译林版牛津英语9A Unit 1-8语法和知识点总结
9A U1 语法和知识点复习
1.and 表示并列关系,用于肯定句中。I like apples and bananas.
<表示选择关系, you can stay at home or go out.
or 在否定句中也表示并列关系。I don?t like apples or bananas.
3.but 表示转折关系。He is very young ,but he knows a lot.
4.so表示因果关系。He got up late ,so he was late for school.
5. both …and…连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。
例如:both Lucy and Lily (study) hard
和not only…but also连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和最近的主语保和either … or…
6. neither…nor….
持一致(就近原则)例如:neither my parents nor she (know)it
1.Look at the sign, it “No smoking”.A.speaks    B. says    C. writes
2.make做“使,让”的三种用法:  a. make sb +形容词  b. make sb +动词原形。  c. be made to do sth. 例如:it makes them (feel) good to share things with others.
3. Let 做“使,让”时句型:let sb do sth.
4.同意某人的意见=agree with sb
5. 吃光= eat up
6. 使…保持井然有序= keep ….in good order
7.炫耀= show off 8.足够…可以做某事=形容词+enough to do sth
9. 想出注意=come up with 10. 对… 很好奇= be curious about…
11. 容易生气= get angry easily
12. .it is kind you to help me it is terrible me to work without speaking all day long
背诵:It is +形容词+for/of sb to do sth 如果形容词是说明人的品质的,用of;如果形容词是说明事情的用for.
13.背诵:He doesn?t like to ta lk much, but his work shouts. =他不喜欢讲太多,但是他的作品极具说服力。
14. I am always searching for something different. 我总是在寻一些不同的东西
15.放弃=give up 用法:  a. give up doing sth b. give it up
16. 领先= take the lead 17.落后= fall behind
18. 准备做某事= be ready to do sth 19. 接受新的挑战= take on new challenges
20. 失之毫厘谬以千里= a miss is as good as a mile
21. 我们不能承担任何错误= we can?t afford to make any mistakes
22. 注意做某事= pay attention to +doing
23.高水准的工作= work to high standards
24.作为医生,你越仔细越好= as a doctor, you can?t too careful. can?t … too =…
25.乐意做某事= be willing to do sth
26. 为某人做手术= do operations on sb
27. 把时间都贡献在做某事上=devote +时间to +doing sth
28. 擅长做某事= be good at doing sth=do well in doing sth
29. 下棋= play chess 30.适合= be suitable for
31. 据说= it is said that… 32. 在某些方面= in some ways
33. 害怕做某事=be afraid of doing sth 34.做演讲= make a speech
35.某人花费时间做某事= sb spend +sometime +(in )doing sth = sb spend +sometime+on sth
36.尽某人最大努力做某事= try one?s best to do sth
37. 上学缺席= be absent from school
38. 推荐某人担任…职务= recommend … as +职务
39. 做某事最合适的人选= the most suitable person to do sth
40. 他帮助其他的学生= he helps other students
9A U2 语法和知识点复习
1. 宾语从句常放在动词后面。
2.宾语从句的连接词有三类:  a . that    b. if / whether    c. 特殊疑问词。
3. 宾语从句的语序要用陈述语序,即:主语+谓语+其它
4. 宾语从句的时态:宾语从句的时态和主句的时态有关,如果主句的时态是现在时态,那么宾语从
1. “
穿”的几种表达:a. be dressed in /wear/表状态。  b.put on 表"穿"的动作c. dress sb= " 给某人穿衣”
2. 女孩的颜= a girl's colour
3.某物没有什么大碍=there's nothing wrong with sth.
4.某物穿在某人身上好看= sth looks good on sb
5.某人穿某物好看=sb looks good in sth
6. 你知道彩虹有多少种颜吗?=do you know how many colours there are in a rainbow?
7.你最喜欢的颜是哪一个?=which is your favourite colour?
8. = 后都跟动词的现在分词形式。例如:what about (go) swimming?
9.感到瞌睡/放松/有压力=feel sleepy/relaxed/stressed
10. 给身心带来和平=bring peace to mind and body
11. 代表忧伤/快乐= represent sadness/joy
12. 在婚礼当天= on their wedding day
13. prefer的几点用法:
a.prefer doing sth to doing sth = 喜欢做什么胜过做什么
b. prefer to do sth rather than do sth = 比较喜欢做什么胜过做什么
c. would rather do sth than do sth = 宁愿做什么也不愿做什么
14. 让某人振作起来= cheer sb up
16. 希望成功= hope for success
17. succeed(v.)--success(n.)--successful(adj.) ---successfully(adv.)
18.成功做某事= succeed in doing sth = be successful in doing sth
19.妒忌的,眼红的= green with envy
20. 对...有帮助= be of help to sb = be helpful to sb
例如:(wear) red (make) it easier to take action
22. 采取行动做某事= take action to do sth
23.做某事有困难= have difficulty (in) doing sth = have problems with sth= have trouble ( in ) doing sth
24. 决定做某事= decide to do sth = make a decision to do sth
25. 取决于= depend on
26. 由...制成...    a. be made of ...(能看出原材料)  b. be (不能看出原材料)
27. instead与instead of : A:instead 常放句子开头或结尾。B:instead of 常放中间,后跟动名词。
28. 答应做某事= promise to do sth 29. 取回,拿回= back
30. 镇静= calm down 31. 感到一点点压力= feel a little bit stressed 32. 红白搭配很好= red and white are a good match 33 试穿= try on (记住,代词要放中间)。
34. such as 与for example的区别:
(1)for example作“例如”讲时,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中。for example后接完整的句子。(2)such as也作“例如”讲,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。such as 后只能接名词或名词性短语。
9A U3语法和知识点复习
1. 宾语从句的引导词/连接词;
A. 宾语从句为陈述句连词用that:
A.主现从需:主句是现在的时态(包括一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时),从句的时态根据实际情况需要而定。例:I know she lives here. I know she lived here ten years ago.
B.主过从过:主句是过去的时态(包括一般过去时、过去进行时),从句的时态一定要用过去的时态(包括一般过去时、过去进行时、过去将来时、过去完成时)。例:I knew who lived here.
represent的用法C.客观真理或规律,从句一般现在时。例:Our teacher told us that the earth ________ (move) round the sun.
Why not do …? =Why don?t you do…?
What / How about doing…?
Let?s do… 
Shall we do…?
Perhaps you should do…
s a good idea to do… 
1. get fat =变胖
2. too much+后加不可数名词too many+后加可数名词复数
much too+后加形容词和副词
3.what's the matter?= what is wrong?=怎么了?+with sb
4. 提建议的句型:
a. why =why don't you +v...?
b.what about+doing sth=how about +doing sth?
c. you had better (not ) +do sth
5. 少吃多锻炼= eat less and exercise more
6. enough "足够的”与名词连用,enough books。
与形容词连用放其后,good enough。
结构:形容词+enough to do sth= 足够怎么样可以做...
7. 有足够时间做某事=have enough time to do sth
8. 让某人发疯= drive sb mad
9. (电视)开着=be on
10.感到孤独/瞌睡= feel lonely/sleepy
11. 他们没有时间陪我= they don't have time for me
12.处理=deal with= do with,
deal with 常与how连用,do with 常与what 连用
13. 除此做某事,别无选择=have no choice but to do
14. 发现做某事....样= find it +形容词+to do sth
15.熬夜熬到很晚=stay up late
16.保持清醒= stay awake 按时= on time
17. 想象做某事= imagine doing sth
18. 按时完成所有的的家庭作业很重要
= it is important to finish all the homework on time.
= I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies.
20. 某人花费多长时间做某事
= sb spend +sometime on sth
= sb spend sometime in doing sth
