II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct。 For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank。
Consider the Mechanical Pencil
If you used to collect small objects I'm sure (if you were anything like my younger self) that you used to collect mechanical pencils。
In one of the math preparatory classes I _____1_____ (go) to in elementary and middle school, we used to receive mechanical pencils as prizes for doing well on the in—class exa
ms or answering questions in class. This was _____2_____ I built up my collection of Cadoozles, which are short mechanical pencils decorated with brightly colored spaceships and ice cream bars。 But I've long since used up all my Cadoozles and a majority of the mechanical pencils that I _____3_____ (hide) in an empty moon—cake tin so many years before, which makes me reflect fondly back on those old days, when receiving a mechanical pencil was as easy as drinking a glass of water。
Mechanical pencils are not only more convenient than your traditional Ticonderoga in the sense that they never need _____4_____ (sharpen); they also produce thinner, cleaner lines, which is extremely important for drawers and drafters。 Furthermore, they are environmentally friendly, since you don’t have to buy _____5_____ wooden pencil whenever you run out of lead(铅芯). You can simply refill your mechanical pencil。 There is only one slight negative I must remark on, _____6_____ is that as someone who calls mechanical pencils "lead pencil” in casual conversation, the term ”lead pencil” is confusing。 Mechanical pencil lead is actually not made from the chemical element lead. It is made from a mixture of graphite and clay, which _____7_____ not give you lead poisoni
ng。 This is contrary to what my third—grade teacher said when she saw my classmate John clicking his mechanical pencil against his index finger out of boredom: ”John, stop that! You’re going to get lead poisoning!” I think all the third—graders (and teachers) in the world would feel much _____8_____ (safe) if they knew what really made up the pencils they use every day.
It used to be so easy to grab a mechanical pencil whenever I needed one, but _____9_____ the moon—cake tin has become increasingly lighter, I have learned to appreciate my writing instruments more. Perhaps I should have collected a few more Cadoozles when I was younger; perhaps I should have appreciated the feeling of holding up the moon-cake tin when it was three-quarters full, hoping that there would always be a new pencil for me ______10______ (use) tomorrow。
【答案】1。 went   
2。 how/when   
3. had hidden   
4. sharpening/to be sharpened   
5. another/a   
6。 which    7。 can   
8。 safer    9。 now that/in that   
10. to use
考查时态。句意:在我上小学和中学时参加的一个数学预科班里,我们曾经因为在课堂考试中表现出或者在课堂上回答问题而获得自动铅笔作为奖励。分析句子可知,此处为定语从句谓语动词,文章讲述的是过去的经历,结合后文used to,可知句子为一般过去时,故定语从句中谓语应用过去式。故填went.
考查时态。句意:但我已经用完了我所有的卡多兹笔和多年前藏在一个空的月饼罐里的大部分机械铅笔,这让我深情地回想起过去的日子,那时得到一支自动铅笔就像喝一杯水一样容易.分析句子可知,此处是定语从句的谓语动词,根据时间状语so many years before以及句意可知,此处动词“藏”在“用"之前,表达“过去的过去",应用过去完成时,结构为had+过去分词。故填had hidden.
因为它们从不需要削尖; 而且它们还能产生更薄、更清晰的线条,这对画画的人和绘图员来说极为重要。need doing /need to be done“需要(被)做某事”,此时主语与do之间为被动关系。故填sharpening/to be sharpened。
考查冠词或限定词。句意:此外,他们是环境友好的,因为当你用完铅,你不必(再)买一支木制铅笔。根据空格后可数名词单数wooden pencil,再结合句意,可知前面需要不定冠词或限定形容词another修饰,wooden是辅音音素开头的单词,应用冠词a.故填a/another。
考查定语从句引导词。句意:我必须指出的是,只有一点轻微的负面影响,那就是在日常对话中把机械铅笔称为“铅笔"的人,“铅笔"这个词是令人困惑的。分析句子可知,空格处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是one slight negative,从句中缺少主语,所以应填关系代词which。故填which.
考查情态动词。句意:它是由石墨和粘土的混合物制成的,不会导致铅中毒。根据句意可知,此处是情态动词表推测的用法,否定句中应用can,can not“不可能,不会”。故填can。
考查从属连词.句意:过去,每当我需要一支自动铅笔的时候,我都可以轻而易举地拿起它,但是由于月饼罐变得越来越轻,我学会了更好地欣赏我的书写工具。分析句意可知,the moon-cake tin has become increasingly lighter和I have learned to appreciate my writing instruments more有因果关系,(由于失去,学会了珍惜)。故填now that/in that.
考查动词不定式.句意:也许我应该在年轻的时候多收集一些卡多兹笔;也许我应该感激那种在月饼盒已经装满了四分之三的时候,把它举起来的感觉,希望明天总会有一支新铅笔给我用。根据句子结构、句意以及空格后的tomorrow,可知此处应用动词不定式表将来。故填to use.
Section B
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A。 threatened    B。 designed    C. preferences    D。 typically    E. experimental 
F. theoretical    G。 abandoned  H. instruments  I. constantly    J。 extensive 
K. persuasive
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