【英文摘要】The research on widening and narrowing of word meaning has a long history. Wang Li, Fu Huaiqing, Su Xinchun and Su Baorong and other linguists have been discussed on this question. Zhang Zhiyi, Zhang Qingyun onModern Chinese Dictionary, Guo XiliangsAncient Chinesequantitative analysis the 12 type of semantic evolution, the statistical data show that the narrowing of word meaning is more common than the widening of word meaning. This is the most intuitive and rational description about the relationship of widening and narrowing of Chinese word meaning. quantitative analysis on word of representative and in-depth description and interpretation of meaning become a new research direction of the semantic evolution phenomenon.Common words are the core of word vocabulary system, scholars in our country has studied the common words since twenties and thirties in the 20th century. After New China was founded, more detailed and science studies of common words, and we made great achievements. The study of common words got more results in the nineties of 20th century.In recent years, the emerging cognitive point out cognitive psychology can explain the internal mechanism and possibility of common words meaning change. From th
e subjective view, based on the quantitative study, using the theory of cognitive linguistics, such as category theory, theory of metaphor and metonymy to re-examine the widening and narrowing of word meaning, may be able to provide a new research perspectives and methods on common words meaning study.
【关键词】常用词 词义 扩大 缩小 认知
【英文关键词】common words      words meaning      widening      narrowing      cognitive
【目录】常用词词义扩大与缩小的认知语义研究摘要4-5Abstract5前言7-11第一节 关于常用词7-8第二节 关于词义的扩大与缩小8-9第三节 关于研究方法9-11第一章 常用词词义扩大与缩小研究11-17第一节 常用词研究综述11第二节 常用词词义演变的原因11-12第三节 常用词词义演变的结果12-17 常用词词义深化12-13 常用词词义扩大13-14 常用词词义缩小14-16 常用词词义转移16 常用词的感情彩变化16-17第二章 常用词词义扩大与缩小的
定量研究17-19第一节 语料来源以及计量操作17-18第二节 数据分布统计及初步分析18-19 扩大和缩小的分布状况18 对数据的初步分析18-19第三章 常用词词义扩大与缩小的认知语义分析19-37第一节 语料的初步语义分析19-22 语义分类19-20 scholars语义编码20-22第二节 范畴理论与常用词词义扩大和缩小22-26 范畴理论简介22 个体纵向发展与范畴的语义分类22-25 整体横向扩充与原型构建范畴的过程25-26第三节 隐喻转喻认知机制与常用词词义扩大和缩小26-34 隐喻与常用词词义扩大和缩小27-28 转喻与常用词词义扩大和缩小28-33 常用词词义扩大与缩小中转喻与隐喻的区别与联系33-34第四节 待定项的认知再探讨34-37 待定项的探讨34-36 探讨的意义36-37第四章 结语37-38注释38-39参考文献39-41附录41-42致谢42-43个人简介43
