Unit two Lesson 3---grammar
1. Mr. Li enjoys collecting things.
2. She practises playing the piano every morning.
3. Li Ming finished doing his homework at
4. He admitted stealing his own vase.
5. They suggested going to the cinema.
动词原形+ing(既具有动词性质又具有名词性质,可作主语但不能作谓语)eg. Smoking may cause cancer.
1. 作主语
eg. Seeing is believing.
2. 作宾语
eg. Did he admit breaking the vase?
3. 作表语
eg. My job is teaching.
4. 作定语
eg. a teaching building
enjoy 喜爱finish 完成keep 保持
mind 介意practice 练习consider 考虑
suggest 建议admit 承认deny 否认
feel like 想要be busy 忙于have fun玩的开心
be worth 值得look forward to期待what/how about怎么样
eg. He felt like going to the park with me.
It is worth reading the book.
注:介词后面都要跟v-ing 做宾语
Eg. Thank you for inviting me.
l ike/love/hate/prefer/begin/start…
eg. He likes to sing/singing.
1.remember/forget/regret to do sth. 记得/忘记/后悔去做某事(事情还未发生)
remember/forget/regret doing sth. 记得/忘记/后悔做过某事(动作已经发生)eg. Remember to return my book to me tomorrow.
I am sorry, but I remembered returning you the book yesterday.
2.try to do sth. 设法做某事(努力做某事)
try doing sth. 尝试着做某事
eg. I’ll try to finish it today.
Let’s try knocking at the back door.
3.stop doing sth. 停止做某事
stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事
eg. Stop making so much noise.
I was tired, let’s stop to have a rest.
4.can’t help doing sth. 禁不住去做某事
can’t help to do sth. 不能帮助去做某事
eg. He can’t help crying when he heard the bad news.
The medicine can’t help to get rid of your cold.
5.go on doing sth. 继续做同一件事情
go on to do sth. 继续做另外一件事情
eg. I went on working all the night.
He went on doing his homework after finish eating supper.
6.mean to do 打算mean doing 意味着
eg. I mean to come early today.
Missing the train means waiting for another hour.
7. Regret to do 遗憾的要去做某事regret doing 后悔做了某事
eg. I regret to say that we don’t have any money on us.
I regret having told him the secret.
1.I don't like this lesson,can i try ( study) another one.
2.Though i try ( work) it out, I fail at last.
3.After hearing this, she can't help (laugh).
4.---Lily, you forget to return my book again.
--- Oh, sorry, but I remember (give) it back to you.
5.I am so tired, can we stop (have) a good rest.
6.I regret (know) you, you can't always believe me.
7.Tom means (pick) you up, but he is too busy.
8.Saying such words means (hurt) you.
9.Don't stop (read), please go on.
10.After learning this lesson, we'll go on (learn) next one.
need/want/require三个表示“需要”的动词后既可接to do,也可接doing,含义相同,接doing时是用主动式表被动含义。
eg. The room needs cleaning.
=The room needs to be cleaned.
1. Have fun/difficulty/trouble/a good/hard time (in) doing.
2. It's no use/good/point/sense doing
3. It's a waste of time doing
4. Sb. spent time (in) doing
be (get)used to
get down to
look forward to
pay attention to
be devoted tolead to
listen to
lead to
1.I enjoy _____(sing) English songs in my free time.
2. Ann practice _____(play) the violin every Friday.
3. They finished ______(clean) the house ten minutes ago.
4. I spend a lot of time____( practice )basketball every week.
5. She admitted____(feel)hurt by what I said.
6. Tom suggested_____(take)a taxi to go to the cinema.
7. I look forward to _____(meet) him.
8. The students keep _____(talk)loudly in class.
()1.Do keeping _____, will you?
A. to try
B. try
C. having tried
D. trying
()2.We are all looking forward ______ Mr. Smith next week.
A. to see
B. of seeing
C. at seeing
D. to seeing
()3.He spent all his time ______ for the final examination.
A. to prepare
B. of preparing
C. in preparing
D. to preparing
()4.The boy is only five years old, but he is quite used _____ the telephone.
A. to answer
B. to answering
C. of answering
D. by answering
()5.______well is better for your illness than taking medicine.
A. To sleep
B. Sleeping
C. Sleep
D. Having slept
()6.Sometimes when I look into the sky, I feel like ______ a trip somewhere.
A. to make
B. making
C. make
D. to go for
()7.I consider _____ of every fish is a kind of murder.
A. taking
B. a taking
C. the taking
D. to take
()8.My grandfather is a rich man, but ______ money does not solve all his problems.
A. has
B. to have
