间接检测 indirect detection
间接荧光检测 indirect fluorescence detection
间接紫外检测 indirect ultraviolet detection
检测器 detector
检测器检测限 detector detectability
检测器灵敏度 detector sensitivity
检测器线性范围 detector linear range
阴离子交换剂 anion exchanger
阴离子交换谱法 anion exchange chromatography, AEC
高速逆流谱法 high speed counter-current chromatography
高温凝胶谱法 high temperature gel chromatography
高效液相谱-付里叶变换红外分析法 high performance liquid ch…
高效液相谱法 high performance liquid chromatography
高效柱 high performance column
间接荧光检测 indirect fluorescence detection
间接紫外检测 indirect ultraviolet detection
检测器 detector
检测器检测限 detector detectability
检测器灵敏度 detector sensitivity
检测器线性范围 detector linear range
阴离子交换剂 anion exchanger
阴离子交换谱法 anion exchange chromatography, AEC
高速逆流谱法 high speed counter-current chromatography
高温凝胶谱法 high temperature gel chromatography
高效液相谱-付里叶变换红外分析法 high performance liquid ch…
高效液相谱法 high performance liquid chromatography
高效柱 high performance column
高压流通池技术 high pressure flow cell technique
高压输液泵 high pressure pump
高压梯度 high-pressure gradient
高压液相谱法 high pressure liquid chromatography
阴离子交换树脂 anion exchange resin
荧光薄层板 fluorescent thin layer plate
荧光检测器 fluorescence detector
荧光谱法 fluorescence chromatography
迎头谱法 frontal chromatography
迎头谱法 frontal method
硬(质)凝胶 hard gel
有机改进剂 organic modifier
有机相生物传感器 Organic biosensor
有效峰数 effective peak number EPN
有效理论塔板数 number of effective theoretical plates
高压输液泵 high pressure pump
高压梯度 high-pressure gradient
高压液相谱法 high pressure liquid chromatography
阴离子交换树脂 anion exchange resin
荧光薄层板 fluorescent thin layer plate
荧光检测器 fluorescence detector
荧光谱法 fluorescence chromatography
迎头谱法 frontal chromatography
迎头谱法 frontal method
硬(质)凝胶 hard gel
有机改进剂 organic modifier
有机相生物传感器 Organic biosensor
有效峰数 effective peak number EPN
有效理论塔板数 number of effective theoretical plates
有效塔板高度 effective plate height
有效淌度 effective mobility
淤浆填充法 slurry packing method
予柱 pre-column
在线电堆集 on-line electrical stacking
在柱电导率检测 on-column electrical conductivity detection
噪声 noise
噪信比 noise –signal ratio
增强紫外-可见吸收检测技术 UV-visible absorption enhanced det…
窄粒度分布 narrow particle size distribution
折射率检测器 refractive index detector, RID
真空脱气装置 vacuum degasser
阵列毛细管电泳 capillary array electrophoresis
蒸发光散射检测器 evaporative light-scattering detector, ELSD
整体性质检测器 integral property detector
有效淌度 effective mobility
淤浆填充法 slurry packing method
予柱 pre-column
在线电堆集 on-line electrical stacking
在柱电导率检测 on-column electrical conductivity detection
噪声 noise
噪信比 noise –signal ratio
增强紫外-可见吸收检测技术 UV-visible absorption enhanced det…
窄粒度分布 narrow particle size distribution
折射率检测器 refractive index detector, RID
真空脱气装置 vacuum degasser
阵列毛细管电泳 capillary array electrophoresis
蒸发光散射检测器 evaporative light-scattering detector, ELSD
整体性质检测器 integral property detector
正相高效液相谱法 normal phase high performance liquid chro…
正相离子对谱法 normal phase ion-pair chromatography
正相毛细管电谱 positive capillary electrokinetic chromatog…
直接化学离子化 direct chemical ionization GC-MSprofile中文
直接激光在柱吸收检测 on-column direct laser detection
纸谱法 paper chromatography
置换谱法 displacement chromatography
制备谱 preparative chromatography
制备谱仪 preparative chromatograph
制备柱 preparation column
智能谱 chromatography with artificial intelligence
质量谱 mass chromatography
质量型检测器 mass detector
质量型检测器 mass flow rate sensitive detector
中压液相谱 middle-pressure liquid chromatography
正相离子对谱法 normal phase ion-pair chromatography
正相毛细管电谱 positive capillary electrokinetic chromatog…
直接化学离子化 direct chemical ionization GC-MSprofile中文
直接激光在柱吸收检测 on-column direct laser detection
纸谱法 paper chromatography
置换谱法 displacement chromatography
制备谱 preparative chromatography
制备谱仪 preparative chromatograph
制备柱 preparation column
智能谱 chromatography with artificial intelligence
质量谱 mass chromatography
质量型检测器 mass detector
质量型检测器 mass flow rate sensitive detector
中压液相谱 middle-pressure liquid chromatography
重建谱图 reconstructive chromatogram
重均分子量 weight mean molecular weight
轴向扩散 longitudinal diffusion
轴向吸收池 absorption pool of axial direction
轴向压缩柱 axial compression column
柱端电导率检测 out-let end detection of electrical conductiv…
柱负载能力 column loadability
柱后衍生化 post-column derivatization
柱老化 condition (aging) of column
柱流出物 (column) effluent
柱流失 column bleeding
柱内径 column internal diameter
柱前衍生化 pro-column derivatization
柱切换技术 column switching technique
柱清洗 column cleaning
重均分子量 weight mean molecular weight
轴向扩散 longitudinal diffusion
轴向吸收池 absorption pool of axial direction
轴向压缩柱 axial compression column
柱端电导率检测 out-let end detection of electrical conductiv…
柱负载能力 column loadability
柱后衍生化 post-column derivatization
柱老化 condition (aging) of column
柱流出物 (column) effluent
柱流失 column bleeding
柱内径 column internal diameter
柱前衍生化 pro-column derivatization
柱切换技术 column switching technique
柱清洗 column cleaning
柱容量 column capacity
柱入口压力 column inlet pressure
柱谱法 column chromatography
柱上检测 on-line detection
柱渗透性 column permeability
柱寿命 column life
柱头进样 column head sampling
柱外效应 extra-column effect
柱温箱 column oven
柱效 column efficiency
柱压 column pressure
柱再生 column regeneration
柱中衍生化 on-column derivatization
注射泵 syringe pump
转化定量法 trans-quantitative method
柱入口压力 column inlet pressure
柱谱法 column chromatography
柱上检测 on-line detection
柱渗透性 column permeability
柱寿命 column life
柱头进样 column head sampling
柱外效应 extra-column effect
柱温箱 column oven
柱效 column efficiency
柱压 column pressure
柱再生 column regeneration
柱中衍生化 on-column derivatization
注射泵 syringe pump
转化定量法 trans-quantitative method
紫外-可见光检测器 ultraviolet visible detector, UV-Vis
紫外吸收检测器 ultraviolet absorption detector
自动进样器 automatic sampler
自由溶液毛细管电泳 free solution capillary electrophoresis
总分离效能指标 over-all resolution efficiency
总交换容量 total exchange capacity
总渗透体积 total osmotic volume
纵向扩散 longitudinal diffusion
组合式仪器系统 building block instrument
最佳流速 optimum flow rate
最佳实际流速 optimum practical flow rate
最小检测量 minimum detectable quantity
最小检测浓度 minimum detectable concentration
萃取谱法 extraction chromatography
脱气装置 degasser
紫外吸收检测器 ultraviolet absorption detector
自动进样器 automatic sampler
自由溶液毛细管电泳 free solution capillary electrophoresis
总分离效能指标 over-all resolution efficiency
总交换容量 total exchange capacity
总渗透体积 total osmotic volume
纵向扩散 longitudinal diffusion
组合式仪器系统 building block instrument
最佳流速 optimum flow rate
最佳实际流速 optimum practical flow rate
最小检测量 minimum detectable quantity
最小检测浓度 minimum detectable concentration
萃取谱法 extraction chromatography
脱气装置 degasser
外标法 external standard method
外梯度 outside gradient
网状结构 reticular structure
往复泵 reciprocating pump
往复式隔膜泵 reciprocating diaphragm pump
微分型检测器 differential detector
微孔树脂 micro-reticular resin
微库仑检测器 micro coulometric detector
微量进样针 micro-syringe
微量谱法 micro-chromatography
微乳液电动谱 microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography
微生物传感器 Microbial sensor
微生物显影 bioautography
微填充柱 micro-packed column
微吸附检测器 micro adsorption detector
外梯度 outside gradient
网状结构 reticular structure
往复泵 reciprocating pump
往复式隔膜泵 reciprocating diaphragm pump
微分型检测器 differential detector
微孔树脂 micro-reticular resin
微库仑检测器 micro coulometric detector
微量进样针 micro-syringe
微量谱法 micro-chromatography
微乳液电动谱 microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography
微生物传感器 Microbial sensor
微生物显影 bioautography
微填充柱 micro-packed column
微吸附检测器 micro adsorption detector
微型柱 micro-column
涡流扩散 eddy diffusion
无机离子交换剂 inorganic ion exchanger
无胶筛分毛细管电泳 non-gel capillary electrophoresis
无孔单分散填料 non-porous monodisperse packing
无脉动谱泵 pulse-free chromatographic pump
物理钝化法 physical deactivation
吸附等温线 adsorption isotherm
吸附剂 adsorbing material
吸附剂活性 adsorbent activity
吸附平衡常数 adsorption equilibrium constant
吸附溶剂强度参数 adsorption solvent strength parameter
吸附谱法 adsorption chromatography
吸附型PLOT柱 adsorption type porous-layer open tubular colum…
吸附柱 adsorption column
涡流扩散 eddy diffusion
无机离子交换剂 inorganic ion exchanger
无胶筛分毛细管电泳 non-gel capillary electrophoresis
无孔单分散填料 non-porous monodisperse packing
无脉动谱泵 pulse-free chromatographic pump
物理钝化法 physical deactivation
吸附等温线 adsorption isotherm
吸附剂 adsorbing material
吸附剂活性 adsorbent activity
吸附平衡常数 adsorption equilibrium constant
吸附溶剂强度参数 adsorption solvent strength parameter
吸附谱法 adsorption chromatography
吸附型PLOT柱 adsorption type porous-layer open tubular colum…
吸附柱 adsorption column
吸光度比值法 absorbance ratio method
洗脱强度 eluting power
显器 color-developing sprayer
限制扩散理论 theory of restricted diffusion
线速度 linear velocity
线性梯度 linear gradient
相比率 phase ratio
相对保留值 relative retention value
相对比移值 relative Rf value
相对挥发度 relative volatility
相对灵敏度 relative sensitivity
相对碳(重量)响应因子 relative carbon response factor
相对响应值 relative response
相对校正因子 relative correction factor
相交束激光诱导的热透镜测量 heat lens detection of intersect …
洗脱强度 eluting power
显器 color-developing sprayer
限制扩散理论 theory of restricted diffusion
线速度 linear velocity
线性梯度 linear gradient
相比率 phase ratio
相对保留值 relative retention value
相对比移值 relative Rf value
相对挥发度 relative volatility
相对灵敏度 relative sensitivity
相对碳(重量)响应因子 relative carbon response factor
相对响应值 relative response
相对校正因子 relative correction factor
相交束激光诱导的热透镜测量 heat lens detection of intersect …
相似相溶原则 rule of similarity
响应时间 response time
响应值 response
小角激光散射光度计 low-angle laser light scattering photomet…
小内径毛细管柱 Microbore column
响应时间 response time
响应值 response
小角激光散射光度计 low-angle laser light scattering photomet…
小内径毛细管柱 Microbore column
校正保留体积 corrected retention volume
校正曲线法 calibration curve method
校正因子 correction factor
旋转薄层法 rotating thin layer chromatography
旋转小室逆流谱 rotational little-chamber counter-current c…
选择性检测器 selective detector
循环谱法 recycling chromatography
压电晶体 piezoelectric crystal
压电免疫传感器 Piezoelectric Immunosensor
压电转换器 piezoelectric transducer
校正曲线法 calibration curve method
校正因子 correction factor
旋转薄层法 rotating thin layer chromatography
旋转小室逆流谱 rotational little-chamber counter-current c…
选择性检测器 selective detector
循环谱法 recycling chromatography
压电晶体 piezoelectric crystal
压电免疫传感器 Piezoelectric Immunosensor
压电转换器 piezoelectric transducer
压力保护 pressure protect
压力上限 pressure high limit
压力梯度校正因子 pressure gradient correction factor
压力下限 pressure low limit
衍生化法 derivatization method
衍生化试剂 derivatization reagent
阳离子交换剂 cation exchanger
阳离子交换谱法 cation exchange chromatography, CEC
氧化铝谱法 alumina chromatography
样品环 sample loop
样品预处理 sample pretreatment
液-液分配谱法 liquid-liquid partition chromatography
液-液谱法 liquid-liquid chromatography
液滴逆流谱 drop counter-current chromatography
液固谱 liquid-solid chromatography
压力上限 pressure high limit
压力梯度校正因子 pressure gradient correction factor
压力下限 pressure low limit
衍生化法 derivatization method
衍生化试剂 derivatization reagent
阳离子交换剂 cation exchanger
阳离子交换谱法 cation exchange chromatography, CEC
氧化铝谱法 alumina chromatography
样品环 sample loop
样品预处理 sample pretreatment
液-液分配谱法 liquid-liquid partition chromatography
液-液谱法 liquid-liquid chromatography
液滴逆流谱 drop counter-current chromatography
液固谱 liquid-solid chromatography
液晶固定相 liquid crystal stationary phase
液态离子交换剂 liquid ion exchanger
液相传质阻力 resistance of liquid mass transfer
液相谱-傅里叶变换红外光谱联用 liquid chromatography-FTIR
液相谱-质谱分析法 liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
液相谱-质谱仪 liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer
液相谱法 liquid chromatography
液相载荷量 liquid phase loading
溶剂效率 solvent efficiency
溶解度参数 solubility parameter
溶液性能检测器 solution property detector
溶胀 swelling
溶质性质检测器 solute property detector
容量因子 capacity factor
渗透极限分子量 permeation limit molecular weight
液态离子交换剂 liquid ion exchanger
液相传质阻力 resistance of liquid mass transfer
液相谱-傅里叶变换红外光谱联用 liquid chromatography-FTIR
液相谱-质谱分析法 liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
液相谱-质谱仪 liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer
液相谱法 liquid chromatography
液相载荷量 liquid phase loading
溶剂效率 solvent efficiency
溶解度参数 solubility parameter
溶液性能检测器 solution property detector
溶胀 swelling
溶质性质检测器 solute property detector
容量因子 capacity factor
渗透极限分子量 permeation limit molecular weight
生物谱 biological chromatography
生物特异性柱 biospecific column
生物自显影法 bioautography
升温速率 temperature rate
湿法柱填充 wet column packing
十八烷基键合硅胶 octadecyl silane
石墨化碳黑 graphitized carbon black
示差折光检测器 differential refraction detector
试剂显法 reagent color-developing method
手动进样器 manual injector
手性氨基酸衍生物GC固定相 chiral amino acid derivatives stat…
手性拆分试剂 chiral selectors
手性固定相 chiral stationary phase
手性固定相拆分法 chiral solid phase separation
手性环糊精衍生物GC固定相 chiral cyclodextrin der GC
生物特异性柱 biospecific column
生物自显影法 bioautography
升温速率 temperature rate
湿法柱填充 wet column packing
十八烷基键合硅胶 octadecyl silane
石墨化碳黑 graphitized carbon black
示差折光检测器 differential refraction detector
试剂显法 reagent color-developing method
手动进样器 manual injector
手性氨基酸衍生物GC固定相 chiral amino acid derivatives stat…
手性拆分试剂 chiral selectors
手性固定相 chiral stationary phase
手性固定相拆分法 chiral solid phase separation
手性环糊精衍生物GC固定相 chiral cyclodextrin der GC
手性金属络合物GC固定相 chirametal stationary phase in GC
手性流动相 chiral mobile phase
手性流动相拆分法 chiral mobile phase separation
手性谱chiral chromatography
手性试剂 chiral reagent
手性衍生化法 chiral derivation method
疏溶剂理论 solvophobic theory
疏溶剂谱法 solvophobic chromatography
疏溶剂作用理论 solvophobic interaction principle
疏水作用谱 hydrophobic interaction chromatography
树脂交换容量 exchange capacity of resin
数均分子量 number mean molecular weight
双保留机理 dual reservation mechanism
双活塞往复泵 two-piston reciprocating pump
双束差分检测器 detector of dual-beam difference
手性流动相 chiral mobile phase
手性流动相拆分法 chiral mobile phase separation
手性谱chiral chromatography
手性试剂 chiral reagent
手性衍生化法 chiral derivation method
疏溶剂理论 solvophobic theory
疏溶剂谱法 solvophobic chromatography
疏溶剂作用理论 solvophobic interaction principle
疏水作用谱 hydrophobic interaction chromatography
树脂交换容量 exchange capacity of resin
数均分子量 number mean molecular weight
双保留机理 dual reservation mechanism
双活塞往复泵 two-piston reciprocating pump
双束差分检测器 detector of dual-beam difference
双柱谱法 dual column chromatography
水凝胶 hydragel
水系凝胶谱柱 aqua-system gel column
死区域 dead zone
死体积 dead volume
塔板理论方程 plate theory equation
碳分子筛 carbon molecular sieve
特殊选择固定液 selective stationary phase
梯度洗脱 gradient elution
梯度洗脱装置 gradient elution device
梯度液相谱 gradient liquid chromatography
体积排斥理论 size exclusion theory
体积排斥谱size exclusion chromatography
体积谱法 volumetric chromatography
填充柱 packed column
水凝胶 hydragel
水系凝胶谱柱 aqua-system gel column
死区域 dead zone
死体积 dead volume
塔板理论方程 plate theory equation
碳分子筛 carbon molecular sieve
特殊选择固定液 selective stationary phase
梯度洗脱 gradient elution
梯度洗脱装置 gradient elution device
梯度液相谱 gradient liquid chromatography
体积排斥理论 size exclusion theory
体积排斥谱size exclusion chromatography
体积谱法 volumetric chromatography
填充柱 packed column
填料 packing material
停流进样 stop-flow injection
通用型检测器 common detector
涂层毛细管 coated capillary
拖尾峰 tailing peak
拖尾因子 tailing factor
流动分离理论 separation by flow
流动相 mobile phase
流动相梯度 eluent gradient
流体动力学进样 hydrostatic pressure injection
流体力学体积 hydrodynamic volume
流型扩散 dispersion due to flow profile
脉冲阻尼器 pulse damper
酶传感器 Enzyme sensor
酶联免疫传感器 Enzyme linked immunosensor
停流进样 stop-flow injection
通用型检测器 common detector
涂层毛细管 coated capillary
拖尾峰 tailing peak
拖尾因子 tailing factor
流动分离理论 separation by flow
流动相 mobile phase
流动相梯度 eluent gradient
流体动力学进样 hydrostatic pressure injection
流体力学体积 hydrodynamic volume
流型扩散 dispersion due to flow profile
脉冲阻尼器 pulse damper
酶传感器 Enzyme sensor
酶联免疫传感器 Enzyme linked immunosensor
酶免疫分析 enzyme immnunoassay
内标法 internal standard method
内标物 internal standard
内梯度 inside gradient
逆流谱法 counter-current chromatography
逆流谱仪 counter current chromatograph
凝胶过滤谱 gel filtration chromatography
凝胶内体积 gel inner volume
凝胶谱法 gel chromatography
凝胶谱仪 gel chromatograph
凝胶渗透谱 gel permeation chromatography
凝胶外体积 gel interstitial volume
凝胶柱 gel column
浓度梯度成像检测器 concentration gradient imaging detector
浓度型检测器 concentration detector
内标法 internal standard method
内标物 internal standard
内梯度 inside gradient
逆流谱法 counter-current chromatography
逆流谱仪 counter current chromatograph
凝胶过滤谱 gel filtration chromatography
凝胶内体积 gel inner volume
凝胶谱法 gel chromatography
凝胶谱仪 gel chromatograph
凝胶渗透谱 gel permeation chromatography
凝胶外体积 gel interstitial volume
凝胶柱 gel column
浓度梯度成像检测器 concentration gradient imaging detector
浓度型检测器 concentration detector
排斥极限分子量 exclusion limit molecular weight
排斥体积 exclusion volume
排阻薄层谱法 exclusion TLC
漂移 drift
迁移时间 migration time
迁移时间窗口 the window of migration time
前延峰 leading peak
前沿谱法 frontal chromatography
强碱性阴离子交换剂 strong-base anion exchanger
强酸性阳离子交换剂 strongly acidic cation exchanger
切换时间 switching time
去离子水 deionized water
全多孔硅胶 macro-reticular silica gel
全多孔型填料 macro-reticular packing material
全二维谱 Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography…
排斥体积 exclusion volume
排阻薄层谱法 exclusion TLC
漂移 drift
迁移时间 migration time
迁移时间窗口 the window of migration time
前延峰 leading peak
前沿谱法 frontal chromatography
强碱性阴离子交换剂 strong-base anion exchanger
强酸性阳离子交换剂 strongly acidic cation exchanger
切换时间 switching time
去离子水 deionized water
全多孔硅胶 macro-reticular silica gel
全多孔型填料 macro-reticular packing material
全二维谱 Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography…
全硅烷化去活 complete silylanization deactivation
溶剂强度 solvent strength
激光解吸质谱法 laser desorption MS, LDMS
激光谱 laser chromatography
激光诱导光束干涉检测 detection of laser-induced light beam I…
激光诱导毛细管振动测量 laser-reduced capillary vibration det…
激光诱导荧光检测器 laser-induced fluorescence detector
记忆峰 memory peak
记忆效应 memory effect
夹层槽 sandwich chamber
假峰 ghost peak
间断洗脱谱法 interrupted-elution chromatography
间接光度(检测)离子谱法 indirect photometric ion chromato…
间接光度(检测)谱法 indirect photometric chromatography
减压液相谱 vacuum liquid chromatography
溶剂强度 solvent strength
激光解吸质谱法 laser desorption MS, LDMS
激光谱 laser chromatography
激光诱导光束干涉检测 detection of laser-induced light beam I…
激光诱导毛细管振动测量 laser-reduced capillary vibration det…
激光诱导荧光检测器 laser-induced fluorescence detector
记忆峰 memory peak
记忆效应 memory effect
夹层槽 sandwich chamber
假峰 ghost peak
间断洗脱谱法 interrupted-elution chromatography
间接光度(检测)离子谱法 indirect photometric ion chromato…
间接光度(检测)谱法 indirect photometric chromatography
减压液相谱 vacuum liquid chromatography
键合固定相 bonded stationary phase
键合型离子交换剂 bonded ion exchanger
焦耳热 joule heating
胶束薄层谱法 micellar thin layer chromatography
胶束液相谱法 micellar liquid chromatography
交联度 crosslinking degree
阶梯梯度 stagewise gradient
进样阀 injection valve
进样量 sample size
进样器 injector
聚苯乙烯 PSDVB
聚硅氧烷高温裂解去活 high-temperature pyrolysis deactivation…
聚合物基质离子交换剂 polymer substrate ion exchanger
绝对检测器 absolute detector
可见光检测器 visible light detector
键合型离子交换剂 bonded ion exchanger
焦耳热 joule heating
胶束薄层谱法 micellar thin layer chromatography
胶束液相谱法 micellar liquid chromatography
交联度 crosslinking degree
阶梯梯度 stagewise gradient
进样阀 injection valve
进样量 sample size
进样器 injector
聚苯乙烯 PSDVB
聚硅氧烷高温裂解去活 high-temperature pyrolysis deactivation…
聚合物基质离子交换剂 polymer substrate ion exchanger
绝对检测器 absolute detector
可见光检测器 visible light detector
可交换离子 exchangable ion
空间性谱带加宽 band broadening in space
空穴谱法 vacancy chromatography
孔结构 pore structure
孔径 pore diameter
孔径分布 pore size distribution
控制单元 control unit
快速谱法 high-speed chromatography
理论塔板高度 height equivalent to a theoretical plate(HETP)
理论塔板数 number of theoretical plates
峰面积 peak area
峰面积测量法 measurement of peak area
峰面积校正 calibration of peak area
峰容量 peak capacity
空间性谱带加宽 band broadening in space
空穴谱法 vacancy chromatography
孔结构 pore structure
孔径 pore diameter
孔径分布 pore size distribution
控制单元 control unit
快速谱法 high-speed chromatography
理论塔板高度 height equivalent to a theoretical plate(HETP)
理论塔板数 number of theoretical plates
峰面积 peak area
峰面积测量法 measurement of peak area
峰面积校正 calibration of peak area
峰容量 peak capacity