Module 1  Europe 学案
1.  Europe  n..               欧洲人 n.               欧洲的 adj.                            
2.  continent n.            大陆的adj.            大陆人,大洲人 n.           
3.  situate v.              坐落的,位于的 adj.            位置 n.         
4.  locate v.               位于adj.                      位置 n.                                   
5. architect n.            建筑学 n.          建筑学(师)的  adj.         
6. civil adj.              使。。。文明\开化 v.              文明 n.         
7. govern v.                统治,管理 n.             州长,总督n.         
8. represent v.              代表n.          典型的,有代表性的 adj.           
1.一座山系            2.在。。。的海岸上               3.西方文明的发源地            
4. 位于                5.远离海岸                    6.据,依照。。。                 
7.控制                  8. 国家元首                    9.渐渐地             
10.有。。。人口              11.目前                  12.另一方面             
13.信息包              14.作为。。。。而出名             15.横跨英吉利海峡           
16.在中国的东部          17. 以。。。的名字命名          18.主要的工业城市和港口           
1. be situated on / in/ to 位于某处 
Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine.
a small town _______________just south of Cleveland  地处克利夫以南的小城。 
2..查出下列词组的意思  more than = over _______________no more than = only
not more than = at most____________________    more……than ----------- vi.工作,劳动;运转顺利;成功;有效
.work on  (sth)  “从事于…  致力于…”“继续工作,对起作用
work at  致力于; 研究  work out  计算出;制定出4
4.Their work has influenced other writers ever since.________________________________________
ever since  自那时起 (ever) since then;    from that time/ then on(与____________时态连用)
The Snow White and the prince ____________(live) a Happy life ever since
5. across through  
二者均表示穿过across指从一个平面上穿过;through指从物体的中间穿过, 给人以立体感。如:
They drive a boat across the river.  (从平面上穿过)
He traveled through the forest. (在树林中间走过。给人以立体感)
across cross  across 是介词, 不能在句中作谓语; cross是动词,在句中作谓语。如:
She went across the bridge. (谓语为went    She crossed the bridge.
1.      As I came _____ the town, I found many houses had been destroyed by the big earthquake.
A. through    B. across  C. cross    D. in
2.      As the first _____ country in economy, America has a lot of advantages in global affairs.
A. rich  B. richer  C. richest    D. most richest
6. sign n.    记号,符号;
标志;招牌;标牌  The sign says "Parking Forbidden". 告示牌上写着"禁止停车"
手势;暗号;表示[+to-v][+that]  I talked with him by signs. 我和他用手势交谈。
征兆;前兆[(+of)][+(that)]  World trade is showing signs of revival. 世界贸易正显示出重新活跃的征兆。
【医】体征represent的用法  Blood in phlegm can be a sign of lung cancer.  痰中带血可能是肺癌的体征。
及物动词 vt. . ();写下  He signed his name on the cheque. 他在支票上签了名。
. 做手势(或其他动作)通知  She signed the child to be quiet. 她示意孩子安静下来。
. 预示  All this signs rejuvenation of agriculture. 所有这些都预示着农业将复苏。
不及物动词 vi. .签字,署名  签约受雇用[(+with)]  He signed with the firm. 他与那家公司签约。
. 做手势示意  She signed to us to stop talking. 她做手势示意我们不要讲话。
7.cover  vt. 覆盖,遮盖  be covered with 由。。覆盖 be covered with  被。。。覆盖
占用(时间、空间)cover an area of    The town covers 5 square miles.
行走,走过 She covered 1,000 meters.
采访,报道I am covering the result of election.
包括,包含 Is that word covered in the dictionary?
8.倍数的表示方法句型: A is …timesadj./adv.的比较级﹢than B
  A is …timesas adj./adv.的原级﹢as  B
  A is …timesthe size/height/depth/width of  B
  The size/height/depth/width of A is …timesof  B
  1. 有些词(组)没有被动语态。如:take place, happen, break out, break in, occur等。如:
  This accident happened yesterday.
2. 由实意动词演变而来的系动词,如taste, feel, look, sound, smell等,后接形容词作表语,不用于被动语态。如:
  This kind of ice cream tastes delicious.
3. 还有一些动词后面跟well; easily, long等副词时, 常用用主动语态表被动意思。 如:begin, sell, wash, keep, open, close等。如:
The shop closes early on Fridays.
These books sell well.
1. More than a dozen students in that school _____ abroad to study medicine last year. (2005 上海)
A. sent      B. were sent      C. had sent      D. had been sent
  2. Her voice ______ so beautiful that everybody present was attracted by her song.
A. sounded  B. was sounded    C. had been sounded  D. was sounding
Keys: BA
1.There are many beautiful islands            the east  coast of the country.    B.along    C. on      D.from
