1. ask sb. for help 请求某人的帮助 be patient 耐心点儿
2. improve one’ s speaking skills 提髙某人说的能力
3. spoken English=oral English英语口语
4. make word cards 制作单词卡片
5. listen to tapes 听磁带
6. the secret to language learning 语言学习的诀窍
7. be afraid to do sth.不敢做某事
8. fall in love with 爱上
9. body language 肢体语言connect的名词和形容词
10. take notes 记笔记
11. make mistakes in grammar 犯语法错误
12. learning habits 学习习惯
13. have sth. in common 有...共同点
14. pay attention to 注意
15. connect…with…把....与....联系起来
16. write down key words 摘抄重点词
17. in class 在课堂上 after class 课后
18. be interested in… 对.......感兴趣
19. do sth. on one’s own 独立做某事
20. worry about 为...而担忧
21. depend on=rely on 依赖;取决于
1. What about doing sth ?
例:What about listening to tapes?
2. by的用法
a. 介词 prep. (指交通等)乘;
例:The man came by bus. 那人是坐公共汽车来的。
They went to Shanghai by plane. 他们坐飞机去上海。
b. 表示做某事的方式、方法 结构:by+V-ing
How do you study for a test?
I study by making word cards.
3. 现在完成时态结构:have done, 表示
例:Have you ever studied with a group?
4. It’s +adj+ (for sb) to do sth
It’s too hard (for me) to understand spoken English.
5. The more you read, the faster you’ ll be.
6. find it + adj + to do sth
例:I find it easy to learn English.
7. It’s a piece of cake. 小菜一碟/太容易了!
考点1.a lot 与a lot of 的区别
1).a lot 许多,非常,很多。副词,可修饰动词,adj/adv的比较级。
I have learnt _____ that way.
A.a lot of B.lots of C.a lot D.lot
2).a lot of /lots of +复数名词/不可数名词。
考点2.voice / sound / noise 的区别
1).voice 指说话的声音或嗓音
2).sound 含义最广泛,泛指自然界中各种声音。
3).noise 指噪音、杂音、喧闹声。
She said “goodbye”to us in a sweet ___.
Light traves faster than _______.
Don’t make any _____.your father is sleeping.
考点3.make sure 的用法
make sure+that+从句 确保、确信、确定。
Ann is so careful that she always goes over her exercises to ______ there are no mistakes.
A.look for B.make sure C.take care of
D.catch up with
考点4.unless 的用法
Unless 如果不、除非 = if…not… .unless引导主从句,遵循“主将从现”的原则。
Nothing can stop the sandstorm_____ more and more trees are planted .
A.if B.unless C.when D.if not
考点5.loud/ aloud /loudly 的区别
1).aloud:副词 “出声地、高声地”无比较等级,指发出的声音能被听见。read /think aloud
a).作形容词 “高声的、响亮的”
b).作副词 = loudly 大声地、响亮地
常与speak ,talk ,laugh ,shout 等词连用。
考点6.used to 的用法
1).used to do sth 过去经常干某事,但现在不干了.
She doesn’t live there any more.
She_____ _____live there.
a).否定句:didn’t use to do sth / usedn’t to do sth
Did …use to do sth ?
回答:Yes, …did /No,…didn’t .
Used …to do sth ?
回答:Yes,…used to /No,…usedn’t to .
c).反意疑问句: did(didn’t)/ used(usedn’t) +sb ?
2).be /get used to sth /doing sth .习惯于干某事。
He used to ______(get) up late ,but now he is used to ______(get) up early .
3).be used to do sth = be used for doing sth 被用来干某事。
考点7.with +名词+ 形容词 表伴随。
The boy slept . The window was open =
The boy slept _____ the window ______.
考点8.allow 的用法
1).allow doing sth
2).allow sb to do sth = let sb do sth
3).be allowed to do sth .
1).get/have sth done 请别人干某事= ask sb to do sth
2).get sb to do sth = have sb do sth = make sb do sth 让某人去干某事。
I got someone to repair my bike .=
I _____ my bike _______.
考点10.sometime/sometimes/some time/ some times 的区别
1).sometime 表示在过去或将来的某个不确定的时间。“某个时候”
2).sometimes 表示“有时”= at times 疑问词用how often
3).some time 表示“一段时间”疑问词用how long
4).some times 表示“几次、几倍” 疑问词用how many times
I hope I will fly to the moon ______in the future .
I usually walk to school ,but _____go to school by bike .
I took me ______ to finish my work yesterday.
I have been to Wuhan ________.
考点11.so +… sb 与so +sb +…的区别
1).so … sb :某人也怎么样。
2).so sb … :的确如此,是真的。表示确认。
判断依据:前后两主语一致时,主语放中间(so +sb +…).前后两主语不一致时,主语放后面(so+…+sb).
Lucy has been to Japan ,me too .=
____ ____ Lucy ____ ____ I have been to Japan.=
____ Lucy _____ I _____ been to Japan .=
Lucy has been to Japan , _____ ____ I.
注:若前面的句子是否定的,则用neither /nor +…+sb .
If you don’t go there , _______.
A.so do I B.so will ither will I
D.neither do I
考点12.success 的用法
1).词性:名词 success → 形容词 successful → 副词 successfully
2).动词:succeed (in ) doing sth .
考点13.cost /pay / spend /take 的区别
1).cost 指花费(金钱)、价值(多少钱)。主语一般是物。句型:sth + cost + sb + 钱
2).pay 指花费(金钱)。主语一般是人。句型: sb +pay +钱+for +sth .
3).spend 指花费(时间或钱),主语是人。句型:sb +spend +时间/钱+on sth
Sb +spend +时间/钱 +(in)doing sth
4).take 指花费(时间),主语一般是事情,常用it 作形式主语。句型:It +takes +sb +时间+ to do sth .
