Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)
I.Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共25分)
A.Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (5分)
A                    B                    C                    D
E                    F                    G
    1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________
B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案) (5分)
6.A) $1.99.                    B) $2.99.                    C) $3.99.                    D) $4.99.
7.A) Teacher and student.                                B) Detective and assistant.
C) Policeman and suspect.                            D) Reporter and eye witness.
8.A)                 B)                 C)                D)
9.A) She saw a film without the man.                    B) She waited the man for a long time.
C) She went straight home after work.                    D) She left the movie to find the man.
10.A) The woman’s computer broke down.                    B) The man refused to take the computer back.
C) Customers can’t return items they dislike.                D) Items can be returned with proof of purchase.
C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用表“F”示) (5分)
11.The dialogue is between a waiter and a customer in a restaurant.
12.The customer was unhappy with her burger because it was cooked too long.
13.If the problem isn’t solved, the customer will tell everyone on her social media.
14.Shawn refused to make a new burger because the customer ate most of the burger.
15.The customer will probably receive a formal apology from Shawn.
D.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks (听空,完成下列句子。每限填一词) (10分)
16.Superkilen, a park for the people, opened in __________ __________.
17.People in the area come from all over the world, and the park shows their __________ __________.
18.There are __________ __________ from Brazil for people to sit on and enjoy the nice views.
19.Black Market is a traditional __________ __________ and is busier than Red Plaza.
20.People like having picnics, doing sports and __________ __________ in Green Park.
Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary
II.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)
21.Playing video games is not as ________ as exercising.
A) good                    B) better                    C) best                    D) the best
22.Where are ________ two dinner plates in the set? I can only find four.
A )other                    B) the other                C) another                D) others
23.At first, the students didn’t seem ________ with their new teacher. Now they love his lessons.
A)happy                    B) happily                C) happiness                D) unhappy
24.The story of Robinson Crusoe is about a man living ________ a desert island.
method英语A)in                        B) on                    C) at                        D) for
25.________ amazing car! Is it powered by gasoline or electricity?
A)What                    B) How                    C) What a                D) What an
26.My most memorable toy is a scooter. My sister and I practiced ________ with one foot e
very day.
A) push                    B) pushed                C) pushing                D) to push
27.Like all Greeks, she ________ the legend of Odysseus since childhood.
A)knows                    B) knew                    C) has known                D) will know
28.The villagers are angry with the decision ________ the railway station.
A) close                    B) closed                    C) to close                D) closing
29.This method is rarely used in research, ________?
A) is it                    B) isn’t it                    C) is the method            D) isn’t the method
30.It was a cold winter’s night. It ________ but it was very windy.
A) isn’t raining            B) didn’t rain                C) doesn’t rain                D) wasn’t raining
31.I don’t have much ________ of German history but I think choice A is most likely.
A) knowledge                B) material                C) joke                    D) interview
32.I laughed when he fell in the mud, ________ then I felt sorry for him.
A) and                    B) or                    C) so                    D) but
33.Do you find ________ difficult to learn new skills like how to ride a skateboard?
A) /                        B) it                        C) this                    D) that
34.Bill Gates became interested in computers ________ in those days they were not very common.
A) because                B) although                C) unless                    D) so that
35.Kevin falls asleep in class every morning.
He ________ be out late every night or maybe he works at night.
A) can                    B) need                    C) must                    D) should
III.Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词每词只能填一次)
A. attention B. no longer  C. competed  D. compared  E. conclusion
According to a recent study, dogs get jealous (嫉妒) just like humans do. In the study, two groups of dog owners were   36  . The authors of the study drew a   37  that dogs displayed more jealous behaviours when their owners showed affection toward another dog. Here are some signs of a jealous dog.
