胸圍  Bust
腰圍  Waist
臀圍  Hips
前胸寬  Front Width
背寬  Back Width
肩寬  Shoulder
後頸點至腰  C.B.N-Waist
頸肩點至腰  N.S.P-Waist
頸圍      Neck
下臂長      Sleeve Underarm
臂圍      Sleeve Muscle
裙長      Long Skirt
內側褲長      Inside Trouser Leg.
由肩點量袖長 (總袖長)    Over Shoulder Sleeve Measure
背長      Length of Back
前身長      Length of Front
背寬      Breadth of Back
肘長      Elbow
開襠處      Rise
頸點至腰    Neck to Waist
身長      Height
實際腰圍    Nat Waist
腰帶      Waist Band
褲長(不算腰帶寬)      Trousers Side- seam Without Band 制衣專有名詞
Jersey wear 針
Woven  梭織
Knitwear/Sweater  毛衫
Accessory 配件
Solid  凈
Print  印花
Embroidery 繡花
Beading 釘珠
M/C Embroidery  机繡
Hand crochet 手鉤
Embellishment 裝飾類
Princess line  公主線
Outseam, inseam. 外骨, 里骨.
Grain line  布紋
Straight grain  直紋
Cross grain  橫紋
Bias cutting  斜紋裁
Shiny  反光
Twist  扭曲
Hiking  吊起
Tight  緊的
Loose  鬆的
Stretched  拉鬆
Puckering  容邹
Unbalance  不平衡
Check match  對格
Stripe match  對
V ertical buttonhole  直鈕門
Horizontal buttonhole 橫鈕門
Seam allowance  子口
Interlining  朴
Elastic  丈巾
Main label 主嘜
Content label  成分嘜
Care label    洗水麥
Thread  線
Zipper  拉鏈
Spare button 士啤鈕
Interface  內貼
Lining  里布
Shoulder pad  肩墊
Tissue paper  拷貝紙
Price ticket  價錢牌
Hangtag  挂牌
Poly bag  膠袋
Hanger  衣架
Inner box  內箱
Carton  紙箱
Dye to match=D.T.M配
Double turn  還口
Fabric defects  布疵
Rough yarn  粗紗
Color yarn  紗
Buying/Photo shoot/Fitting/Grades/Gold seals/Mock shop 銷售/影像/尺寸/齊碼尺寸/落貨前/展覽辦
Pilot/Wearer trial 版/試穿辦
CAD System
Four points system
Pre-shrinkage m/c
Fabric hanger
Color continuity card
Fusing m/c
Thermal paper
Pre-production meeting
Straight-line production
Lockstitch-Single/Twin needle
Overlock-----3/4/5 thread
Twin ndl seam cover----flat bed/ Cylinder arm
4 ndl flat lock 哈鬚
Bar Tack
Button sew----lockstitch /Chainstitch
Botton hole-----lockstitch/Key hole
Zig zag
Blind hem
M/c maintenance/service---------mechanic
Hand steam iron with vacuum
Spot cleaning
Metal detector
Collar  領
Crew neck  圓領                Notch collar      國民領
V-neck      v領                Shawl collar      菜瓜領
Boat Neck  船形領              Turtle neck        高翻領
U-neck      u領                Sailor Collar      水手領Square neck  方領                Peter-Pan collar    小飛俠領Draped cowl  挂帽領              Chinese Collar      旗袍領Wing collar  翼領              Shirt collar        襯衫領Italian Roll  意大利卷型領        V-with collar      v翻領
Unbalance collar 領不平衡
Asymmetric collar  領位不對稱
Uneven collar width  左右領闊不一致
Uneven neckline  左右領圈不一致
Uneven collar point  領尖不對稱
Uneven lapel shapes    左右前領咀形狀不一樣
Too much easing at C.F. neckline 前領口溶位太多(有太多溶位於前中領窩)
Collar too tight at CB 後領中太緊
Collar band is twisting  領座扭曲不平順
Fullness at front collar and lapel  領及前領咀不平順
Neckline is not smooth  領圈不圓順
Neck setting not smooth  領子裝得不平順
High & low back neck  後領圈有高低
Edge of front opening is crooked  前門領邊不直
Front opening not straight  前門領邊不直
Front facing is exposed at bottom hem  前門領貼在下擺處外露
Front opening facing is shorter than body  前門領貼短於大身
Neck was stretched  領圈拉松
Too much tie on front collar  前領處有豁口
Sleeve & Armhole  袖&夾
Puckering at left/right armhole 左右夾圈有溶位不平伏.
Too loose at right armhole, uneven for left/right armhole 右夾圈有拉松, 左右夾圈不相稱. Sleeve running to back(衣袖走後) / Sleeve running to front(衣袖走前) 操兵袖
Too loose at front sleeve seam 前袖骨拉松
Too tight at back sleeve seam 後袖骨過緊.
Poor cuff setting  卡夫裝得不好
Sleeve placket is not set well  袖叉裝得不好
Underarm seam was stretched  袖底縫被拉松
Armhole setting not smooth  袖孔不圓順
Ease on sleeve cap is uneven  袖頂縮拱不均勻
Front/back  前後幅
Hiking at front, CF facing too short 吊襟
Hiking at back, lining too short 吊裡
Curve at CF zip(too much fullness at CF zip) 前中拉鏈溶位太多
Curve at CF zipper because of no easing of zipper. 前中拉鏈無溶位(引致紐曲)
Hiking at back / Hiking at front 後幅吊起 / 前幅吊起
Front panel is bigger than under panel(lining)  前幅底幅細面幅松
Lining too big, too short, too small, too long 裡布太大, 太短, 太小, 太長
Grain lines are not match at front & back panel 前後幅布紋不相稱
Front length uneven  左右前長不一致
Too loose at shell, Too loose at back/lining, turn insider out 底松, 面鬆, 向外反
Hem  衫腳
Seam binding stitch tension is too tight, causing bottom not smooth.
下擺絲帶過緊, 使下擺不平順
Bottom hem is not in line / not straight. 下腳不夠不平(直)
Twisting hem, puckering at hem 下腳紐紋起豆角.
Uneven hem  左右下擺高低不一
V ent length uneven  左右開叉長短不一
Uneven leg length  長短腳
Uneven hem line  衫腳不平均 / 不對稱
Pocket  袋
High-low pocket    高低袋
Both pocket set uneven  左右口袋裝得高低不一
Pocket not smooth / squared  袋不平服/不夠正方
Pocket flap not centered over pocket  袋蓋不正中
Both pocket shapes are uneven  左右口袋形狀不一致
Bottom part of pocket is sagging  口袋下部下垂
Pocket flap is misplaced  袋邊位置不對
Pocket is misplaced  口袋位置不對
Pocket is smiling  袋口開得不吻合
Pocket opening is fray  袋口有毛口
Pocket shape distorted  口袋變形
Pocket size and shape is not follow sample exactly
Pocket welt is uneven  上下袋唇不均勻
Poor pocket setting  口袋裝得不好
Binding  拉捆
Piping is uneven  捆邊不均勻
Piping is twisting and not smooth  捆邊扭曲不平順
Pleats  縮褶
Uneven shirring at back waist seam
Shirring  碎褶
Elastic shirring is uneven  橡筋縮拱不均勻
Both side pleats not balance  左右褶位不一致
Darts placement is not follow sample exactly  褶位未按照實樣做
Pleats is misplaced  褶位不對
Shirring / Gathering 縮褶
Pleated 生褶
Darts 死褶
Beading & embroidery  釘珠&繡花
Beads stitching are not secure  珠子未釘牢
Embroidery stitching is too tight 繡花線太緊
Embroidery stitching too loose  繡花線太松
1)              Color shading  差
2)      Color shading within one garment.  同一件衣服內有差。
3)      Color shading between trims and body.  配件與衫身之間有差。
4)      Shade differs from approved standard.  顏與批核版不同。
5)      Shading caused by poor color interlining matching. 紙朴顏不配合, 引致差。
