“如何提高中学生地阅读理解能力”一直困扰着我们的老师和学生。我们一线教师在广泛学习各种国内外先进理念的同时,也百折不挠的尝试着一种又一种的教学方法。但如今的英语教学,尤其是“阅读课”却面临着“广种薄收”的现实。中学生普遍存在阅读速度慢、理解能力弱的现象:概括文章中心时缺乏针对性或以偏盖全、;猜测词义时脱离语境,或望文生义;逻辑推理不严密、或以想象代替、或以事实、举例代替,或就事论事、忽略推理的实质等问题。 这需要我们教师在平时的教学中既要关注学生的能力培养,又要注重课堂实效。我认为英语阅读能力的培养也可通过“预学一体化”来逐步实施。
教学内容:7A A Guide To English Reading (牛津英语阅读导航)
教学重点: To improve the students’ reading skills
教学难点: To understand some troditional customs of different festivals in different countries
教学方法:pre-school integration;task-based approach;disscution methods
一、 预习任务
1. To review some festivals which they have learnt in the text books.
2. To speak the “when,where, what,how” out clearly of different festivals.
3. To while doing the exercises on page38-40,find our the new words which you don’t know,what’s more,look up the new words in your dictionaries.
经过批阅,大部分学生都完成了预习任务。同时发现练习中存在以下问题:1.文章大意能够理解,但是答题格式不很规范。例如:⑴在回答“How long do the celebrations last?”时,出现了“last 15 days”少主语等不正确形式。⑵ 对于“Who first had April Fool’s Day?”普遍答错。
二、 课堂教学
Step One: warm up(热身口语训练)
T: Boys and girls ,which festival do you like best?
Ss:I like…..
T: Why do you like …..?
Ss:Because I can…..
Step Two:To check pre results(检查预习效果)method英语怎么读
T: Well done, just now you told me a lot about festivals.And now I want to see if you have done a good job in your written work. Correct your exercises in groups in five minutes ,then choose one of you to come here and write your answers on the blackboard. Of course, you can write the new words or phrases here too. OK?
(Ten minutes later)
Step Three:Enlighten from difficulties(点拨难点)
T: Time is up. Let’s look at their answers on the blackboard
学生在答案呈现中出现了普遍错误,教师有针对性地点拨,进行学法指导和能力培养。例如:Who first had April Fool’s Day?
学生回答:King Charles .很明显,他们犯了以偏盖全、就事论事的错误。教师引导学生重读文章第二段“There are different stories about the beginning of April Fool’s Day. The ost popular one is that it started in France in 1564. At that time King Charles changed the calen
dar. He wanted 1st January to be New Year’s Day.Some people did not agree with the change. They still celebrated the New Year in April. Others laughed at them and called them ‘fools’”. 并指出此处地关键词“different stories”
T:This is only one of the stories, are stories all true?
S1:Some are true.
S2:Some are not true.
T:That’s right. So remember, you can’t look on a story as a real event. So the answer to the question is …..?
S3: “I don’t know”.
T: Yeah, what a clever boy!
S4: “I’m not sure”
T: Right! Boys and girls,next time you should pay attentions some details in an article and you can answer in many ways.
Step Four:Method of study学法探讨
T:There are another two article about festivals . One is “Dragon Boat Festival”,the other is “The Lantern Festival”. Both of them are Chinese festivals.I ‘ll give you fifteen minutes,you should read them quickly and underline the new words .(学生边阅读边画出生词或短语,有些同学自高奋勇地把他们发现的生词或短语写到了黑板上。)
(Fifteen minutes later)
T:Look here, let’s see if you can tell me the meanings of the words, if you know,please tell us how you know it.
T:Look here, let’s see if you can tell me the meanings of the words, if you know,please tell us how you know it.
学生发现的生词和短语:television , salty, ,happiness,tie up, fall on……
T:First look at “television”,you see, what word is it?
T:Yes, it is not so difficult. We have some others like “advertisement,popular….,”
S:“happiness”, such as “illness,sadness,business,” They are changed from adjectives to nouns.
T:To know the meaning of “salty”,you’d better read the sentence:”Some of the dumplings and sweet, and some are salty.”
S:It’s the opposite meaning to “sweet”(咸的)?
T:That’s it.
Step Fiver:Classromm testing (课堂测试)
T: Now do the exercises by yourself. Remember not to read sentence by sentence,and try not to look backward. Read with questions ,find key words or phrases….