Introducing CPD
In terms of best practice  all profe Continuous Professional Develo
CPD is facilitated by Professiona workers the following PB’s are re
(1) The Council for Counsellors (2) The Natural Healers Associa
The  purpose of CPD is to train of knowledge, skills and ethical a practice, enhancing and promoti
The system of CPD
All Counsellors/natural health ca accredited continuing education
Supportive or Institutional level
Counsellor or Professional level
Specialist Counsellor or Trainer
Example : One point is equal to seminar can provide 5 CPD poin
Practical arrangement
Only CPD programmes offered b completion it is the responsibility certificate to the CCSA/NHA so complete or submit the required membership until compliance is
P .O. Box / Posbus 14189
Sinoville 0129
professionals and/or multi-professionals are requ evelopment (CPD ) on a yearly basis. ssional Bodies (PB ), in the case of counsellors/na re respectively responsible: llors in SA (CCSA ) and/or  sociation (NHA ).  rain Counsellors to maintain and acquire new and hical attitudes that will be of measurable benefit in omoting professional integrity.  lth care practitioners are required to complete a s ation activities each year as follows:  evel    - 10 CPD points with minimum of 1 Eth level  - 15 CPD points with minimum of 2 Eth ainer level  - 20 CPD points with minimum of 3 Eth al to 1 notional hour of study/training. This means D points for which a CPD certificate will d by or approved by the CCSA will be accepted sibility of the member to e-mail or send a copy of t A so that it can be registered against your name. F uired CPD points per annum may lead to suspens ce is met.  H AFRICA
e required to complete rs/natural health care w and updated levels efit in professional e a series o
f Ethics included. Ethics included. Ethics included. means that a 5 hour sued.
epted. Upon of the CPD ame. Failing to spension of
The association believes that Counsellors will commit themselves to meeting the requirement for continuing education in the belief that both they and their clients will reap the benefits of ongoing learning, continuous personal and professional development. The proposals for CPD are consistent with the philosophy of lifelong learning and build on adult education principles. It is currently implemented by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) as per registration of PB’s.
CPD programme for 2014
We are very excited to announce that from this year our CPD programme is implemented and managed by CROWA, a SETA accredited provider with HWSETA accredited assessors and moderators.
The following options are available to obtain the required minimum CPD point for 2014: Option 1: Residential CPD sessions
Synergetica Campus (close to Cullinan just outside Pretoria in Gauteng)
These sessions will be held at our Synergetica campus where the offices of the CCSA and NHA are also situated. Counsellors can attend their CPD point sessions at this venue on scheduled dates (see timetable below). These sessions will include the presentation, PowerPoint’s (where applicable), study material, certification as well as light
refreshments/lunch. Prescribed assignments will be covered during these sessions. Bookings, at least ONE week in advance is essential.
Outside Gauteng (other provinces)
Residential sessions outside Gauteng are available on special request. However, it will incur additional costs (of R150/person/CPD topic) to absorb travel and accommodation expenses for CPD presenter(s). The minimum attendance requirement is then at least 30 candidates to attend any single session outside Gauteng.
Note: All residential CPD sessions are FIVE (5) hours each. An example of a generic programme is as follows:
08h30-09h00: Registration
09h00-13h00: CPD Presentation (More time than 3 hours is allocated to allow for interaction, questions and a tea break)
13h00-14h00: Lunch and networking
14h00-14h45: Final questions, CPD session feedback and assessment
14h45-15h00: Certification and Closing
Option 2: CDP per Correspondence
To accommodate counsellors and make CPD’s cost and time effective to all, those who cannot attend sessions can apply for the CPD correspondence option. Hence material will be forwarded to them on the same date when the specific CPD sessions (during the first cycle/semester) commence for those CPD points they are requesting to register for. However to earn their CPD points counsellor
s will have to complete assignments based on the CPD topic and must obtain a mark of 65% before CPD points will be allocated for the specific topic.
A combination of residential and/or correspondence are allowed, as long as the
minimum requirements for CPD (as mentioned above) are met.
The closing date for ALL CPD assignments to be completed and handed in is
30 November 2014.
The final issuing date for all CPD certificates (issued by the CCSA) successfully completed via correspondence will be 15 January 2015.
Certificates will be sent via post and recorded against your profile.
Topics for 2014
We offer a series of 5 CPD topics spread over two cycles/semesters per year. It will be repeated duri
ng the second semester (only for residential sessions) of this year to allow everyone a fair chance to obtain the minimum requirement of CPD’s as per requirements. However, we urge candidates to register for the correspondence option during the first cycle to allow for assessment/marking of assignments and the timeously issuing for CDP Certificates before the 2014 CPD cycle lapse. The following dates will apply for CPD registrations and assignments during the first cycle:
(1) Closing date for assignments: 30 June 2014 (ONLY for first cycle).
(2) Issuing date for CDP certificates: 15 October 2014 (ONLY for first cycle).
The TWO cycles for 2014 are:
(1) Cycle ONE: 11 February – 03 June 2014.
(2) Cycle TWO: 31 July – 04 November 2014.
register forSpecific dates per cycle (please note this in your diary):
Cycle/semester 1:
CPD 1:  Tues, 11 February
CPD 2:  Tues, 04 March
CPD 3:  Thurs, 10 April
CPD 4:  Tues, 06 May
CPD 5:  Tues, 03 June
Cut-off date for assignments: 30 June 2014 (ONLY for first cycle).
Cycle/Semester 2:
CPD 6:  Thurs, 31 Jul
CPD 7:  Tues, 12 Aug
CPD 8:  Tues, 02 Sept
CPD 9:  Thurs, 02 Oct
CPD 10:  Tues, 04 Nov
Cut-off date for ALL assignments: 30 November 2014.
The following topics will be covered during 2014.
Topic 1: My counselling practice: Accountability & Ethics
Specific outcomes:
Personal & Professional Issues faced by counsellors
Become a multi-cultural skilled counsellor
Staying alive as a person and as a multi-professional – preventing burnout
Practice Admin – Standardized forms
(3 CPD point which includes ONE ethical CPD point)
Topic 2: Sexuality: Sexual Wholeness VS Brokenness
Specific outcomes:
Understanding sexuality education in a multi-cultural South Africa
Sexuality in relationships and the marriage
Porn Addiction & cybersex and the influence of it on relationships
The impact of the Sexual Offences Act (SOA) on my counselling practice
(3 CPD points which includes ONE ethical CPD point)
Topic 3: Counselling tools:NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming
(Level  One)
Specific outcomes:
Cultivate more useful inner beliefs
Reprogram your neurological system
Read people with reference to body language
Communicate more effectively
(3 CPD points only)
Topic 4: Victim Empowerment
Specific outcomes:
Different types of victims
Victim Empowerment & Support to support to the significant other (family members): o Domestic violence
o Sexual abuse & rape
o Coping with substance (drug) abuse
The Victims Charter of South Africa
(3 CPD points which includes ONE ethical CPD point)
Topic 5: Body Therapy
Specific outcomes:
Supplementation & Herbal support
Trigger points to release fear/phobias
(3 CPD points ONLY)
Accreditation of other CPD Training
As indicated above, only CPD programmes that are offered or approved by the CCSA will be accepted.
However, the CCSA will consider the accreditation of CPD points to be allocated if such CDP points have been pre-approved by other statutory bodies such as
(1) SACSSP (South African Council for Social Sciences Practitioners); or
(2) HPCSA (Health Professionals Council for South Africa).
Should a counsellor attend such sessions, they can forward the certificates for consideration and acc
reditation purposes. An administration fee of R45 will be levied per CPD certificate completed elsewhere.
Should you wish to opt for accreditation of CPD points send us an e-mail and request the necessary documentation in this regard.
The closing date for applications for the accreditation of SACSSP/HPCS CDP points is 31 October 2014.
Remember to please make a note in your diary of the following dates:
These dates are also the dates when those who choose the correspondence option will receive their CPD material per post to complete assignments. It is therefore recommended that you pay for those CPD sessions at least two weeks in advance in order to receive your material immediately after the date of the CDP topic.
(Semester/Cycle 1) 2014 DATE OF PRESENTATION  (Semester/Cycle 2) 2014
“My Practice” 11 February 31 July
Sexual wholeness 04 March  12 August
NLP level 1 10 April 02 September
Victim Empowerment  06 May 02 October
Body Therapy  03 June 04 November
To book for your CPD contact us at:
E-mail: *******************
Office Number: 082  907  4327 (Unfortunately No SMS facility)
Fax Number: 086  632  5232
A registration form and invoice will then be e-mailed or faxed to you.  The costs for 2014 are as follows:
1 Cycle
(Venue &
Outside Gauteng
(T & C apply)
(Min 30
“My Practice” 11
Febr 31
R350 R500 R350
Sexual wholeness 04
R350 R500 R350
NLP level 1 10
April 02
R350 R500 R350
Victim Empowerment  06
R350 R500 R350
Body Therapy  03
June 04
R350 R500 R350
All our fees exclude any travel and accommodation.
All fees are per person per session and/or correspondence assignment.
All fees include certification and assessments where applicable.
