8A Unit1
1 课时
1. Learn useful words ,sentences and phrases
2. Grasp grammar rules
.Comparative and superlative adjectives
Situation methodtask-based method
tape recorder
一、 Revision:
1.Have a dictation.  2..Revise the contents revised last class.
二、Important words an. expressions and sentences
1    保守秘密    keep a secret / keep secrets  2    和他说话    talk to / with him
3    给我们讲有趣的笑话    tell us funny jokes 4    我最好的朋友之一    one of my best friends
5    愿意做某事    be willing to do sth .6、和某人分享某物    share sth with sb.
7    在任何时候乐意帮助人    be ready to help people any time
8    在家庭作业上帮助我    help me with my homework
9    在公交上给某人让座    give ones seat to someone on the bus
10    有需要的人    people in need  11    长大    grow up
12    很有幽默感    have a good sense of humour  13、走过    walk past
14    把……撞到地上    knock sth onto the floor
15    希望做某事    Hope to do sth.  希望某人做某事    Hope + that)从句
16    说某人坏话    say a bad word about sb  17    在未来    in the future
18    和某人交朋友    make friends with sb19、仔细聆听人们    listen to people carefully
20    周游世界    travel around the world
21    想成为一名社会工作者    would like to be a social worker
22    对某人善良/友好/慷慨    be kind/friendly/generous to sb.
    在某方面慷慨    be generous with sth
23    学习更多关于    learn more abou 24    左边的男孩    The boy on the left
25    旁边    next to  26    面带微笑    have / wear a smile on her face
27    邀请某人做某事    Invite sb. to do sth.
28    因为    Because of+sth    Because +句子
Important sentences :
1    我能喝点什么吗?    Can I have something to drink?
3    她乐意和朋友分享东西?    She is willing to share things with her friends.
4    她乐于助人,在任何时候都愿意帮助别人。She is helpful and ready to help people any time.
5    她总是将公交车上的座位让给有需要的人。
She always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need.
6    马克斯的腿很长,在课桌底下伸不开。
Maxs legs are very long. They do not fit well under his desk.
7    她经常微笑,而且从不说任何人的一句坏话。   
She smiles often and never says a bad word about anyone.
8    他是个什么样的人?    Whats he like? / What does he look like?
9    因为他们从不说谎,你可以信任他们。    You can trust them because they never tell lies.
10    当她长大想成为一名歌手。    She wants to be a singer when she grows up.
11    他是我们班最高的男孩。    He is the tallest boy in our class.
12    当我感到无聊或不开心,我经常去她。    When I feel bored or unhappy, I often go to her.
16    她既是我的邻居又是我最好的朋友。    She is both my neighbour and my best friend.
17    我五年前第一次遇见她。    I first met her five years ago.
18    她会成为一名出的老师。    She will make an excellent teacher
19    你会选谁做你最好的朋友?    Who would you choose as your best friends?
20    当有事困扰我的时候,我总可以去她。   
When something worries me, I can always go to her.
21    米莉是他们班最聪明的学生。    Millie is the cleverest students in her class.
Millie is cleverer than any other student in her class.
Millie is cleverer than the other students in her class.
No other students are cleverer than Millie in her clas
三、 Revise grammar
Comparatives and superlative adjectives
1. 单音节形容词
  比较级:词尾+er  tall-taller    small-smaller    long-longer
  最高级:词尾+est  tall-tallest    small-smallest  long-longest
2. 以不发音的e结尾的形容词
  比较级:词尾+r            nice-nicer      fine-finer
  最高级:词尾+st            nice-nicest      fine-finest
3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的形容词
  比较级:把y改为i+er      easy-easier    pretty- prettier
  最高级:把y改为i+est    easy-easiest    pretty-prettiest
4. 重读闭音节,结尾只有一个辅音字母
  比较级:双写最后一个辅音字母+er    slim-slimmer      big-bigger
  最高级:双写最后一个辅音字母+est  slim-slimmest      big-biggest
5. 多音节形容词
  比较级:前面+more      beautiful-more beautiful      important-more important
  最高级:前面+most      beautiful-most beautiful      important-most important
6. 不规则变化形容词
  good-better-best      bad-worse-worst      little-less-least
形容词比较级用法:A + be + 形容词比较级 + than B
形容词最高级用法:A + be + the形容词最高级 + 名词+表示范围的短语或从句
She is the best student in her class.
四、 Do homework
Recite useful wordsexpressions and sentences.
8 A  Unit 2
2 课时
School  life
1,Learn useful words ,sentences and phrases
2,Grasp grammar rules
.Comparative and superlative adverbs
Situation methodtask-based method
tape recorderpicures
一、 Revision
1. Have a dictation .
2. Revise some contents revised last class.
二、Revise language points :
1一所混合学校    a mixed school2    不得不更努力工作    have to work harder
3    在……的末端    near the end of4    和某人讨论某事discuss sth with sb
5    一周两次    twice a week6    倾听我的问题    listen to my problems
7    主动提供某人帮助    offer sb help
8    从家里带来杂志和书    bring in books and magazines from home
9    似乎    seem to do
10花费时间做某事    spend some time on sth / in doing sth
11休息两天    have two days off 12阅读    do some reading
13浏览    look through14起初    at first
15有时间做某事    have time for sth
16进行学校去旅行    go on a school trip
17玩的开心have fun / have a good/lovely /wonderful  time /enjoy oneself
18续做某事    keep doing sth
1    学校生活是什么样?    Whats the school life like?
2    为什么狗不去上学?    Why dont dogs go to school?
3    学习外语是有趣的事。    Learning foreign language is fun.
4    当我们看有趣的书,时间似乎过得更快。Time seems to go faster when we are reading interestingbooks.
5    在我所有的科目中,我最喜欢法语。    Among all my subjects, I like French best.
6    在这个学期快结束的时候,我们队赢得了两场比赛。    Near the end of the term, our team won two games.
7    在跳舞俱乐部里,老生帮助新生更多地了解舞蹈。   
In Dancing Club, older students help new students learn more about dancing.
8    他经常倾听我的问题并主动帮助我。    He often listens carefully to my problems and offers me help.
9    我总是快速浏览问题,并能很容易地解答问题。
I always look through the questions quickly and easily answer all of them.
I keep writing in English about my daily life. I can learn to use English better this way.
11莉的寒假要比李平的少几周。Millie has fewer weeks for winter holiday than Li Ping.
Among the three schools, American students spend the least time on homework.
13每天在业余爱好上花多少时间?How much time do you spend on your hobbies every day?
We dont need to get up early and we have lots of time for after-school activities.
三、Revise grammar.
A.Comparing the amount of things
B.Comparative and superlative adverbs
1. morethan  修饰可数&不可少  比…多…2. fewerthan  修饰可数    比…少…    3. lessthan    修饰不可少  比…少 4. the most  最多  5. the fewest / the least  最少     
单音节词 大多数词后加er eat    fast-faster-fastest
method形容词多音节词和部分双音节词 在词前面加moremost  quickly-more quickly-most quickly
不规则变化:well-better-best;  badly-worse-worst; far-tarther/further-furthest/farthest
四、Asign  homework
Recite useful wordsexpressions and sentences.
