Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching
Grammar method / Grammar translation method Ollendorff’s method / Jacotot’s method Traditional method Classical method / Old method
Translation Methodmethod英语
Grammar Translation Method
Lexicon Translation Method
Translation Comparison Method
Modern Translation Method
What is Grammar Translation Method?The Grammar-Translation Method is a method of foreign or second language teaching derived from the classical method of teaching Greek and Latin which uses translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.
BackgroundIn Middle Ages, Latin was the dominant language of education, commerce, religion, and government in the Western world. In the 16th century, however, French, Italian, and English gained in importance as a result of political changes in Europe, and Latin gradually became displaced as a language of spoken and written communication.The study of classical Latin and an analysis of its grammar and rhetoric became the model for foreign language study from the 17th century to the 19th century.
As “modern” languages began to enter the curriculum of European schools in the 18th century, they were taught using the same basic procedures that were used for teaching Latin. By the 19th century, this approach based on the study of Latin had become the standard way of studying foreign languages in schools.
According to Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers in their book Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Grammar translation method is a method for which there is no theory.
Do you agree?
1. All languages originate from one language and are ruled by a common grammar.
2. The written form of the language is superior to the spoken form.
1. The mind of human being has various faculties that can be trained separately.
2. Understanding and memorization of complicated grammatical rules of language help to develop mentality.
4. The language was a body of knowledge to be learned, with an emphasis on intellectual rigor.
to read and translate its literature(the ultimate purpose ); understand the target language;
to help develop the students’ mind; to gain a better understanding of the first language.
Main featuresGrammar is the core of language, and language materials are arranged according to the grammar system. Grammar is taught deductively. The major practice is translation from and into the target language. The teaching focus is reading and writing. First language is the main medium of instruction. The sentence is the basic unit of language teaching and learning. Language accuracy is emphasized.
Grammar-Translation Method makes few demands on teachers. The focus in classroom is teaching and practices of grammar of the target language.
Analysis, explanation and translation serve the purpose of mastering gra
mmar rules.
Teachers use native language as the main medium of instruction. There is little use of the target language.Sentence is the basic unit of language teaching and learning. In the procedures of this method, teachers emphasize accuracy rather than fluency.
The students’ first language is maintained as the reference system in the acquisition of the target language. Students are required to memorize grammar rules in order to understand and manipulate morphology and syntax of the target language. Students who can translate from one language into another are considered successful language learners.
Firstly, A. teachers read and explain the new words and expressions in the first language. B. teachers teach the new grammar with deductive method. Secondly, A. students are asked to read sentences out aloud and translate them into the first language.
B. teachers analyze some difficult sentences and translate them into their native language first literally and then freely. C. students read the passage silently and ask the teacher questions they cannot answer by themselves. Thirdly, A. students are asked to write the answers to the questions about the reading passage. B. students are asked to do other written work to reinforce the new grammar items and vocabulary.
teachers usually use the following techniques to help to realize the course objectives