新版 新目标英语九年级上学期期中知识点梳理
Unit 1
1 by doing sth. 
2 finish doing (enjoy, practice, give up , mind , look forward to , pay attention to, look up to ......)
3 It’s +adj.+for sb. +to do sth.
4 find it +adj. + to do sth.
5 be patient with
6 the way to ... , the key to .... , the answer to ...., the
7 an English movie called Toy Story
8 other, the other, another, others, the others
9 help sb to do /with sb. ; with sb’s help, with the help of sb
10 not 与both, always, all, everyone,everything连用
11 宾语从句变简单句
12 get sth done 
13 if unless 从句  两个if 在一起时;两个when 或 when 与 as soon as 在一个句中时
14 remember forget stop continue +doing/to do
15 instead , instead of
16 depend on , be born with , look up , connect ...
Unit 2
1  What ....! ! 感叹句
2 wish, hope
3 What do you think of ...? How do you like ...?
4 make sb do sth , be made to do; make sb/sth +adj.\
5 宾语从句三要素
6 in two weeks, be similar to ,  wonder-want to know,
whoever-no matter who, refuse to do , put on , care about,
used to do, remind sb of ... , be crowded with, sound--sound like,
true, truely, truth; admire sb for ...,       
Unit 3
until .... , ... Until;  let/make sb do sth ; ; buy, sell;  across, through, over, past; suggest that,suggest doing; on one’s way to, in the way, by the way, lose one’s way; staff; start/begin ;
2 比较级前的修饰词:a little, a bit, even, much, still
3 否定前缀; dislike, disagree; inexpensive, impossible, impolite; unable, unlike, uncrowded, unhappy, unhealthy
connect的名词和形容词4 safe-safety, dangerous-danger
5 include, including
on sth/doing sth. , take, cost, pay
7 lead to 
Unit 4
1 used to do
2 反意疑问句;否定词:hardly, never, little, few, none, nobody, nothing
3 be like, look like
4 形容词变名词 silent- silence, confident-confidence;
                different-difference; important-importance; patient-patience
动词变形容词: helpful, thankful, useful, wonderful, forgetful, successful, careful
5 enough
; enough to do,
7 It’s been +一段时间+ since 从句;It is + 一段时间+ since 从句
8 see watch hear notice sb do/doing
  Be seen /wached/heard/noticed to do
9 too much, much too
10 a number of , the number of
11 take up, deal with, dare to do , be proud of -take pride in , in person, even though,
1 被动语态 : be made of ,be made from, be made in
2 be famous for, be known for
3 as far as I know
4 seem It ; sb seems to be/do; sb seems adj.\
5 find it +adj.+; find it +adj.+ to do sth, find sth/sb adj.  ; find sb doing sth
6 most of .... 作主语是,谓语动词的形式
7 avoid doing
8 allow sb to do sth,  be allowed to do sth.
9 kind of , a kind of 
10 be covered with, cover with
11 light (lit, lit )
12 be around for +一段时间
13 be used for, be used to do , be used as, be used by
Unit 6
1 so , such
2 by accident, by mistake, by chance
3 It is said that ...., It is (从句中的时态)
4 a man called/named ...., a
5 some time, sometime, sometimes, some times
6  one of +the 最高级+ 名词复数
7  hundred, thousand, million
8  less than, more than
9  happen, take place
10 with  without
11 at a low/high price
12 all of a sudden, suddenly
13 stop ...from doing
14 dream of /about doing
15 encourage sb to do sth
16 divide into
Unit 7
1 否定转移
2 wear, put on , dress, in
3 get sth done
4 regret doing sth
5 agree with sb, agree on sth. , agree to do sth
6 keep away from
7 have a chance to do sth
8 manage to do sth
9 be strict with
10 get in the way of
11 achieve, come true
12 have no choice but to do sth
