equation of time
time difference
Jet lag
After the long journey from China to America, the jet lag made him uneasy.
Even with the tape delays necessitated by time differences.
The precedence diagram uses float as part of the activity duration.
It requires inducing a sort of jet lag without leaving your time zone.
Darkness stimulates the pineal gland and causes it to produce more melatonin.
He also says the new plane will make jetlag a thing of the past.
The task becomes critical if the total slack reaches zero.
Are you over your jet lag yet?
We have twelve hours time difference.
I forgot about the time difference.
Easy and dependable method has long been a target for oilman to seekfor.
What is the time difference between Beijing and Vancouver?
What is the time difference between Tokyo and paris?
What is the time difference between Beijing and London?
Please tell me the time difference and the charge.
From today, the time difference with Beijing Time is exactly12 hours – completely upside down, day and night!
I adjusted to the time difference while I was in Korea and Hong kong, so i'll be all right.
I realized doing the math on the time difference between India and Pennsylvania that it was nearing his bedtime back home.
The equation of time, which transforms the true solar time into a mean uniform time, the so-called mean solar time.
It will be very demanding and, on top of the 12-hour time difference between here and there, she is going to be extremely busy.
关于时差的英文阅读:如何打败时差反应 Jet Lag Cures Aplenty
Rita Gunther McGrath, a Columbia Business School professor, is one of those business travelers who do not care about delays, cancellations or navigating a new location. What does concern her is the seeming inability to conquer jet lag, and the accompanying symptoms that leave her groggy, unfocused and feeling, she says, “like a dishrag.”
哥伦比亚大学商学院(Columbia Business School)教授丽塔·冈瑟·麦格拉思(Rita Gunther McGrath)是那种不会担心航班延误、取消或改变降落地点的商旅客人。她担心的是时差反应,那会让她昏昏沉沉,无法集中注意力,用她自己话说,感觉就“像一块洗碗的抹布”。
“Jet lag has always been an issue for me,” says Ms. McGrath, who has been a business traveler for more than two decades and has dealt with itineraries that take her from New York to New Zealand to Helsinki to Hong Kong all within a matter of days.
She has scoured the Internet for “jet lag cures,” and has tried preventing or dealing with the misery by avoiding alcohol, limiting light exposure or blasting her body with sunlight and “doing just about anything and everything that experts tell you to do,” Ms. McGrath said.
“Jet lag is not conducive to the corporate environment,” she said. “There has to be some kind of help that actually works for those of us that travel a lot, but I sure can’t find it.”
Although science is closer to understanding the basic biological mechanisms that make many travelers feel so miserable when crossing time zones, research has revealed that, at least for now, there is no one-size fits-all recommendation for preventing or dealing with the angst of jet lag.
Recommendations to beat jet lag include adjusting sleep schedules, short-term use of medications to sleep or stay awake, melatonin supplements and light exposure timing, among others, said Col. Ian Wedmore, an emergency medicine specialist for the Army.
军队急救医学专家伊恩·韦德莫尔上校(Ian Wedmore)说,缓解时差反应的建议包括调整睡眠安排,短期服用帮助入睡或保持清醒的药物,服用褪黑素,以及控制光照时间等。
These work for many people, “but not all,” said Dr. Wedmore, who practices at Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, Wash.
