犯罪心理Criminal Minds第一季中英字幕剧本
Hi. I'm Heather. Nice to meet you. 嗨,我叫海瑟。很高兴见到你
That's a 2.4 liter 6 cylinder engine with Hitachi sidedraft carbs. 车上装了2.4升的6缸引擎,还有日立侧吸式化油器
That's right. Wanna take a look under the hood? 说的没错。想打开引擎盖看看吗
Yeah! You know your Z. I'm impressed. 当然!你对这车很懂行啊,佩服,佩服
You should have your mechanic check it out anyway. 无论如何还是得机修师检查下
How about I leave you my number and we can set it up? Thank you. 我留个电话给你,我们好办手续。谢谢
So it' right up here. 就在前面那右转
Oh! That was— Hello! There was the right. 哦,应该是。嘿,应该右转才对
Uh, pull over here, and we can try and do a U-turn. 要不就在这靠边停了我们做个大转弯试试
What are you doing? Okay. 你在干什么?好了
Stop the car now. 马上停车
Pull over now! 我说现在就靠边停车
How about Andrew? It's greek for valiant. 安德鲁怎么样?希腊语里是勇敢的意思
Let's Sergio. 我们叫他赛吉奥吧
Ha ha! Please tell me you're kidding. 哈哈!告诉我你是闹着玩的
Butch? How about Donald? 布奇呢?唐纳德怎么样
Hans. No! Wait, wait. Um... 汉斯,不要,等等
Okay. Gideon. Not a chance. 好吧,那就吉迪恩,门儿都没有
It's hebrew. Look what it means. 源于希伯来语,看看什么意思
It's perfect. Gideon Hotchner. 完美极了,吉迪恩·霍奇纳
No. Yes. No Gideon 不行,行。不行,吉迪恩
1940's. He put bombs in train stations and movie theaters. 上世纪40年代,那人在火车站和影剧院里安置
Uh, the mad bomber. George Metesky. Nice. 狂人,乔治·梅特斯基,记性不错
The winners sit. Losers, drink. Cheers. 赢的休息,输的罚酒。干杯
Hold on. Metesky wasn't a serial killer. None of his bombs ever killed anyone. 慢着,梅特斯基算不上连环杀手他的没炸死过一个人
Well, you think all we do is serial killers? 你以为我们只解决连环杀手吗
we cover the whole spectrum of psychos. 相信我,我们得对付各种各样的变态We profiled the D.C. sniper, the unabomber. 我们对整个华盛顿特区进行犯罪行为分析
We do terrorists, arsonists 狙击手啦,客啦,还有,纵火犯
Supervisory agents trying to get trainees drunk? 督察探员是想把实习生灌醉吗
Excuse me. 不好意思
Wow. Behavioral Analysis Unit. You work with Gideon? 行为分析组,你和吉迪恩一起工作吗Were you with him in Boston? 在波士顿时也和他在一起吗
I was supposed to be. 本该是的
Yeah. This is Morgan. 喂,我是摩根
Anyone recognize these faces? 有人能认出这些面孔吗
Victims of the footpath killer. "小径杀手"的被害人
That's what Virginia newspapers are calling him. We refer to him as the unknown subject or unsub. 弗吉尼亚的报章就是这么称呼他的,我们已将其列为不明嫌犯
I told Virginia We're looking for a white male in his 我告诉弗吉尼亚警方,我们追捕的凶手,是白人,20多岁
who owns an american-made truck in disrepair. Works a menial job. 有辆美国产,破旧的卡车,做着卑微的工作
I told'em when you 我还告诉他们,到他的时候
don't be surprised to hear him speak with a severe stutter. 不要对他严重的口吃感到惊讶
Not to sound skeptical, but a stutter? 无疑质疑您,但口吃是怎么回事
Where'd the murders occur? 凶案发生在哪里
Hiking paths. Isolated. 徒步旅行线路上,与世隔绝
If I'm a killer who has to use an immediate application of overpowering force, even out in the middle of nowhere, 如果我是个,即便在四下荒无人烟的条件下也要用快速压倒性武力制服对方的凶手
I lack confidence. 那说明我缺乏信心
I can't charm them into my car like Ted Bundy did. 我没法像泰德·邦迪一样用个人魅力骗他们进车
I can't because I am ashamed of something. Excuse me. 我做不到,因为我为某事感到羞耻。对不起
They're calling him the Seattle strangler. 4 victims in 4 months. 他们称他为"西雅图扼杀犯" 。4个月内,4名被害人
He keeps'em alive 7 days. The handle serves as a crank. 他先让她们活7天,那扳手起到转柄的作用把她们勒死
Allowing him to control the rate of suffocation. 这样他就能控制窒息的速率
To prolong it? To enjoy it. 为拖延过程吗?是为了享受
Seattle's hit a wall? 西雅图那边碰壁了吗
Physical evidence is nonexistent. There are no tangible leads. 没有任何物证,也没有具体线索And another girl is missing. 而且又一个女孩子失踪了
I looked the case file over. I'll get some thoughts to you asap. 把案卷看完后我会尽快告诉你我的想法
You're gonna be with us in Seattle asap. 你要尽快跟我们去西雅图
22-year-old Heather Woodland. 22岁,海瑟·伍德兰
Before she left for lunch, she downloaded an email with a time-delayed virus attached. 外出午饭前,她从网上下载了一封带有延时病毒的
The killer's virus wiped her hard drive and left this on the screen. 凶手的病毒清空了她的硬盘在屏幕上留下了这个
"For heaven's sake, catch me before I kill more. I cannot control myself." 看在上帝份上,在我杀害更多人。之前抓住我,我控制不了自己
He never keeps them for more than 7 days, which means we have fewer than 36 hours to find her. 他从来没让她们活过7天,也就是说我们现在只有36小时到她
They want you back in the saddle. 他们想让你干回老本行
You ready? 准备好了吗
Looks like medical leave's over, boss. 看来病假结束了,头
They sure they want me? 他们确定要我吗
The order came from the director. 局长亲自下的命令
Well, we'd better get started. 我们最好现在就动身
Joseph Conrad said,"the belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. 约瑟夫·康拉德说过,不必将罪恶之源归咎于超自然因素
Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness." 人类自身足以实施任何恶行
This girl may only have 36 hours to live. 这姑娘可能只剩36小时可活
We're not asking for a judgment of Gideon. 我们要的不是吉迪恩的判断
We want an assessment. 我们需要的是他的评估
We want to know you're there to step in if he can't perform. 我们要你在他无法自持时介入干预
Are we clear? Of course. 清楚了吗?当然
His first victim was 26-year-old Melissa Kirsh. 第一个被害人是26岁的梅丽莎·基尔希
Stab wounds, strangulation. Wait, wait. Back up. Back up. 多处刺伤,被勒死,等等,倒回去He and then strangled her to finish her off? Other way around. 他用刀刺了她,然后再把她勒
Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder? 你认为他第二次行凶为什么开始使用腰带
Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe. 徒手掐死一个人并非想象中容易
He tried, probably found that it took So he stabbed her instead. 他尝试了,可能觉得费时太长。所以他转而用刀刺她
And realized it would be hours cleaning up the blood. 然后又意识到要花上几个小时清理血迹Next time, our boy's got a method—the belt. 于是第二次,他就采用了腰带
He's learning, perfecting his scenario. 他在学习,在完善他的流程
Becoming a better killer. 成为更好的杀手
What did I tell you about the tape? 我告诉过你,别碰那胶带
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! 对不起,对不起,对不起
He never stands with his back to a window. 他从不背对窗户站着
When I was between him and a doorway, he asked me to move. 只要我站在他和门口之间他就会让我闪开
That's hyper vigilance. It's not uncommon in post traumatic stress disorder. 那是高度警觉性,在创伤后应激障碍症中很常见
Just how much disorder are we talking about? 但我们要知道他的病有多严重
Morgan, it's been 6 months. Everything's ok. 摩根,已经过去6个月了,没事了
This is special agent Gideon, special agent Morgan, our expert on obsessional crimes, special agent Reid. 这位是特别探员吉迪恩,特别探员摩根,强迫性犯罪专家,特别探员里德Dr. Reid. Dr. Reid, our well, everything. 里德博士。里德博士是我们,万事都在行的专家
And after 2 years busting my butt in this office, I hope you all remember me. 我在这间办公室埋头苦干两年了。希望你们都还记得我
He's willing to travel with the body. 他喜欢带着尸体到处走
Then he drives a vehicle capable of concealing one. 那他就得有辆藏得下尸体的车
1 in 7.4 drivers in Seattle owns an SUV. 在西雅图,7.4个开车的人中就有1个拥有休旅车
Explorer with tinted windows. Explorers rate higher with women. 带有车窗的福特探险家,女性对探险家更为青睐
But how do we know it's his car? Ted Bundy drove a VW Bug. 但我们怎么知道那就是他的车,泰德·邦迪开的是大众甲壳虫
profile中文意思What about a Jeep Cherokee? Jeep's are more masculine. 会不会是辆切诺基的吉普车,吉普车更加男性化
We all know how an unsub feels about asserting his masculinity. 我们都知道不明嫌犯对展现自己的男子气概持什么态度
When did the bureau become involved in the case? 局里是什么开始调查这案子的
After the fourth body. He dumped that one out of state. On purpose. 发现第4具尸体后他弃尸在本州以外的地方。那是故意的
If so, knowledge of law enforcement does suggest a criminal record. 从他对执法过程的熟悉程度来看他肯定有犯罪前科
Or that he watches television. May I? 也可能他是从电视里学来的,麻烦你
So you wanna see our suspect list? 你想看我们的嫌犯名单吗
No, we won't look at a suspect list until after we come up with a profile. 在完成犯罪行为分析之前我们不会看嫌犯名单
It keeps our perspective unbiased. 这让我们的判断不带偏见
When do we sit down with your task force? 4:00. 我们什么时候跟你的特遣小组开会,下午4点
An accurate profile by 4:00 today? That's not a problem. 今天4点前得完成准确的犯罪行为分析,不成问题
Agent Gideon, where would you like to start? 吉迪恩探员,你想从哪开始
Let's start at the site of the last murder. 从上一处抛尸地点开始
So that's Gideon? The Gideon. 那就是吉迪恩,传说中的吉迪恩
The one who caught that guy, Adrian Baal, in Boston. 他逮住了波士顿那个艾德里安·巴力Yep. That's him. But catching him cost us 6 agents. 没错,就是他,只不过牺牲了我们6个探员
22-year-old Anne Cushing was found right here. 22岁的安妮·库欣就是在这里被发现的Nails clipped just like the others. 与其他受害人一样,指甲被剪掉
He wants them to fight back. 他希望受害人进行反抗
But not enough to hurt him. 但又不足以伤害他
And he left the belt around her neck. 他还把腰带套在她脖子上
He's probably in his early 20's. 他应该才20出头
What's your reasoning? 推断的理由呢
Youthful arrogance. 年轻人的傲慢自大
He clothed the body before dumping it. 抛尸前他还给尸体穿上了衣服
That's a sign of remorse. 说明他有懊悔之心
It's not consistent. Look where we are. 但并非一贯如此,看看这是什么地方
His opinion of women is pretty clear, don't you think? 他对妇女的态度显而易见,你不觉得吗They're disposable. 她们是一次性用品
Why show remorse by taking the time to dress her but then dump her here? 花时间给她穿衣是懊悔的话,为何又抛尸这里呢
Sandy, no, no, no. I'm so sorry. No, it's ok. 山迪别叫,十分抱歉,没关系
It's what we call the Reid effect. 我们管这个叫里德效应
Happens with children, too. 小孩也是这个反应
I'm agent Hotchner. This is special agent Dr. Reid. 我是霍奇纳探员,这位是特别探员里德医生You look too young to have gone to medical school. 这么年轻就上医学院
They're PhD's. 3 of them. 我拿了3个博士学位
Are you a genius or something? 你是天才吧
I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified-- 我认为智力水平是没法准确量化的
Yes, I'm a genius. 没错,我是个天才
Sandy, you get a lot of attention, don't you? 山迪,你出大风头了,对不
Yeah, Heather loves this dog. 没错,海瑟很喜欢这只狗
I feed her when Heather's away. Usually, she's fine, 海瑟出门时我就喂她,通常她都没事,但是
lately, she won't eat. It's almost like she can sense something's wrong. 她最近却不肯吃东西,似乎能感到有什么不对劲
Not sense. Smell. Our apocrine sweat gland releases secretions in response to emotional stress. 并非感觉,而是嗅觉。精神紧张时,人体顶泌汗腺会释放分泌物
Sandy's worried because she knows you are. 山迪担心是因为她知道你担心了
David, does your sister drive a Datsun Z? 大卫,你妹妹开的是达特桑Z型车吗
No, but she's in the market for one. How'd you know? 不是,不过她正在市面上。你怎么知道的
Come on, Sandy. 山迪,我们走
There's an immediate relationship established between a buyer and a seller, a level of trust. 买卖双方会即时地建立起一种信任关系
If I want to coax a young woman into 若想把一位年轻女子骗进我的车
Offer her a test drive. 就向她提供试驾
Okay, then how about the fact that on one hand, we have 好吧,一方面,我们推断他有偏执型精神病
But the autopsy protocol says what? 但验尸报告怎么说来着
Adhesive reside shows he put layer after layer of duct tape over his victims' eyes. 粘性残留物表明受害人眼部被缠了多层胶带
He knows he wants to kill them, but he still covers their eyes. 他明知会杀害她们,却仍旧给她们蒙眼
He doesn't want 'em looking at him, apparently. 他很明显不想让她们见到自己
Okay, but then he takes the body and dumps it right out in the open, murder weapon nearby. 好吧,可后来他抛尸户外,凶器就扔在边上
Not the M.O. of a paranoid convinced he's being watched or surveilled. 这可不是一个正被看管或监视的偏执狂的作案手法
Paranoid psychosis, but behavior that's not paranoid. 他是偏执型精神病,但行为并不偏执
All right, enough. 好吧,够了
Let's tell them we're ready. 告诉他们我们准备好了
We're ready? 准备好了
Reid. You're good with this? 里德,你没意见吗
We've got a woman who's only got a few hours left to live, 一个女人仅剩几个小时可活