一、 PARTⅠ : INCOMPLETE SENTENC(E总S题数: 20,分数: 10.00)
1.Dentimax's latest marketing campaign for their Little Teeth ______ is aimed at the parents of infants and small children.
A. target B. products√
C. commerce D. technician
【解析】根据句中的“ marketing campaign”可知这里应该填products ,即“小齿产品的销售策略”。故本题正确答案为B。
2.Your performance in the driving test didn't reach the required standard, ______, you failed.
A. in the end
B. after all
C. in other words√
D. at the same time
【解析】in other words 为介词短语,意思是“换句话说”,在句中用作插入语。
3.The Healthcare community was shocked ______ Ricardo Peter's resignation after only one year as president of Healthcorps.messages什么意思
A. in B. up
C. of D. by√
【解析】be shocked by 表示“为⋯⋯而感到惊讶”,这句话的意思是: Ricardo Peter 当保健队的队长才1 年就辞职了,这让社区服务站感到很惊讶。故本题正确答案为D。
4.The Feman Gallery will feature the works of impressionist ______ Antonio Pernice in their spring exhibit.
A. paint B. painter√
C. painted D. painting
【解析】这里需要填入一个名词, 排除C项;painter 是“画家, 油漆匠”的意思; paint 和painting都可以表示“绘画作品”的意思。根据前面的“ the works of impressionist ”可知这里应该填painter ,表示“印象派画家的作品”。故本题正确答案为B。
5.Linda is easy to recognize as she's the only one of the women who ______ hat.
A. wear B. wears√
C. has worn D. have worn
6.Look! She is coming here and there ______.
A. goes the bus√ B. going the bus
C. the bus goes D. the bus going
【解析】以地点副词here, there 或时间副词now, then 开头,后面的动词是be,come, exist ,fall ,follow , go,lie ,remain ,seem,stand 等,而主语又是名词时,构成完全倒装句,即把整个谓语放到主语之前( 是整个谓语动词,而非助动词) 。
7.For a long time they walked without saying ______ word. Jim was the first to break ______ silence.
A. the; a B. a; the√
C. a; / D. the; /
【解析】break the silence 是固定搭配,表示“打破沉默”,第一句话中的word 表示泛指,所以第一个空填不定冠词a。故选B。
8.Just tell me what subject you'd like me to ______ so that I could get some notes ready.
A. give a talk on √B. have a talk
C. have a talk on D. give a talk
【解析】做哪方面的报告用介词on,have a talk 听报告。
9.I had to work extremely carefully, for I didn't know how long ______ to get used to the new tool.
A. it would take me √B. it would spend me
C. would it pay me D. would it cost me
【解析】本题考查It takes sb. some time to do sth. 的句型和陈述语序。
10.______ of my two brothers ______ good at English.
A. The older; are B. The older; is√
C. The oldest; is D. Older; is
11.Depending on the outcome of negotiations, Caspian Air ______ offer flights to Berlin an
d Copenhagen from Kova Airport.
A. be B. has
C. did D. may√
【解析】offer 是动词原形, be 和has 用在这里都不恰当, 排除A 项和B 项。根据前面的“ Depending on the outcome of negotiations ”可知, Caspian 航空公司是否提供从Kova 机场到柏林和哥本哈根的航线是根据谈判的结果来定的,而did 表示“肯定,确实”, may表示“可能”,这里用may更符合题意。故本题正确答案为D。
12. —How do you think of the job he did last week?
—Well done. ______ .
A. It couldn't he worse
B. It should be better
C. It couldn't have been better√
D. It was worse
【解析】上句的意思是:你认为他上周完成的工作怎么样?根据下句的well done 可知回答者是持赞赏、肯定态度的。A 项表示“不能再差了”; D项表示“很差”,故排除A 项和D项。B 项表示“应该再好一点”,和回答者的赞赏、肯定态度不符,排除。C项表示“不能再好了”,符合题意。
13.Billboards, graffiti, trash, and tangled telephone wires can ______ to visual pollution.
A. contribute √B. contribution
C. contributive D. contributable
【解析】contrlbute to 表示“造成,促成”, can 后面应接动词形式,而B 项为名词, C、D项为形容词,所以A 项符合题意。故本题正确答案为A。
14. —You seem to have lost your way. ______?
—I'm looking for Nan Jing Road.
A. What for B. Need help√
C. Why so D. Where are you
【解析】根据语境,上句意思是:看来你迷路了,需要帮助吗?下句的意思是:我正在南京路。Need help?=Do you need help?
15.This problem may lead to more serious ones if ______ unsolved.
A. it is left B. left√
C. it has been left D. leaving
【解析】从句的主语和主句的主语一致,都是this problem ,它和从句中的动词leave 是被动关系,所以排除D项。状语从句的结构是“从属连词+主语+be 动词+其他结构”,如果状语从句的主语和主句的主语状语一致,则从句中的“主语+be 动词”可省略;故选B。
16. —Why do you want the book so much?
— ______, sir.
A. Studying B. Studies
C. Studied D. To study√
【解析】这句话省略了主句,保留关键词,根据句意可知完整句子是: I want the book very much in order to study ,故选D。
17.Bus tickets can be ______ in advance on the Roadways Web site.
A. centered B. resolved
C. purchased √D. summarized
【解析】根据后面的in advance 可知这里应填purchase ,句子的意思是“公车票可以在Roadways网站上提前购买”。故本题正确答案为C。
18. —They haven't finished the work up to now.
—Well, they ______.
A. should B. should have√
C. would D. must have
【解析】上句意思是:他们到现在还没有完成工作。should have done 意为“本应该做某事( 但实际上没做) ”,符合题意,下句意思是:他们应该完成了( 却没完成) 。
19. —Sorry, I can't go camping with you. I have to prepare well enough for the entrance exam.
