that is to say的用法
    在英语中,有一种常见的表达方式叫做“that is to say”,意思是“也就是说”,用于进一步解释或澄清前面所说的话。这种表达方式在口语和写作中都非常常见,下面我们来详细了解一下它的用法。
    一、“that is to say”的基本用法
    “that is to say”通常用于句子之间,用来解释或澄清前面所说的话。它通常出现在一个句子的中间或结尾,后面跟着一个或多个解释或澄清的内容。例如:
    - I love to travel, that is to say, I enjoy exploring new places and experiencing different cultures.
    - He is a very talented musician, that is to say, he can play multiple instruments and compose his own music.
    - We need to improve our communication skills, that is to say, we should be more clear and concise in our messages.
    在上面的例子中,“that is to say”用来进一步解释前面所说的话,让读者或听者更好地理解作者的意思。
    二、“that is to say”的替代词
    除了“that is to say”之外,英语中还有一些可以用来表达同样意思的短语,例如:
    - In other words. 这是最常用的替代词之一,意思和“that is to say”完全一样。
    - Namely. 这个词的意思是“即”,通常用于列举事物或人物的时候。
    - To put it differently. 这个短语的意思是“换句话说”,用于进一步解释或澄清前面所说的话。
    三、“that is to say”在写作中的应用
    在写作中,使用“that is to say”可以让文章更加清晰明了,让读者更好地理解作者的意思。下面是一些在写作中使用“that is to say”的例子:
    - The company needs to focus on its core business, that is to say, it should stop investing in non-core areas.
    - The research shows that exercise can improve mental health, that is to say, it can reduce stress and anxiety.
    - The government needs to provide more support for small businesses, that is to say, it should offer tax breaks and access to funding.
    在上面的例子中,使用“that is to say”可以让作者更清晰地表达自己的观点,让读者更好地理解文章的主旨。
    四、“that is to say”在口语中的应用
    在口语中,使用“that is to say”可以让你更加清楚地表达自己的意思,避免产生误解。下面是一些在口语中使用“that is to say”的例子:
    - I don't like spicy food, that is to say, I can't eat anything with chili in it.
    - We need to work harder, that is to say, we should put in more hours and be more productive.
messages什么意思    - He's not a bad person, that is to say, he's just misunderstood.
    在上面的例子中,使用“that is to say”可以让说话者更加清晰地表达自己的意思,避免产生误解。
    总之,“that is to say”是一种非常常见的表达方式,用于进一步解释或澄清前面所说的话。在口语和写作中都可以使用,能够让你更加清晰地表达自己的意思,让听者或读者更好地理解你的观点。
