Unit 2 Physics
1. Directions: Work on your own and fill in the blanks with the main idea.
Part 1 (Paras. 1-3): Brief introduction to dark energy Para. 1: Dark energy is an unexplained force which tugs galaxies away from each other.
Para. 2: Dark energy is somewhat like anti-gravity.
Para. 3: Dark energy is scientists’ hypothetic form of energy to explain the universe’s expansion.
Part    2 (Paras. 4-9): The discovery of dark energy: confounding expectations
Para. 4: The discovery of dark energy is a case of science confounding expectations.
Para. 5: Experts expected that gravity had slowed down the universe’s rate of expansion.
Para. 6: The universe’s rate of expansion was speeding up.
Para. 7: The result was beyond experts’ expectations which caused much nervous laughter.
Para. 8: The measurements of supernovae provided the evidence that the universe’s rate of ballooning was speeding up.
Para. 9: The scientists observed many supernovae at different distances to determine how fast they are speeding away from us.
Part 3 (Paras. 10-13): The rate of the expansion of the universe: shocking results
Para. 10: The rate of the universe’s expansion is accelerating.
Para. 11: More researches done by other experts also show the same results.
Para. 12: Einstein’s cosmologica l constant has been revived to explain the puzzling findings.
Para. 13: The cosmological constant is one of the leading theories to explain the expansion of the
Part 4 (Paras. 14-17): The difference between dark energy and dark matter
Para. 14: The confusion of dark energy and dark matter.
Para. 15: Dark matter is an invisible hypothesized form of matter.
Para. 16: Dark matter and dark energy seem to make up most of the mass of the universe.
Para. 17: The discovery of dark energy stirred up a lot of other issues, such as making some people
believe that there are several universes.
2. Directions: Complete the sentences with the words given
in the brackets. Change the form if necessary.
1)Skin injury, infection, stress, and certain drugs may
trigger psoriasis. Skin cells move at an accelerated rate
from the dermis into the epidermis, where they slough
off, causing inflammation.
2)What is clear to just about everyone is that Jordan's
queen faces challenges common to many among her
generation, but on a much grander scale. 几乎每个人
3)The result is a classic case of what economists call
network effects: success in the past creates success in
the future.
4)Friction gradually caused the sliding box to slow down
and stop. 摩擦力使向下滑的箱子减慢速度后停下
5)Most of the data structures and algorithms used to
represent and manipulate information in software are
logic tools based on mathematical algorithms. 在表
6)We shall refer to this force as the driving force on the
7)Heat must not be confused with temperature, which
determines the direction of transfer of heat.
8)Observation, reason and experiment make up what we
call the scientific method.
9)And in the longer term disparate systems may converge
and become interconnected, bringing up a whole host
of new questions.
10)For example, when employees in a company are busy
fighting each other, competitors can add fuel to the fire.
Unit 3 Network Security
Part 1 (Paras. 1-3): Brief introduction to current situation of disclosure of personal information
Para. 1: The line that separates the private from the public is dissolved.
Para. 2: Personal information disclosure becomes a norm.
Para. 3: Younger members appear comfortable with sharing about anything and even older ones are
adjusting to the trend.
Part 2 (Paras. 4-7): Brief introduction to facebook’s members and its features
Para. 4: The composition of facebook’s members.Para.
5: Facebook’s members keep increasing as the
olders sign up.
Para. 6: Facebook’s members are becoming more gre garious.Para. 7: The defining of “friend” online
becomes simple.
Part 3 (Paras. 8-17): The analysis of facebook’s service on protection of personal information
Para. 8: The growth of membership and of individual networks seems impervious to gaffes at the company during its brief, five-year history.Para. 9: Facebook restored the old language and offered some changes for ratification.
Para. 10: Facebook offers members a lot of privacy options.
Para. 11: But Facebook sets few restrictions by default on what third-party software can see in a network
of friends.
Para. 12: David E. Evans wishes that Facebook would begin with more restrictions on the information
that outside software developers can reach.
Para. 13: David E. Evans said that Facebook could set defaults erring on the side of privacy.
Para. 14: As a Facebook’s chief privacy officer, Chris Kelly defends its current settings.
Para. 15: David E. Evans believed that banishment of malevolent software comes too late.
method英语怎么读Para. 16: The defaults turn out to be crucially important.
Para. 17: Users are unwilling to take troubles to customizing permission.
Part 4 (Paras. 18-19): The vague definition of “friends” and its bad effect
Para. 18: The defining of “friends” for facebook’s members are vague.
Para. 19: The distinguish between private and public becomes pointless since “friends” may be those
1)Many people who have not thought carefully
beforehand about learning languages are likely to be carried along by a mishmash of ideas that make little or no practical sense.
2)He is hell-bent on having his own way. 他一意孤行。
3)But most people would rather see the application take
some “good enough” first step and then adjust it to what is desired.
4)“Note: sign up on the day MOP/HK$100 per Race
using the Express Entry Form - available at the Race Registration at 7:30am.”“注意: 请于当日早上七时三十分于登记地点填写特快报名表,每项赛事参赛费用为澳门币/港币一百元整。”
5)Sometimes when the television set doesn't work, you
can fiddle with the wires inside and it comes right.
6)Instead, we'll try to strip away some of the mystery so
often associated with software by discussing the process a programmer follows when developing one.
7)Oh, didn't we fix a target of450,000 yuan? 噢,我们
8)I'll prepare a draft of agency agreement for you to go
9)An intranet is a private version of the Web that is only
accessible to employees of a company (and its partners, clients, or vendors in the case of an extranet).
10)These are similar to personas in that they seek to
describe users and their relationship to a product.
Unit 4 Electronic Information (Robots)
1. Directions: Work on your own and fill in the blanks with the main idea.
Part 1 (Paras. 1-5): Brief introduction to the QB
Para. 1: The appearance and advantages of the QB.Para.
2: The fields in which the QB will be applied.
Para. 3: The composition of the QB.Para. 4: Useful designing makes the QB mobile and height-
Para. 5: The QB is designed for those who expect to be in contact at all times and in all places without
sacrificing presence.
Part 2 (Paras. 6-11): The test drive of the QB
Para. 6: The objective and planned procedure of the test drive.Para. 7: The actual performance of the QB in completing the planned mission.
Para. 8: The built-in lidar system and the camera enable the QB move smoothly.
Para. 9: The QB’s laser-pointer eye turned out to be useful when greeting people.
Para. 10: A valuable lesson has been learned through the test drive: never drive outside the range of the
Wi-Fi network.
Para. 11: The QB slips down along the ramp when the Wi-Fi connection drops.
Unit 5 Materials
Part 1(Paras. 1):Straw may be the building material of the future.
Part 2(Paras. 2-3):A brief introduction of Balehaus, a prototype home built on the campus of the University of Bath.
Part 3 (Paras.4-21):The researchers have tested Balehaus against an exhaustive list of risk factors that could rot it, burn it or blow it down and the results are reassuring.
Part 4(Paras.22-23):Balehaus is expected by the researchers to be tested in a real-life situation.
2. Directions: Complete the sentences with the words given in
the brackets. Change the form if necessary.
1) Wolves huffed and puffed, but they could not blow the
third pig’s house of bricks down.
A stable soil soaks up water, and allows acid to break up
bedrock and create more soil.
3)Just because of a cigarette end, the entire forest went up in flames, which has upset the whole nation.
4) Without scientific explanation, it is difficult to understand
how lava could have been reduced to dust.
5)Although Mary is good at literature and arts, it's beyond her depth when it comes to natural sciences.
6)If we pick the vegetables in the safe intervals, pesticide residue all can be kept within the tolerance allowed by the State standard.如果在安全间隔期采收蔬
7)Our product stack up well against the best product of our counterparts in Europe. 我们的产品比得上欧洲同行最
8)Most people tend to perceive materials as a part of physics or chemistry.大多数人通常把材料学看成是物
9) While the firefighter was trying to help another victim
escape from the fire, a pane of glass dropped off and seriously hurt his head.当这个消防员正在帮助又一个
10) In Chongqing where it is hot and humid, your clothes
will take ages to dry out.重庆炎热潮湿,衣服要很长时
Unit 5 Materials
1. Directions: Work on your own and fill in the blanks with
the main idea.
Part 1(Paras. 1):Straw may be the building material of the future.
Part 2(Paras. 2-3):A brief introduction of Balehaus, a prototype home built on the campus of the University of Bath.
Part 3 (Paras.4-21):The researchers have tested Balehaus against an exhaustive list of risk factors that could rot it, burn it or blow it down and the results are reassuring.
Part 4(Paras.22-23):Balehaus is expected by the researchers to be tested in a real-life situation.
2. Directions: Complete the sentences with the words given
in the brackets. Change the form if necessary.
1) Wolves huffed and puffed, but they could not blow the
third pig’s house of bricks down.
A stable soil soaks up water, and allows acid to break up
bedrock and create more soil.
3)Just because of a cigarette end, the entire forest went up in flames, which has upset the whole nation.
4) Without scientific explanation, it is difficult to understand
how lava could have been reduced to dust.
5)Although Mary is good at literature and arts, it's beyond her depth when it comes to natural sciences.
6)If we pick the vegetables in the safe intervals, pesticide residue all can be kept within the tolerance allowed by the State standard.
7)Our product stack up well against the best product of our counterparts in Europe.
8)Most people tend to perceive materials as a part of physics or chemistry.
9) While the firefighter was trying to help another victim
escape from the fire, a pane of glass dropped off and seriously hurt his head.
10) In Chongqing where it is hot and humid, your clothes
will take ages to dry out.
Unit 6 Mechanics and Automotives
Part 1 (Paras. 1-4) Brief introduction to the two expanding frontiers of engineering
Para. 1: A vision of the engineers’ knowledge and coordination in the future.
Para. 2: the two frontiers predicted.Para. 3: The requirements for the mechanical engineers in the future.
Para. 4: An engineer’s point of the development of design.
Part 2 (Paras. 5-8) The future of nanotechnology and biotechnology
Para. 5: Nanotechnology and biotechnology as the most influential fields.
Para. 6: the core of technological innovation has shifted to biology and the environment.
Para. 7: The great expectations of biotechnology.
Part 3 (Paras. 9-15) The designing methods of the engineers in the future
Para. 8: The democratization of the process of designing and creating new devices.
Para. 9: Futurist Rohit Talwar’s highlight of immersive interactive skills.Para. 10: The affordable vision of CAD.
Para. 11: The future vision of engineers’ design independ ently.Para. 12: The future vision of engineers’ design at home.
2. Directions: Complete the sentences with the words given in the brackets. Change the form if necessary.
1) Biotechnology is on the verge of a revolution in which
genetic components are standardized and
2) The experienced officer is adept at spotting criminals.经
3) Protection against and mitigation of earthquake disasters
shall be incorporated into plans for national economic
and social development.防震减灾工作应当纳入国民经
4) We hold an optimistic view on the future vision of
biotechnology and nanotechnology. (optimize)
5) Bill Gates made the case that its technologies are
becoming even more flexible and powerful as they seep
into automobiles, Internet-based TV networks and living
6) This new product is still reminiscent of the utility
function of its last generation. (reminiscence)
7) Nanotechnology and biotechnology are poised for even
greater success over the next 20 years. (poise)
8) The rapidly advancing fields of biotechnology and
nanotechnology are at the core of these
9) The future engineers must work in collaboration to
build large models in mechanic design. (collaborate)
10) Combined with advances in CAD systems, it will be
possible for mechanical engineers to collaborate in
immersive interactive environments.
Unit 7 Genetic Engineering
Part1 (Para.1) Explaining genetic engineering
Para. 1: Premise on which the technology is based
(genetic information, encoded by DNA and arranged in
the form of genes, is a resource that can be manipulated
in various ways to achieve certain goals) and basic
procedures of genetic manipulation.
Part 2 (Paras. 2-3) Knowledge foundations lead to the
emergence of genetic engineering as an independent
scientific inquiry
Para. 2: Ashort review on the history of genetic
engineering since 1900, which divides the development
of this scientific inquiry into three stages
Para. 3: The establishment of genetic engineering as an
independent discipline.
Part 3 (Paras. 4-5) Genetic knowledge in the earlier years
Para. 4: Ligase purified in the 1970s successfully
removes technical constraints in genetic manipulation.
Para. 5: The emergence of the technology which
became known as gene cloning
2. Directions: Complete the sentences with the words given in
the brackets. Change the form if necessary.
1) Restriction enzyme is an endonuclease that cuts DNA at
sites defined by its recognition sequence.
2) Genetic information is encoded by DNA and arranged in
the form of genes.
3) The main advances made in medicine during the
Renaissance (c. 1350–c. 1600; a European revival of
classical Greek and Roman culture) was greater
understanding of human anatomy (parts of the body).
4) These are the premise on which Murphy's Law is based.
5) The flight is culminated with    a thrilling three-
dimensional smoke chase, each aircraft alternating "lead
and follow" positions across the sky.
6) Supervised teaching practicum is designed to establish
the knowledge basis of oncology nursing.
7) Good will prevail over evil in the end. 善终会战胜恶。
8) Ecology is therefore a perquisite to eradication or
elimination, and will be essential to sustaining success in
the long term.
9) The isolation of enzyme from organisms is a vital step in
genetic engineering
10) The advent of genetic engineering has removed these
constraints, and has given the agricultural scientist a
very powerful way of incorporating defined genetic
changes into plants.
Unit 8 Space Exploration
Part 1 (Para. 1): Brief introduction to the topic.
Para. 1: Brief introduction to the topic.
Part 2 (Paras. 2-3): Laplace’s idea of scientific determinism.
Para. 2: Introduction to scientific determinismPara.3: The connotation of determinism
Part 3 (Paras. 4-5): Planck’s quantum mechanics
Para. 4: Introduction to quantum mechanics.Para. 5: The connotation of quantum mechanics.
2. Directions: Complete the sentences with the words given in the brackets. Change the form if necessary.
1)Most of the audience unreservedly subscribed to Prof.
Tom’s proposal on space exploration in last lecture.
2) Some scientists attributed intelligence to ants in the past.
3) They are agreed on black holes in principle but not in
他们关于黑洞的看法在大体上是一致的, 但是在细节
4) The president stated that cooperation between Academics
and Businesses on the basis of reciprocity was very
important to the future of this university.校长说基于互
5) The people tried to track down the cause of some
disasters but failed for the limit of knowledge.
6) The ground breaking research of an important Danish
astronomer of the 16th century allowed Newton to put
forward the theory of gravity. 16世纪一个重要的丹麦
7) To know better about the outer space, we have to date
back to the researches of Laplace and Plank.
8) Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon;
in effect he was shortly followed by Aldrin, his fellow
9)In terms of the space exploration, countries in the third world have made great progress in recent years.
10) In scientific researches, a hypothesis is so important that
it is regarded as the truth for some time.
Unit 9 rban Planning
Part 1 (Paras. 1-5): Causes of urbanisation
Para. 1: What does urbanisation mean?Para. 2: As a country industrialises, the number of people living in urban areas tends to increase.Para. 3: Now the UK has almost urbanised.
Para. 4: Urbanisation has been increasingly taking place all over the world, especially in LEDCs.
Para. 5: What is counter-urbanisation?
Part 2 (Paras. 6-9): Problems of urbanisation in the CBD –traffic congestion
Para. 6: As more people move to the edge of towns and cities, traffic congestion may get worse.
Para. 7: What causes a bottleneck and congestion?Para.
8: Some cities have introduced several traffic
management schemes.
Para. 9: Local councils also introduce some measures.
Part 3 (Paras. 10-11): Problems of urbanisation in the urban rural fringe – housing demand
Para. 10: Social and demographic changes are leading to
a greater demand for housing.
Para. 11: However, building new, affordable homes in urban areas is difficult.
Part 4 (Paras. 12-14): Sustainable cities
Para. 12: It lists key features of a sustainable city.
Para. 13: A sustainable city will grow at a sustainable rate and use resources in a sustainable way.
Para. 14: It presents some questions to measure whether
a city is sustainable or not.
2. Directions: Complete the sentences with the words given in the brackets. Change the form if necessary.
1)I have several rows of cabbages in the garden.我在园
2)  A similar trend to scientific cooperation on a global
scale was apparent in many other fields, like
meteorology, astronomy, nuclear fusion, and space.
3)Narrow waterways thread between white walled
houses to link up with the Grand Canal, making the
city the Venice of China.城中狭窄的水道蜿蜒于白
4)Dogs show what may be fairly called a sense of
5)Compared to the railroads, the electrical industry was
still young in the 1920s, but its rise had been
6)Silent, they loafed on the edge of the wharf, swinging
their legs above the water.
7)At first blush, land is seen as a fixed or unalterable
8)The effect of car-reliant transportation systems on
cities is “urban sprawl” –undesirable horizontal
rather than vertical growth.发展依赖于汽车的交通
9)Added to this, the thriving Chinese communities in
many American urban centres and their reputation as
a model minority have aroused further their interests
in this distant land, which is so vastly different from
10)These people will tend to flood the cities, worsening
already strained urban resources.
Unit 10 Nuclear Energy
Part 1 (Para. 1) Brief introduction of IAEA
Para. 1: Brief introduction of the nuclear power today.
Part 2 (Paras. 2-7) The IAEA’s two annual projections concerning the growth of nuclear power, a low and a
