一、基础知识(15 分)
九年    班    姓名   

1.Mike is a new student in our class and I'mthe first    friends with him.
A.make    B.to make    C.making    D. made
2.Now we can sleep longer on weekdays. Ialwaysfall    at 9:00pm.
A.awake    B.asleep    C.sleep    D. sleepy
3.Jim is a book lover. He spends lots of moneyonbooks    he is notrich.
A.eventhough    B.so that    C.because    D.if
4.We have been inspired byaspeech    was given by Ivy! Now we are full of hope and passion. A.who    B.where        C.it    D. which
5.There    a wonderful movie next Sunday evening. Why not watchit?
Sounds great!
A.willbe    B.will have    C.has    D. is going to have
6.Please value the time with your family! You should spend as much time asyoucan    with them. A.stay    B.to stay    C. stayed    D. staying
7.We’ve decided that we will gosomewhereinteresting    the holiday begins.
A.assoonas    B.so    C.sothat    D. as far as
8.I will meet Jane at thestation.Please    what time she willarrive.
A.count    B.choose    C.check    D . catch
9.Which sentence has a differentmeaning?
A.The Nile is the longest river in theworld.
B.The Nile is longer than any other river in theworld.
C.No river is as long as the Nile in theworld.
D.The Nile is one of the longest rivers in theworld.
defending10.We invited Nick to come to our party.Buthe    .
A. turneddownit    B. turneditdown    C. turneditup    D. turned upit
11.—Which of these two coats will youtake?
—I'llprobablytake    . They look nearly the same, and I just needone.
A.both    B.either    C. none    D. all
12.Thenovel    be Jack’s. He doesn’t like novels at all. Science is his cup oftea.
A.mustn't    B.may not    C.can't    D. needn't
13.— Mom, doyou know    ?
— Maybe next month. He is busy designing the new bridge.
A. when dad willcomeback    B. when did dad comeback
C. when dadcame back    D. when will dad comeback
14.—Have youseenMary    ?
—Yes, I met her in the bookstore the day before yesterday.
A.lately            B.gradually    Cpletely    D. quickly 15.Hi,        .
Yes. It has been quite a while.
A. Howareyou?    B. How doyoudo?    C. Long timenosee.    D. Nice to meetyou.
