1) 动词性质表现为:require名词
I want to talk to you, Tom.                              They are said to have left London.
Having been asked to stay, I couldn’t very well leave.        I don’t like being watched.
To drive while drinking is dangerous.
Increasing from 2.5 thousand million in 1950, the population of the world reached 5 thousand million in 1987.
To kill bugs, spray the area regularly.                      Have you any reason for saying such a thing.
He likes reading aloud.
He gave her a knife to cut the bread with.
It’s a mixture consisting of oil and vinegar.
2) 非动词性质表现在
①相当于名词,可作主语、宾语、表语;              To eat is to live.
②相当于形容词,可作定语。                        A watched pot never boils. 3.逻辑主语
How can I get to know her?                          I can’t bear him staying up so late.
Would you mind filling out this form?
He feels it his duty to help others.
To conceal my emotion, I buried my face in my hands.
Built in 1192, the bridge is over 800 years old.        Sally ran out of the house shouting.
I’ll leave you to attend the matter.                  The room was found to be empty.
This is called turning things upside down.            I call this robbing Peter to pay Paul.
I saw the naughty boy hitting the dog.                She was heard singing all the time.
The next train to arrive was from New York.            Everybody was at his fighting post.
Soon he became a leading figure in the association.    I hate to see letters written in pencil.
The storm having destroyed their hut, they had to live in a cave.
He lay on his back, his hands crossed under his head.
Here are the first two volumes, the third one to come out next month.
1)带to 的不定式
①一些动词后作宾补的不定式常不带to. 这些动词是感觉动词和使役动词: hear, see, watch, have, make, let, feel, notice, etc. 在help, find, know后用作宾补的不定式可带to, 也可不带to.
They made the boy go to bed early.                  I heard him sing.
He helped me (to) repair the bike.
②在 had better, would rather/sooner …(than), rather than, other than等之后的不定式不带to.
You’d better leave the city.                      I’d rather not see him. (c.f. I’d rather you did it.)
No one could do other than admire it.              I’d sooner take a taxi than walk.
Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.        I’d rather go than stay.
③ cannot but, cannot choose/help but, nobody can help/choose but 之后的不定式不带to.
I cannot but admire his courage.                      He could not choose but love her.
④may/might as well, let alone之后的不定式不带to.
You may as well know the truth.                  He can’t ride a bicycle, let alone drive a car.
It’s just impossible to see that and not weep.
3) 不定式的否定形式: 在to前加not或never.
He decided not to do it.                          She wished never to see him again.
2. 不定式时式和语态的变化
一般式to write to be written
进行式to be writing————
完成式to have written to have been
You are too young to be meeting young men.          Let’s be moving. We’re wasting time.
They seem to be getting along quite well.            To be trying that again and again is boring.
You don’t need to be working in such a hurry; there’s plenty of time.
There’s no need to have bought a new pair of shoes for me.
He is too young to have seen the old society.            I happened to have come across the book in the library.
I intended to have finished my work last night.          We were to have sailed next morning.
It needs not to be said that they are very happy together.
The book is said to have been translated into many languages.
The problem remains to be solved.
She asked to be sent to work in Tibet.
She is to blame for this.                          The reason is not far to seek.  3.不定式的作用:在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补语、同位语等。
To persevere means victory.        To see is to believe.          To err is human.
It requires patience to be a good teacher.            It always pays to tell the truth.
◆句型It + be + adj./n.(短语)+ (for sb. +) to do something. “对某人来说,做…是…”。
It is not an easy thing to master a language.            It’s difficult for him to fulfil the task.
It is an honour for us to be present at this meeting.
2) 作宾语
I can’t afford to buy a car.                        He offered to help us.
②当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式时,须将真实宾语不定式放在它的补语之后,而将形式宾语 it 放在宾语补语之前。
She found it difficult to answer the question.          He feels it his duty to help others.
3) 作表语
The most important thing is to put theory into practice.
4) 作定语
The next train to arrive was from New York.
All dead. I was the only one to grow up.              He has too many things to do.
③由only, last, next, 序数词,形容词最高级修饰的名词常用不定式作定语。
He was always the last one to leave the office.
I don’t think he is the best man to do the job.
④不定式常作下列名词的定语:anything, nothing, something; chance, opportunity; right, reason, way, time; plan, promise, wish, attempt, desire, intention, inclination, anxiety, pressure, decision, determination, need, effort, failure; ability, curiosity; etc.
There is no need to bother him with such trifles.      I’ve no desire to travel.
5) 作状语
②表目的, 若要强调,可在不定式前加in order 或so as;也可把不定式或“in order + 不定式”置于句首。
Here, visitors were halted to have their papers examined.
I’ll write down his telephone number so as not to forget it.
To conceal my emotion, I buried my face in my hands.
③表结果,下列结构中的不定式都表结果: so…as to…, such …as to…, enough to, only to …, too… to.
In 1935 he left home never to return.                    He lived to be a very old man.
The house is so high and narrow as to resemble a tower.    The tea is too hot to drink.
His indifference is such as to make one despair.              He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.
She wept to see him in such a terrible state.                I trembled to think of it.
To look at him you could hardly help laughing.            You couldn’t do that to save your life.
⑥作独立成分。常见的这类短语有:to begin with, to make a long story short, to be sure, to be brief, to be exact, to tell the truth, to be frank with you, to do him justice, to conclude, so to speak, etc.
To make a long story short, we agreed to disagree.            The dog is, so to speak, a member of the family.
