)
1.Why didn't the woman call the man?
A.She forgot to bring her phone.
B.There was no phone signal.
C.Her phone was dropped in the lake.
2.Where are the speakers?
A.In America.              B.In England.              C.In Canada.
3.When does the man usually get up?
A.At 6:              B. At 7:              C. At 8:
4.How does the man feel?
A.Regretful.                B. Grateful.                  C. Happy.
5.How did the woman reach her destination?
A.By car.                  B.By subway.                  C. By bus.
6. When can the storeroom be used?
A.Today.              B. Tomorrow.          C. Next Thursday.
7. What problem do the speakers have?
A. The office is full of boxes.
B. The work plan was changed.
C.Some supplies have not arrived.
8. What time did the man get up?
A. At 1:00 in the afternoon.
B. At 8:00 in the morning.
C. At 3:00 in the morning.
9.What did the woman do last night?
A.She stayed at home.
B. She took care of her cat.
C.She went to a party.
10.What will the man order?
A.Chicken.                      B.A salad.          C. Coffee
11.Why is the man calling the woman?
A.To postpone a meeting.
B.To ask for a favor.
C.To cancel a reservation.
12.Where is the man now?
A.On his way to Head Office.
B.At a meeting.
C.At the office.
13. Who is busy preparing for a conference?
A.Tracy.                      B.Steve.                C. Janet.
14. What is the relationship between the speakers?
A.Parent and child.
B.Coach and athlete.
C.Teacher and student.
15.What does the man want the woman to do?
A.Make him a cake.
B.Lend him her classroom.
C.Come to a party.
16.When will the party take place?
A. At lunchtime.              B. In the morning.            C. In the evening.
17. How many students will be at the party?
A. 5.                    B. 6.                          C. 8.
18.What is the speaker mainly talking about?
A. How her high school education was like.
B. How to join the National Cat Club.
C.How she came to love cats.
19.What happened first after the speaker found an injured cat?
A.She helped it get better.
B.It had kittens.
C.It killed a bird.
20.What will the speaker probably talk about next?
A.Cats.                      B. Birds.                  C. School.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Good Part-Time Jobs for Teens
Consider what your goals are. Do you want to gain experience for or try out a future career path, do something you enjoy, or simply make money for future college expenses?
You also should consider your specific state's labor laws. This will help you determine age limits as well as the number of hours you can expect to work per week.
It's also important to consider the requirements or experience needed for the position as w
ell as the location and schedule. Aside from typical part-time jobs like working as a barista(咖啡馆服务员),delivering pizzas, serving in a restaurant, or working for a fast-food chain, here are some other part-time job ideas for teens: Babysitter, Catering staff, Grocery store stocker or cashier, Receptionist or customer service representative, etc.
Pros and Cons of Part-Time Jobs for Teens
When determining whether or not a part-time job is right for you,it can help to weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision. You also should consider your personality as well as your existing time commitments.
Learn to manage money
Have less time for studying
Gain experience
View workplace negatively
Have less time for risk-taking
Interfere with activities
connect to和connect with的区别Build life skills
Might create stress
Acquire work skills
May lead to drug abuse(滥用)
Signs a Teen Is Ready for a Job
Aside from having the time and the drive to find part-time employment, there are some additional characteristics that may indicatethat you are ready for a job as a teenager:
*Good time management skills;
* Strong communication skills;
* Sense of commitment and good follow through;
