Planet Profile
The Red Planet has a host of new robots investigating it
Across the gulf of space, no other planet has fired humanity’s imagination so much as the Red Planet, and it has frequently been associated with violence, war and death. To the ancient Sumerians it was Nergal, a god of war and plague who presided over the netherworld. In Mesopotamia it was the ‘star of judgement of the fate of the dead’. The Chinese associated it with the element fire, while for the people of the Tiwi Islands off the coast of Australia the planet was one of the four wives of the Moon Man, who followed the pa
th of the Sun Woman through the sky – the other wives were Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. The planet was a familiar sight to the astronomers of ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Rome where Mars was the god of war – and Greece, where Aristotle noticed that the planet vanished behind the Moon during an occultation, proving it was farther away.
Following the invention of the telescope in the 17th century, Mars could be observed in greater detail, and Christiaan Huygens was able to observe Syrtis Major – which he thought was a plain, but we now know to be a volcano – the first surface feature seen on a
nother planet, in 1659. He was also able to measure Mars’ day length as 24 hours and 30 minutes – only seven minutes short of the true value.
It would be another 312 years before a human-made spacecraft would touch down on Martian soil, with the Soviet Union’s Mars 3 lasting 110 seconds on the surface and managing to transmit only part of a single image that showed no detail. There would be several more failures until NASA’s Viking 1 touched down in 1976 and operated for over six years.
Exploration of the planet has continued, and right now there are three operational rovers on its surface. Curiosity and Perseverance are from the US, while Zhurong hails from China. These missions are the lucky ones. There have been a spate of failed missions from the USSR, US, UK and Japan – from rocket failures and solar panels failing to open to a mix-up between the units of measurement used in America and the metric system used by most of the rest of the world, which caused NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter to either burn up or skip off the Martian atmosphere and into deep space in 1999.
Human missions to Mars have been a dream since the earliest days of space exploration. In 2004 the Vision for Space Exploration announced by US president George W. Bush calle
d for a crewed mission to the Moon in 2020 as a stepping stone to Mars. In 2007 NASA administrator Michael D. Griffin said the agency aimed to put a person on Mars by 2037. The Journey to Mars plan, formulated by NASA in
2015, uses the ISS and an asteroid captured in 2020 to test deep-space habitation facilities. That phase is behind schedule, but the ISS phase is underway and set to last until 2024. Humans on Mars in the 2030s is still NASA’s goal.
Left: Mars Pathfinder explores the rocky surface of the Red Planet
