牛津译林版年级英语上册Unit 2 Colors重点短语与句型归纳
Welcome to the unit
1.There’s nothing wrong with                没问题,没毛病
= There isn’t anything wrong with
= Nothing is wrong with
2.sth looks good/nice on sb                  某物穿在某人身上好看
sb looks good in + 颜/衣服              某人穿什么颜的衣服好看
3.Do you know how many colours there are in a rainbow ?你知道彩虹有多少颜吗?(宾语从句用陈述语序)
4.influence our moods                    影响我们的心情 
5.have an influence on                    对……有影响
6.make us feel happy(make sb do sth )    使我们感到高兴
7.feel sleepy                            感到困倦
go to sleep                            去睡觉
fall asleep                            (短暂性)入睡
be asleep                            (延续性)睡着的
8.a sleeping boy                        一个正在睡觉的男孩
9.feel relaxed                            (人)感到放松
relaxing films                        令人放松的电影
10.be painted blue                        被漆成蓝     
主动语态为 paint sth + 颜              把某物漆成……颜
11.bring peace to our mind and body            给我们的大脑和身体带来平静
12.represent sadness = stand for sadness        代表伤心
13.feel blue/sad                            感到悲伤/难过
14.on one's wedding day                    在某人婚礼的那天
15.prefer = like better                        宁愿,更喜欢(过去式、过去分词preferred)
prefer sth / doing sth / to do sth
prefer sb. (not) to do sth.                    宁愿某人(不)做某事
prefer sth to sth                        宁愿喜欢……而不愿喜欢……
prefer to do sth rather than do sth
prefer doing sth to doing sth                宁愿做事情而不愿做事情
16.create a warm and comfortable feeling        创造一种温暖而舒服的感觉
17.cheer sb. up (代词放中间)=make sb happy    使某人高兴起来,某人振作起来
18.remind sb. of sth.                        使某人想起某事,提醒某人某事
= cause/help sb to remember sth
19.remind sb. to do sth.                    提醒某人做某事
20.hope for success                        希望成功
21.require strength in either body or mind        在身体或精神上需要力量
22.require sb to do sth = ask sb to do sth        要求某人做某事
23.(sth) require/need doing
= require/need to be done                需要被做 (主动形式表示被动意义)
24.make / find/ think/ feel + it 形式宾语+ (for sb)+ to do sth (对某人来说)使/发现/认为/觉得做某事怎么样
25.I find it hard to learn English well        我发现学好英语是困难的
26.have difficulty (in) doing sth.
=have difficulty with sth.                做某事有困难 (difficulty不可数 类似trouble/ problems)
27.make a decision                        决定
28.make a decision to do sth
= make up one’s mind(s) to do sth
= decide to do sth                        决定做…
Grammar and Integrated Skills and Study Skills
29.a relationship between colours and moods    颜与心情之间的关系
30.influence our everyday lives                影响我们的日常生活(作定语)
31.depend on personal taste                取决于个人的口味
32.white clothes suit me                    白衣服适合我(suit指颜、款式、发型、时间、口味、气候、条件、地位适合某人)
33.the green T-shirt matches my trousers        绿T恤和我的裤子搭配
34.match sth (very well )= go well with sth    与…搭配
35.be used for celebrations                被用作庆祝活动(n)
36.the rulers in ancient Europe                古代欧洲统治者
37.promise sb. Sth.                        答应某人某事
make a promise                        许下诺言
keep one’s promise                        遵守诺言
break one’s promise                    违背诺言
promise v.允诺;答应
→promise to do sth                        答应做某事
→ promise sb (not) to do sth                答应某人(不)做某事
→promise (sb) that从句,            e.g. Mom, I promise I'll study harder.
38.The medicine worked                    药物奏效了(work  vi 奏效,起作用,产生预期的效果)
39.practise colour therapy                    从事/实践颜疗法
40.suggest sth to sb                        向某人建议某事 (但不能说suggest sb sth 名词形式为suggestion,可数名词)
suggest doing sth                        建议做某事
suggest me/ my doing sth                建议我做某事
41.give you free clothes                    给你免费的衣服
42.would rather (not) do sth                  宁愿做/ 不做某事
43.would rather do sth than do sth            宁愿做做某事而不愿做某事
44.be dressed in blue                        穿蓝衣服(表示状态)
45.have the power to drive evil spirits away    颜有赶走邪灵的力量
46.require名词dress baby boys in blue                    给男婴穿蓝
47.feel a little bit stressed                    感觉有一点压力(“一点儿”只修饰adj ,adv )
a little water = a bit of water                (a little可修饰不可数名词也可修饰adj, adv; a bit of 只修饰不可数名词)
It’s a little cold today
= It’s a little bit cold today
= It’s a bit cold today                    今天天气有点儿冷
48.a good match                            一个很好的搭配(n)
Useful sentences:
49.as the powerful red balances the calm white 因为强烈的红可以平衡宁静的白译林英语
50.But there’s nothing wrong with pink, you know.但是你知道,粉红没有什么不好的。
51.And I'm not sure if blue looks good on you.而且我不确定你穿蓝是否好看。
52.Do you know how many colours there are in a rainbow? 你知道彩虹有多少种颜吗?
53.Some people believe that colours can influence our moods.一些人相信颜能影响我们的心情。
54.You may wonder whether it is true.你可能会想知道它是否正确。
55.This article explains what colours can do and what characteristics they represent.这篇文章说明的就是颜能够起到什么作用以及它们代表什么样的性格特征。
56.People in cold areas prefer warm colours in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling.生活在寒冷气候中的人们更喜欢在家中使用暖以创造出一种温暖而舒适的感觉。
57.Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm sunny day.黄是太阳的颜,因此它能使你想起温暖、阳光明媚的日子。This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision
59.Did you know there is a relationship between colours and moods?你知道颜与心情之间有关系吗?
60.Discover how the power of colours can change your moods and improve your life!发现颜的力量如何能改变你的心情并提高你的生活(质量)!
61.We promise that this therapy can help you change your moods, or you will get your money back! 我们承诺这种疗法会帮助你改变心情,无效退款!
62.I’d rather wear orange.我宁愿穿橙。
