初二英语Unit 9 When was he born?
    Unit 9 When was he born?
  1. 掌握谈论一些特殊人物情况的用语、句型,when引导的特殊疑问句的一般过去时。
  2. 能够以一些名人的照片和简介为材料进行谈论,听说读写全面训练。
  3. 通过了解优秀人物的事迹,学习他们的精神,激发同学们学习积极向上,争做为社会贡献的有用人才。
本单元的语言功能是“谈论卓著超常的人”(Talk about exceptional people)。 以谈论话题people you admire 为中心,主要用以谈论在社会生活中成绩卓著超常的著名人物学习和运用被动语态,状语从句等。要求学生掌握以下目标语言:
  Who is that?  Thats She /He is a
    When was she/ he born?    She/ He was born in
    When did she /he become ?  When she/ he was years old, she /he began to learn
    How long did she/ he
  1. take part in/ join
这两个词的共同意思时“参加”, 其主要区别是:take part in 多指“参加(讨论、辩论或众性活动)”,如:
    John takes part in many school activities.
    Its very likely that the president will take part in our discussion.
  The students took an active part in the spoken English competition.
Did you take part in that conversation?
    join表示“去和别人在一起或成为某个团体的一员(参军、入党等) ”,如:
  He joined the Party in 1927.  他1927年加入中国共产党。
    You are too young to join the army.    你年龄太小,还不能参军。
    Would you like to join us?      你愿意加入到我们这个行列中来吗?
    Can I join the school football team?    我能加入到学校足球队吗?
2. tooto
    too+形容词/副词+(for sb.) to do sth.的意思是“对某人说太……而不能”,本身表示否定意义。 tooto结构还可以用  (not ) enoughto do sth sothat…”改写同义句。
    He is too young to go to school.= He isnt old enough to go to school. 
                            = He is so young that he cant go to school.
    He was too angry to say a word.    他太生气了,说不出话来。
    He got up too late to catch the early bus.  他起得太晚没能赶上早班车。
    The problem is too difficult for me to work out.  这道题太难了,我解不出来。
3. stop “停止”, 后面接动名词作宾语,表示“停止做某事”,即stop doing sth.  stop to do sth
的意思是停下来去做某事。不定式to do sth 不作stop 的宾语,而是目的状语。
    All the students stopped talking when the teacher came in. 
    He sopped to think for a while.      他停下来思考了一会儿。
    The girl stopped crying when she saw her mother.    这女孩看到妈妈时停止了哭泣。
    He stopped to smoke.        他停下来吸烟。
  4. start doing=start to do 开始做某事
    start 后面可以跟动名词做宾语,也可以跟不定式做宾语。begin 和start 同义,都有“开始”的意思。
    Mozart started writing music when he was four years old. 莫扎特四岁的时候开始写音乐。
    When did he start to learn English?      他什么时候开始写音乐的?
    动名词和动词不定式作start 和begin的宾语,一般情况下可以通用,但有时也有细微的差别。
1)当begin和start本身用进行时态时,一般用begin/ start to do.
2)当begin和start的主语是表物的名词时, 一般用begin/ start to do sth.
    He is beginning/ starting to write a letter.    他正要开始写信。
    Everything begins to grow in spring.        春天万物复苏。
5. spend
spendon  “在某方面花了多少钱或时间”。
spend(in) doing sth.  “做某事花了多少钱或时间”。
I spent two yuan on the book.    我花了两元钱买了这本书。
He spent two hours on his homework.    他花了两个小时做作业。
The writer spent two months (in) writing the book. 这位作家花了两个月的时间写这本书。
Dont spend too much time on computer games.  不要花太多时间玩电脑游戏。
I spent two days (in) finishing the work.    我花了两天时间完成这项工作。
2)spend表示花费时间时,也可以用take互换。take通常用于句型“It takes sb some time to do sth.”。
  Jim spent two hours (in) getting there.  吉姆用了两个小时到达那儿。
=It took Jim two hours to get there.
She spent fifty dollars on these things.    她花了50美元买这些东西。
=She paid fifty dollars for these things.
=These things cost her fifty dollars.
3)“ones free time”指某人的空闲时间,也可以说ones spare time前面通常加介词 in。
—What do you often do in your free/ spare time?  你空闲时间做什么?
—I often do some reading.  我经常读点书。
6. see
begin和start区别  see sb. do sth.看见某人做某事(表示看见某人经常做或做某事的全过程)。
    see sb doing sth.看见某人正在做某事,即当看见的时候,动作正在进行还没有结束。
Can you hear birds singing in the tree?    你能听到树上鸟的叫声吗?
I heard someone crying in the room just now.  我刚才听到有人在房间里哭。
I often watch the children play football on the playground.
You can always find people eating hamburgers near the road.
    I saw him go into that building. 我看到他进了那幢楼。
7. at the age of
“at the age of”的意思是“在……多大时”相当于“when he years old ”。
I started learning the violin when I was eight.    我八岁的时候开始学小提琴。
