1) 作主语.
Seeing is believing.
Collecting information is very important to business men.
Fighting broke out between the south and the north.
Walking is good exercise.
Smoking may cause cancer.
Coming to Hangzhou by train takes about 16 hours. 
Swimming develops the muscles.
It's nice talking with you. 
It's no use arguing with him. 
It is no use sending him over. It’s too late already.
It was very difficult getting everything ready in time.
2) 作表语
Her job is teaching.
Teaching is learning.
This food smells inviting.
The only thing that interests her is dancing.
My favorite sport is swimming.
To keep money you have found is stealing.
3) 作宾语
He is fond of playing football.
He finished reading the book yesterday.
Your shoes need polishing.
Jim dislikes eating chocolate.
She can’t help crying at a sad movie.
The doctor advised taking exercise.
Would you mind filling out this form?
The thief admitted entering the house.
Have you finished correcting the students’ papers?
chance to do 碰巧去做某事
chance doing 冒险试一试做某事
forget to do 忘记要去做某事
forget doing 忘记曾做过某事
go on to do 接着又做另一件事
go on doing 继续做同一件事
remember to do 记得要去做某事
remember doing 记得曾做过某事
stop to do 停下来去做某事
stop doing 停止做某事
try to do 努力做某事
try doing 试一试做某事
regret to do 对将要做的事表示遗憾
regret doing 对做过的事表示遗憾
mean to do 打算/想做某事
mean doing 意味着/意思是做某事有些动词既可接动名词作宾语,也可接不定式,但在语义上却有很大差别。如:
chance to do 碰巧去做某事
chance doing 冒险试一试做某事
forget to do 忘记要去做某事
forget doing 忘记曾做过某事
go on to do 接着又做另一件事
go on doing 继续做同一件事
remember to do 记得要去做某事
remember doing 记得曾做过某事
stop to do 停下来去做某事
stop doing 停止做某事
try to do 努力做某事
try doing 试一试做某事
regret to do 对将要做的事表示遗憾
regret doing 对做过的事表示遗憾
mean to do 打算/想做某事
mean doing 意味着/意思是做某事
4) 作定语
He has a reading room.
例如:a writing desk =a desk for writing  写字台              a smoking room  吸烟室  swimming pool=a pool swimming 游泳池              a walking stick  手杖                                a fighting post  战斗岗位
boiling point=a temperature point at which something begins to boil 沸点
a walking tractor=a tractor which a driver can operate while he or she is walking behind it 手扶拖拉机
a smiling face 笑脸
a leading figure 领导人物
easy-going man 好说话的人
swimming pool 游泳池
sleeping-pill 片
dining-car 餐车
She went on board the train leaving for Shanghai.
= She went on board the train, which was leaving for Shanghai.
There are two roads before us, one leading to the beach, the other to the park.
= There are two roads before us, one which leads to the beach, the other to the park.
5)  动名词作状语 
Having cleaned the rooms we began to weed the garden. (时间)
Coming into the room, she saw everybody already at their work. (时间)
Being ill, he couldn't go to school. (原因)
Having no interest in the topic, he didn't go to the lecture. (原因)
Working diligently, you will certainly succeed. (条件)
Using atomic energy, we can build spaceships. (条件)
Granting the achievements to be great, there is still something to be desired. (让步)
My car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing the delay. (结果)
Traveling by train, we visited a number of cities. (方式)
Mary sat by the window of the classroom, reading a book. (伴随)
admit , advise ,  recommend , suggest , allow , anticipate ,  appreciate ,avoid , ban , confess , complete ,consider , delay , deny(否认), detest(讨厌), dislike , encourage , endure , enjoy , ensure , escape , excuse , face , fancy(想象) , feel like , finish , forbid , forgive , give up , imagine , involve, include , keep , mention , mind , miss , omit , pardon , permit , postpone(推迟) , practise , prevent , put off , quit , recall , resist , risk , resent讨厌),save , stand忍受),tolerate (忍受), understand , help, resume继续
(1)Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please?
(2)The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught.
allow ,    advise ,    encourage ,    forbid ,    permit ,    recommend
                                smoking here  require名词
We don’t allow
students to smoke here.
taking a holiday
I recommend.                       
you to take a holiday
learning English by radio.
They encouraged
me to learn English by radio.
3)动词need, require , want 作“需要”解,deserve作“应得”解其后跟动词作它的宾语表示主语是该动作的受动者时,必须用动名词主动式(或不定式的被动式)表示被动意义,例如:
The window      requires            cleaning.
      wants              to be cleaned.
He deserved
to be hanged.
4) excuse ,forgive, pardon 后接动名词时通常需要在动名词之前加上形容词型的物主代词,也可接宾格人称代词+ for + -ing 。例如:
Excuse                  opening your letter by mistake.
              me for
Forgive                  interrupting you.
              me for
admit to  承认                          add to    增加                               
amount to  等于                      apply oneself to    致力于           
