V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72. 究竟是什么驱使人类不断地探索外太空?(on earth)(汉译英)
【答案】What on earth motivates humans to keep exploring outer space?
【详解】考查介词短语、动词和名词。表达“究竟”应用介词短语on earth,表达“驱使”应用动词motivate,表达“外太空”应用名词outer space。根据句意可知,此处是由what连接的特殊疑问
句,what充当主语,谓语动词是motivate,短语motivate sb. to do sth.“驱使某人做某事”,描述一般事实时态是一般现在时, “不断地探索”应用动词表达keep exploring。故翻译为What on earth motivates humans to keep exploring outer space?。
73. 据旅游手册介绍,这个村子因其保存完好的少数民族文化而闻名遐迩。(famous) (汉译英)
【答案】According to the travel brochure, the village is famous for its well-preserved minority culture.
【详解】考查名词和形容词。表示“因......而闻名”应用形容词短语be famous for;表示“旅游手册”应用名词travel brochure;表示“村子”应用名词village,做主语;表示“保存完好的”应用形容词well-preserved;表示“少数民族文化”应用名词minority culture。描述事实,时态是一般现在时。故翻译为According to the travel brochure, the village is famous for its well-preserved minority culture.。
74. 如今人们担心的不再是如何填饱肚子,而是如何防止发胖。( ) (汉译英)
【答案】Nowadays, what people are concerned about is not how to fill their stomachs but how to prevent themselves from gaining weight.
【详解】考查主语从句、形容词和动词短语。表示“不是……而是……”应用 ;表示“担心”应用形容词短语be concerned about;表示“填饱”应用动词fill;表示“防止”应用动词短语;表示“发胖”应用动词短语gain weight。根据句意,主语是由what引导的从句,由“如今”可知时态是一般现在时,由how+动词不定式充当宾语。故翻译为Nowadays, what people are concerned about is not how to fill their stomachs but how to prevent themselves from gaining weight.
75. 谈及营造学习氛围,培养团队精神和开展师生互动等方面,传统教学的确比网络教学略胜一筹。(come to) (汉译英)
【答案】When it comes to creating the learning/study atmosphere, cultivating team spirit, i
nteracting with students, traditional teaching really has certain advantages over online teaching.
【详解】考查动词短语和名词。根据汉语提示可知,本句陈述客事实,应用一般现在时。表示“谈及”应用when it ;表示“创造学习氛围”应用动词短语create learning/study atmosphere,表示“培养团队精神”应用动词短语cultivate team spirit,表示“和...互动”应用动词短语interact with,前面三个动词短语都为介词to的宾语,故用它们的动名词形式;表示“传统教学”应用名词短语traditional teaching,作主句主语;表示“略胜一筹”应用动词短语have certain advantages over,作主句谓语动词,因主语不可数,故谓语动词用单数形式;表示“网络教学”应用名词online teaching。结合其他汉语提示,故翻译为When it comes to creating the learning/study atmosphere, cultivating team spirit, interacting with students, traditional teaching really has certain advantages over online teaching.
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72. 你之前的工作经历可能和你申请的职位并不吻合。(apply) (汉译英)
【答案】Your past work experiences might not be in line with the post you apply for.
【详解】考查句子结构。分析句子可知,主语为“你之前的工作经历”可以用名词短语“your past work experiences”表达;谓语动词“吻合”可以用“be in line with”表达;可能不用“ might not”,宾语为"你申请的职位"可以用the post you apply for表达,you apply for作定语。故答案为Your past work experiences might not be in line with the post you apply            for.
73. 因双方都志在必得,该场比赛被证明是一场恶战。(prove) (汉译英)
【答案】The game proved to be a hard battle, with both sides determined to win.
【详解】考查动词。名词短语和with的复合结构。表示被证明是prove to be;结合句意,可知句子的时态用一般过去时,所以proveproved;表示这场比赛the game;表示一场恶战用名词短语 a hard battle;表示因双方都志在必得motivate用法和短语用with的复合结构with both sides determined to win。故翻译为The game proved to be a hard battle, with both sides determined to win.
74. 产后保持愉悦的心态有助于新手妈妈恢复孕前体重,其重要性等同于均衡饮食和持续锻炼。(equal) (汉译英)
【答案】Keeping a pleasant mind after delivery helps new mothers to return to pre - pregnancy weight, whose importance is equal to that of a balanced diet and constant exercise.
【详解】考查句子结构、非谓语动词和定语从句。表示“产后保持愉悦的心态”用动名词短语keeping a pleasant mind after delivery作主语;本句陈述客观的事实,用一般现在时,动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数,表示“有助于新手妈妈恢复孕前体重”为helps new mothers to return to pre - pregnancy weighthelp sb (to) do sth“帮助某人做某事”是动词习惯用法,不定式作宾补;表示“其重要性等同于均衡饮食和持续锻炼”为whose importance is equal to that of a balanced diet and constant exercisewhose 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词“keeping a pleasant mind after delivery”,关系词在从句中作定语,用whose 引导定语从句,be equal to“与……相等”是固定短语,介词to后接宾语,that用来代指前面提到的单词(importance),避免重复。故翻译为Keeping a pleasant mind after delivery helps new mothers to return to pre - pregnancy weight, whose importance is equal to that of a balanced diet and constant exercise.
75. 正是因为一些年轻人追求独一无二,所以他们会求助于海外代购来满足个性化的消费需求。(It) (汉译英)
【答案】It is because some young people pursue uniqueness that they turn to overseas purchasing agents to satisfy their personalized consumption needs.
【详解】考查强调句型。分析句子可知,本句为强调句型,可用表示;强调部分为“正是因为一些年轻人追求独一无二”,可以用原因状语从句表示because some young people pursue uniqueness;剩余部分“所以他们会求助于海外代购来满足个性化的消费需求”可以表达为 they turn to overseas purchasing agents to satisfy their personalized consumption needs;故答案为It            is because some young people pursue uniqueness that they turn to overseas purchasing agents to satisfy their personalized consumption needs.
V. Translation (15)
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72. 你有考虑过一份兼职工作吗?(consider)(汉译英)
【答案】Have you (ever) considered looking for a part-time job?
