易错点07 非谓语动词
中考常考后接动词不定式的常考词有:begin,choose,continue, decide,expect,fail,forget,hate,help,hope,learn,manage,mean,need,offer,plan, prefer,pretend,promise,refuse,try,afford,agree,start,like等。
后加动名词的可以借助口诀来帮助记忆:完成练习值得忙( finish, practice, be worth, be busy) 继续习惯别放弃( keep on, be used to, give up) 考虑建议不禁想(consider, suggest, can't help, feel like);    喜欢思念要介意(enjoy, miss, mind)
动词不定式的否定结构:not to do sth. 
动名词的否定结构:not doing sth.
动名词主语多表习惯或一般,Reading in the sun is bad for our eyes.
不定式作主语时,一是表目的,二是多用it 做形式主语。It’s adj to do sth.
To get there faster, you can take the taxi.
1.语态区分 :现分表主动或正在进行如a moving film, developing countries
过分表被动或已完成,    如the moved people, the risen sun
    现分作宾补,主动关系,I heard him singing in the classroom.
    过分作补,被动关系。He will have his hair cut after school.
    不定式,重过程,I saw him cross the road.
    现分,重正在进行I saw him crossing the road .
    一感二听三让四看 (feel, hear, listen to, make, let ,have , see, look at , watch ,notice) 主动语态省略to,    被动语态还原to.
    The boss made them work for 12 hours a day.
    They were made to work for 12 hours a day .
doing 多表事已做,  stop talking 停止谈话(原来正在谈话). To do 事没做,stop to talk 停下来去谈话(原来没谈话)。中考常考高频相似词:remember, try , go on, forget…
易错考点【06】 介词to, 后加动名词。
超级易错考点,学生看见to, 就用to do. 记住几个中考常考短语,即可避免掉入陷阱。
make contributions to doing…为……做贡献 devote oneself to doing… 致力于…… look forward to doing… 期盼…… prefer doing to doing…比起……更喜欢……
易错考点【07】 need, require , want后接动名词等于接不定式的被动式。have sth. done表被动。
    这个考点,学生出错率相当高,容易错用成to do 形式。如:The flowers need watering.
The young player spends four hours _______ volleyball every day.(  )
A.practise    B.practising   
C.to practise    D.practised
答案详解:practise练习。选项A是动词原形;选项B是动词的ing形式;选项C是动词不定式;选项D是过去式。根据观察和分析可知题干使用了spend time (in)doing sth句型结构,意思是"花时间干某事",因此本题正确答案是B。所以选 :B。
1. The Internet enables farmers _______ fruits and vegetables across the country.(  )
A.sell    B.selling    C.to sell    D.sold
答案详解:sell出售,动词原形;selling动名词/现在分词;to sell不定式;sold过去式。enable sb to do sth"使某人做某事"固定搭配,填to sell。所以选 :C。
2.Kung fu is a traditional Chinese martial art that focuses on ________ both the balance and the strength.(  )
A.training    B.to training   
C.to train    D.train
答案详解:focus on doing sth"集中精力做某事",on是介词,后接doing形式。所以选 :A。
3.Students are encouraged _______ independently and critically in our school.(  )
A.think    B.to think    C.thought    D.thinking
答案详解:根据题意"我们学校鼓励学生独立地思考和批判地思考"可知,考查固定用法encourage to do sth."鼓励做某事";所以to think符合要求。所以选 :B。
______ too much sweet food will make people get fat.(  )
A.Eating    B.Eats    C.Eat    D.Ate
答案详解:分析句子可知,空格部分在句中作主语,因此使用动名词形式。所以选 :A。
1.__________ those cotton shirts ___________ will take much more time.(  )
A.Wash;by hand    B.To wash;by hands   
C.Wash;with hands    D.Washing;by hand
答案详解:根据题干可知用手洗这些棉质的衬衫将会花更多的时间,其中本句是一般将来时,动名词短语作主语,即washing those cotton shirts作主语,按排除法可直接选D.其次by hand强调用手,而不是其他机器或者手段,with hands表示用手去做某事,题干中指用手洗而不是洗衣机洗将花更长时间,则第二空应用by hand.所以选 :D.
2.It's important for the disabled ______the ability to make a living.(  )
A.to haverequire名词    B.have    C.having    D.has
答案详解:分析句子可知,本句为It's important for sb to do sth为固定句型,意为"做某事对某人来说是怎么样的",it为形式主语,真正的主语为to do不定式。所以选 :A。
3.It takes David two hours ______books every day because he wants to be a writer when he grows up.(  )
A.to read    B.reading    C.reads    D.to reading
答案详解:根据句意:大卫每天花两个小时读书,因为他长大后想成为一名作家。It takes sb some  time to do sth.花费某人多长时间做某事。所以选 :A。
—Do you know there are more than 3,000 languages _____in the world?
—Sorry,I have no idea.(  )
A.speaking    B.spoken    C.speak    D.spoke
答案详解:根据题干,可知languages和speak是被动关系,所以用过去分词作定语,表被动。所以选 :B。
1.—Who should I send this message to,Betty?
—Mr. Green is the one    .(  )
A.to send it    B.to send it to    C.to send to
答案详解:结合句意可知:格林先生就是信息接受者。回答的句子完整的表达应该是:Mr. Green is the one to send the message to.第一个to是动词不定式的标志,作定语修饰前面的名词 the one;第二个to是介词,表示发送的对象,即,send the message to the one.所以选 :B。
2.—Look! There are some students ____ basketball on the playground.
—Yes. I often see them ________ basketball there.
