thanks for与thanks to
这两个短语中的thanks是名词,实际上可看作I'd like to express my thanks for/ to...的省略形式。由于它们常用在口语中,尤以简洁为宜。
thanks for中的介词for表示原因。其后须接名词或动名词,表示"感谢"的缘由。例如:A thousand thanks for your kindness.非常感谢你的善意。Well, I must be going now. Thanks for your time.我得走了。谢谢你为我花费了时间。
thanks to中的to为介词。它有两种意义和用法:一是表示"谢谢"的意义,其介词to后须接表示人的名称或代词,即"谢谢"的对象;二是作短语介词用,表示原因,其后须接名词,代词或动名词,常译为"由于,因为"或"多亏"的意思。例如:You helped me a lot. Many thanks to you.你给予了我许多帮助,非常感谢你。It was thanks to your stupidity that we lost the game.正是由于你的愚笨害得我们输了这场比赛。Thanks to a good teacher, she passed the exam.多亏有位好老师,她才通过了考试。 
the reason why与the reason that
这两个短语中的why和that分别引导的都是同位语从句,它们均表示"...的理由(或原因)"的意思,两者可以通用。例如:The reason why/that it should be so is now clear.应当如此的理由现在清楚了。The reason why/that idealism and metaphysics are held to be obstacles to truth is that they discourage scientific inquiry into truth.唯心论和形而上学之所以被认为是真理的障碍是因为它们阻碍对真理的科学的探讨。
值得注意的是the reason why/that后接表语从句时,多数语法学者认为应该用that引导,有的语法学者则认为用because引导也是可以的。以下是摘录的原文例句:The reason why I am dealing with so many pictures tonight is because I happen to have seen them all just recently.我今晚之所以谈这么多的影片是因为我恰好最近都看过。The reason why he's late is that/because there was a breakdown on the railway.他之所以迟到是因为火车出了故障。 
three weeks ago与three weeks before
这两个词组均属于"一段时间+副词"结构。类似的说法还有five years ago, five years before;
two days ago, two days before等。 "一段时间+ago"是以现在为准,表示"自今...前"的意思,它常与一般过去时的动词连用。若状语是"since+一段时间+ago"结构,或者谓语有情态动词,动名词或虚拟语气等,其句子有时可用完成时态。例如:Several million years ago, our country was covered by thick forests.几百万年前,我们的大地被茂密的森林覆盖着。He has been there since two weeks ago.两周以来,他一直在那儿。He must have seen the film two days ago.他两天前一定看过这部影片。I remember meeting you somewhere two years ago.我记得两年前在哪里见到过你。I had thought that he had died at least twenty years ago.我原以为他二十年前就去世了。
"一段时间+before"是以过去某时候为准,表示"那时的...前"的意思。常用于过去完成时。例如:Mr. Li went abroad in 1978. I had met him two years before.李先生1978年出国的,在那两年前我见过他。When I visited her, she told me that she had graduated from the college three years before.当我去拜访她时,她告诉我她是三年前从那所大学毕业的。
method形容词till,until till,until
到...为止"。用于否定句时,通常与瞬间动词连用,也可与持续性动词连用,表示"直到...才"的意思。这两个词一般情况下可以相互换用。例如:We waited for him until/till six o'clock.我们等他到一直等到六点钟。The pupils will not begin the meeting till/until their class supervisor comes.学生们等到班主任一到就开始开会。They didn't talk until/till the interpreter came.直到译员到,他们才交谈。He did not go to bed until/till he had made sure that nothing was wrong with the pipes.他检查水管,确准它们没有毛病,才去睡觉。
当until用于句首时,一般不能用till代替。在以not开始的从句或短语里,till一般也不可代替until,而且这种句式要用倒装语序。例如:Until the last minute of the match we kept playing.直到比赛的最后一分钟,我们仍然坚持奋战。Not until he had finished his work did he go home.他直到把工作做完,才回家去。 
为事物,有时也可以是人。两者一般可以换用。例如:The job is tiresome (or: tiring).这工作真累人。That is a tiresome (or: tiring) talk.那是一次令人厌倦的谈话。He is a tiresome (or: tiring) fellow.他是个令人讨厌的家伙。
tired的意思是"疲倦的,劳累的",其主语或者所修饰的词通常是人。它还有"厌倦"的意思,其后常接介词短语。例如:He has worked the whole day, so he feels very tired.他工作了一整天,感到非常劳累。The tired man has gone to rest.那个疲惫不堪的人休息去了。Such a long lecture would make the audience tired.这么冗长的讲话会使听众感到疲乏。
to date,up to date,up-to-date
to date是介词短语用作副词,在句中作状语,通常用于句首,意为"到目前为止,到现在为止"。up to date也有这一意义和用法,这时,两者可以通用。例如:To date (or: Up to date) twenty students have been accepted into the school.到目前为止已有二十名学生被接受入学。Up to date (or: To date) we have no news of him.到现在为止我们还不知道他的消息。
up to date起形容词的作用,一般在句中作表语或补语,定语通常用up-to-date。它们均表示"
最新的,现代化的,最近的,符合最新发展的"的意思。例如:That car is a beauty and quite up to date.那辆小汽车式样美观,新颖。He is always right up to date in his information about this subject.在这个学科上,他一向掌握最新的情报。The yearly supplement keep the dictionary up to date.逐年的增补使这部词典的内容能随时跟上形势的发展。What he has used is a up-to-date method of language teaching.他使用的是一种最新的语言教学法。 
to one's mind与on one's mind
这两个短语中的one's根据主语的不同可有单复数变化形式,如my, your, his, our, their等,但其中的mind却只能用单数形式。
to one's mind是介词短语,有两种用法和意义:1.起副词的作用,在句子中作状语,表示"照某人的看法,据某人的意见"的意思;2.起形容词的作用,一般在句中作补语或表语,表示"合某人的心意,为某人所喜欢"的意思。例如:More people agree with him but to my mind he's quite young.大多数人都赞同他,但依我看来,他太年轻了。So now, the house, to his mind, had a most pleasing and comfortable appearance.因此,这座房子,在他看来,
有着一种使人愉快和舒适的外观。He found life in the countryside very much to his mind.他发现乡村生活很合自己的口味。The event is just to their mind.这事正和他们的心意。
on one's mind亦可解作upon one's mind, 其本义为"在心上",用作位置状语,常同动词have, get连用;亦可用作连系动词be的表语。它往往被引申为"惦记,操心,焦虑"的意思。例如:He looks as if he has something on his mind.他仿佛有什么心事似的。Something was obviously on his mind, but he was reluctant to say what it was.他显然是在担心什么事,但他却不愿说。 
to safety,in safety,for safety,with safety
