Whenever I had nothing to do, a familiar depression would climb on my back. I’d been this way for months. So I went to my friend for __1__ who lived on the top of a steep hill.
My friend wasnt in. The fog was rolling in. So I was __2__ outside her house waiting. Suddenly I saw a __3__ dashing out of the house next door. Holding up his __4__ hand, the man approached me, __5__.Help! Finger. Cut. I dialed 911 immediately. While waiting for the __6__ I noticed he hadnt taken his cut finger and asked,“Where is it” Frozen for a while, he said with __7__,“Maybe upstairs. Hurrying into the house I began to __8__ the finger. In the kitchen a table saw lay on the floor. I lifted up each foot and looked underneath to ensure I wouldnt __9__on it. Having searched carefully, I __10__it lying beside the table s
aw. I grabbed a paper towel, placed it __11__ the finger and picked it up cautiously. After getting outside, I __12__ the man Hang tight! The ambulance is on its way.
__13__ the ambulance arrived. I handed the finger to the nurse and they __14__ away. Suddenly I felt __15__ helping someone in need, even if pushing three buttons on a __16__ was all I did. I would __17__ doing it.
Then one day after the finger __18__ I realized I had completely forgotten to be __19__ as Id been busy playing the role of local hero. I wished I could see him again to __20__ him, because when he lost his finger, he saved my life.
1A.information          Bconvenience
Cstrength      Dhelp
2A.found      Bstuck
Cstruck      Dhurt
3A.figure      Bnurse
Cwoman      Dfriend
4A.trembling      Blost
Cclever      Dbleeding
5A.whispering      Bcheering
Ccrying      Dsaying
6A.taxi      Bambulance
Cvehicle      Dcar
7A.patience      Binterest
Cuncertainty      Dguilt
8A.discover      Bexamine
Cobserve      Dlocate
9A.step       Bleave 
Cfall       Dhit
10A.recognized      Bspotted
Caccepted      Drealized
11A.under      Bover 
Cin       Dagainst
12Aforted      Btreated
Cassisted      Dprotected
13A.Eventually      BConsequently
CInitially      DTemporarily
14A.wandered      Bwalked
Cdrove      Ddragged
15A.angry      Bstrange
Cgood      Dupset
16A.door      Bphone
Cwatch      Dtelevision
17A.keep on      Bdepend on
Cset about      Dgive up
18A.event      Beffect
Coperation      Dincident
19A.excited      Bconfused
Cdepressed      Dshocked
20A.help      Bcongratulate
Cgreet      Dthank
Chinese high­speed railways are a very 21.____________(comfort) way to travel. They are clean, quiet and efficient. China has led other developing countries and even some developed ones in this field since the first high­speed train 22.____________(come) into use in 2008.
The stations are 23.____________(main) built outside the town center, but local transport has been lengthened 24.____________(connect) the high­speed network. The facilities on the train are new and the staff are well­trained. Even the second­class 25.____________(ch
air) provide plenty of space. The passages are so wide 26.____________ you can move without disturbing anyone. You can use your mobile phone, access 27.____________ Internet or work on your laptop. There is also a restaurant car, though the kinds of food 28.____________(be) limited. The toilets are large, clean and user­friendly too. The train almost doesnt rock. Even when the train brakes, you can hardly feel it shake.
Whats more, with a faster check­in, the high­speed trains are also 29.____________(little) affected by weather than planes. Seldom are 30.____________ delayed or cancelled for weather condition. Therefore, they have become the first choice for many passengers.
【解题导语】 本文主要讲述了作者在心情沮丧、情绪低落时到朋友那里去寻求帮助时发生的一次意外事件使他认识到:帮助他人能够改变自己的心情使自己更加积极地面对人生。
1D 解析:根据上文中的“Whenever I had nothing to do, a familiar depression would climb on my back. Id been this way for months.”可知,作者心情抑郁已有数月,所以去朋友家寻求帮助。help意为帮助,符合语境。
2B 解析:根据上文中的“My friend wasn’t in.”可知,作者的朋友不在家,再根据第一段中的who lived on the top of a steep hill可知,这里是指作者被困在屋外等候朋友。stick意为困住,符合语境。
3A 解析:由上文语境可知,因为雾很大,所以作者看不清楚对方是谁,应该只是看到一个人影。figure意为人物,符合语境。
4D 解析:根据下文中的“Help! Finger. Cut.”可知,那个人的手指断了,所以手指在流血。bleeding意为流血的,符合语境。
5C 解析:根据语境可知,这个人手指断了,很着急,所以应该是哭喊着向作者求助。cry意为喊叫,符合语境。
6B 解析:根据上文中的“I dialed 911 immediately.”和下文中的“The ambulance is on its way.”可知,此时作者和伤者是在等待救护车。ambulance意为救护车,符合语境。
7C 解析:根据下文中的“Maybe upstairs.”可知,那位受伤的人并不确定自己的断指在哪儿。uncertainty意为迟疑;无把握,符合语境。
8D 解析:根据语境可知,伤者没有把断指带出来,所以作者询问断指大概在哪里之后,匆忙跑到房子里去寻。locate意为……的准确位置,符合语境。
