Unit 5  Why do you like pandas?
Period 1  Section A 1a—1c
I Teaching Aims: method英语
1.Knowledge aims:
New words: tiger elephant koala pandaliongiraffecute interesting smart lazy scary beautiful
Let‘s see the …?
Why do you want to see them?
  Because they’re …
2. Ability aim:
Learn to talk about what animals do you like and why?
3. Emotion aim:
Encourage students to protect animals and love nature.
II.Teaching important and difficult points:
How to teach the students to learn the names of animals;
How to talk about animals by using“Let’s see…Why do you want to…?  Because they’ re…”.
III.Teaching methods:
The method of cooperative learning;
The method of communication;
The multi-media teaching method.
IV.Teaching Aid: PPT
V. Teaching procedures:
二、Teaching Procedures
Make a self-introduction
1.Watch a video about a zoo.
2.Teacherasks students what the students have seen in this video. Then let students answer somequestions.
1.Ask students to name as many animals as they can in English.
2.Teach students the new words with a chant.
For example: Tiger, tiger, I like tiger.
3.Write the list on the blackboard.
Animals                  Description words
tiger                      scary
elephant                    smart
lion                        lazy
koala                      cute
giraffe                      beautiful
panda                      interesting
4. Activity 1a—1c
Listen and check the animals you hear in 1a. And match the words with the animals in the picture.
1.a 2.f 3.c 4.e 5.d 6.b
5. Pair works
Practice the conversations in pairs.Then make your own conversations.  (1c)
—Let’s see the lions.
—Why do you want to see them?
—Because they’re interesting.
1.An _________has two big ears,a long nose and two small eyes.
2.The _________has a very long neck.
3.L__________ are very ugly and kind of dangerous.
4.P_________ are very cute,they only live in China.
5.T______  is  the  king  of  all  the  animals .
6.K_______  are  very  cute, but  also  very  lazy.
7. ______ you like pandas?Yes, I do.
8.______  do you like koalas?
Because they’re cute.
Step5  Summary
—Why do you like pandas?
—Because they’re kind of interesting.
—Why don’t you like tigers
—Because they’re scary.
Step6 Homework
1. Summarize the names of animals you have learnt, and write them
in English.
2. Writing and remember the new words.
