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第一部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
Enjoy a Museum Visit with Your Class
Available Programs:
Art Tells a Story: By looking at the subject matter and by drawing from personal experiences , students can find the story in some works of art。 ( A]l grades)
Learning to Look: An interactive tour that explores a variety of art using stortelling, movements, music, games, and other techniques belps introduce children to a museum。 ( Preschool ~ Grade 3)
Native American Collection: This program explores relationships that exist between art, culture , the geographic location and natural resources。 Students will see a bowl made by Maria Martinez, a Towa storyteller, a Northwest coast mask, and Inuit clothing. ( For Grades 2~5)
The Language of Art: Classes are welcomed into the museum to take part in an interactive tour of American Art。 It gives participants a new set of vocabulary while helping them feel comfortable。
Art-on—the—Move: Teachers may borrow suitcases flld with art objects。 Free organizations with Education Membership。
Planning Your Visit:
Booking: Booking is necessary for all tours and programs。 Please book at least a week in advance. Teachers are encouraged to organize self—guided visits for their classes during public hours.
Tour Hours: Tours can be organized between 9: 30 a. m. and 5: 00 p. m。 on weekdays。
Program Fees: Tours are free for those with Education Membership。 There is a charge. of $6 per 。defending student of non-member organizations. Tour with art activities cost $ 12 per student ( non- members) or $ 10 per student ( members).
Protector: We require one adult protector for every 10 children. Chaperones help to you're your museum visit a success。 A chaperone must pay $5 admission.
Lunch: We regret that no lunch facilities are available at the museum.
Museum Rules: Don’t touch works of art. Don’t take photographs。
Ask questions: Look, and then L00K again!
1. If teachers want their students to learn about what a museum is, they will choose
A。 Art Tells a Story
B. Learning to Look
C。 The Language of Art
D. Native American Collection
2。 How much should the museum charge a class of 60 students with Education Membership for a tour with art activities?
A。 $ 600.
B。 $630。
C. $720.
D。 $ 750。
3。 What do teachers need to do before leading their classes to the museum?
A. To make bookings ahead of time.
B. To try to get Education Membership。