基数词是表示具体数目的词,如one、two、three和fifteen。其中,1到12需要逐个记忆,13到19的基数词是个位数词加上-teen,20到90的基数词是在词尾加上-ty。21到99的非整十基数词需要在整十基数词和个位基数词之间添加连字符“-”。101到XXX的表达方式是“基数词+hundred+and+几十几”,如one XXX和nine XXX。
序数词是表示先后顺序的词,如the first、the second、the third和the XXX。它们可以作为名词或形容词使用。
To use numbers above 1000.we need to add a comma or a space every three digits from the right。The first comma/XXX "thousand"。the second represents "n"。and the third represents "XXX".
For example。2,002 is read as "two thousand and two"。421,813 is read as "four XXX"。and 52,401,564,789 is read as "o n four hundred and one n five hundred and sixty-four XXX XXX-nine".
Cardinal numbers can n as both nouns and adjectives in a sentence。serving as subjects。objects。predicates。attributive adjectives。and appositives.
For instance。"XXX" and "Three will be enough for us" use cardinal numbers as subjects and "When you are angry。count ten before you speak" and "I saw two of these programs" use them as objects。"I am sixty" and "The n of China is over 1.3 n" use cardinal numbers as predicates while "There are about one hundred teachers in our school" and "There are twenty-six girl students in our class" use them as XXX。"They four went out for a ic last Sunday" XXX.
这些数词在表示确切数目时,前面有具体数字时不加-s,也不和of连用,例如:three hundred、five XXX、two n。
当表示一个不确定的数目时,前面没有具体数字,要加-s,并与of连用,例如:hundreds of。XXX of。ns of。ns of。
基数词表示顺序、编号时,由“单数名词+基数词”构成,此时名词和基数词的第一字母通常大写。例如:I am in Class One。Grade Nine。He lives in Room 302.You can take the No.3 bus。或者 You can take Bus No.3.
例如:I need five more people to do the work。= I need another five people to do the work。I want to read another two books。= I want to read two more books.
例如:In the 1930s、In the 1970s/1970's。
Other Usages:
One and a half hours" can also be expressed as "one hour and a half".
Every ten days" can mean either every 10 days or every 9 days。XXX.
Ordinal numbers indicate the order or n of something。such as first。second。third。etc.
The first three ordinal numbers are "first"。"second"。and "third".
From four to XXX。ordinal numbers are formed by adding "-th" to the corresponding cardinal numbers (e.g。fourth。fifth。sixth。etc.).
connect的名词和形容词For multiples of ten。the cardinal number is changed to end in "-ty" and the suffix "-th" is added (e.g。twentieth。thirtieth。XXX。etc.).
