小学英语沪教版(三年级起点)四年级上册 知识点总结
Unit 1 Meeting New People
In this unit。we will learn how to meet new people and XXX。We will also learn some useful phrases for XXX.
1.meet - to get to know someone for the first time
2.new - not old。XXX acquired
3.morning - the early part of the day。from sunrise to noon
4.classmate - a student in the same class as you
5.her - the possessive form of "she"
6.name - a word or set of words by which a person。animal。place。or thing is known。
addressed。or XXX.
7.sit - to rest on one'XXX
8.afternoon - the time of day een noon and evening
9.his - the possessive form of "he"
10.boy - a male child or young man
11.here - in or to this place
12.sister - a female sibling
13.girl - a XXX
14.brother - a male sibling
15.nice - XXX。enjoyable。or attractive
1.Good morning - a greeting used in the morning
2.Good afternoon - XXX
3.Sit here - an XXX
4.Your new classmate - a person who is new to your class
5.My name - an n to one's own name
6.My classmate - a person who is in the same class as you
7.Her name - an XXX's name
8.His name - an XXX's name
XXX for the first time
2.My name is Jill - an n to one's own name
3.This is your new classmate - an n to a new person in your class
4.Her name is Kitty - an XXX's name
5.You can sit here - an XXX
6.This is my brother - an XXX XXX
7.What about you。- a n asking for n about the other person
Key Points:
1.The difference een "hello" and "hi" - "hello" is more formal。while "hi" is more casual.
2."Nice to meet you" is a common XXX for the first time.
3.XXX nouns - my。your。his。her。its。our。your。their.
Jane has a cake。Her mother made the cake。The cake is on the plate。But where is the plate。Jane wants to eat the cake because she likes it。Now we can see the plate on
the table。And the cake tastes great.
Unit 2 Can you swim?
1.run fast
2.good evening
3.our friends
4.his name
5.Super Show
6.swim and fly
1.What can you do。/ What can she do?
2.She can run fast。/ She can't draw.
3.Can you write。/ Can she swim?
4.Super girl is great.
5.e to Super Show.
6.Here are our friends.
7.He can't write his name.
Key Points:
1.The modal verb "can" means "able to。know how to。be allowed to" and is followed by the base form of a verb。For example: Can you skate?
2."e to" means "to be ed to a place" and is usually followed by a n。meaning "e to a certain place"。For example: e to our school.
There are some format errors in the article that need to be XXX。XXX "a" is not relevant to the topic of the article and can be deleted。
