1Chapter 11 Problem Set
Chapter 11
1.[E, None, 11.6] For this problem you are given a cell library consisting of full adders and two-
input Boolean logic gates (i.e. AND, OR, INVERT, etc.).
a.Design an N-bit two's complement subtracter using a minimal number of Boolean logic
gates. The result of this process should be a diagram in the spirit of Figure 11.5 . Specify
the value of any required additional signals (e.g., C in ).
b.Express the delay of your design as a function of N , t
carry , t sum , and the Boolean gate delays
(t and , t or , t inv , etc.).
2.[M, None, 11.6] A magnitude comparator for unsigned numbers can be constructed using full
adders and Boolean logic gates as building blocks. For this problem you are given a cell
library consisting of full adders and arbitrary fan-in logic gates (i.e., AND, OR, INVERTER,
a.Design an N -bit magnitude comparator with outputs and A = B using a minimal
number of Boolean logic gates. The result of this process should be a diagram in the spirit
of Figure 11.5. Specify the value of any required control signals (e.g., C in ).
b.Express the delay of your design in computing the two outputs as a function of N , t
carry ,
t sum , and the Boolean gate delays (t and , t or , t inv , etc.).3.
3.[E, None, 11.6] Show how the arithmetic module in Figure 0.1 can be used as a comparator.
Derive an expression for its propagation delay as a function of the number of bits.
4.[E, None, 11.6] The circuit of Figure 11.2 implements a 1-bit datapath function in dynamic
(precharge/evaluate) logic.
a.Write down the Boolean expressions for outputs F and G . On which clock phases are out-
puts F and G valid?
b.To what datapath function could this unit be most directly applied (e.g., addition, subtrac-
tion, comparison, shifting)?
5.[M, None, 11.3] Consider the dynamic logic circuit of Figure 0.2 .
a.What is the purpose of transistor M
1? Is there another way to achieve the same effect, but
with reducing capacitive loading on the clock Φ?
A B ≥Figure 0.1Arithmetic module.
a i a i
b j b j
c j
d j
c j +1j+1c 0c 1
d 0d 1c 1c 2d 1d 2c 2c 3d 2d 3c 3c 4
d 3d 4
a 0b 0a 1b 1a 2b 2a 3b 3
2Chapter 11 Problem Set
b.How can the evaluation phase of F be sped up by rearranging transistors? No transistors
should be added, deleted, or resized.
c.Can the evaluation of G be sped up in the same manner? Why or why not?
6.[M, SPICE, 11.3] The adder circuit of Figure 0.3 makes extensive use of the transmission
gate XOR. V DD = 2.5 V.
a.Explain how this gate operates. Derive the logic expression for the various circuit nodes.
Why is this a good adder circuit?
b.Derive a first-order approximation of the capacitance on the C o -node in equivalent gate-
capacitances. Assume that gate and diffusion capacitances are approximately identical.
Compare your result with the circuit of Figure 11-6 .
c.Assume that all transistors with the exception of those on the carry path are minimum-
size. Use 4/0.25 NMOS and 8/0.25 PMOS devices on the carry-path. Using SPICE simu-
lation, derive a value for all important delays (input-to-carry, carry-to-carry, carry-to-
sum).A C in
A B C in A
C in
Figure 0.2Datapath module bit-slice.
M 1Figure 0.3Quasi-clocked adder circuit.
A A i
V C o
C i Signal setup Carry generation
Sum generation
Digital Integrated Circuits - 2nd Ed 3
7.[M, None, 11.3] The dynamic implementation of the 4-bit carry-lookahead circuitry from Fig.
11-21 can significantly reduce the required transistor count.
a.Design a domino-logic implementation of Eq. 11.17 . Compare the transistor counts of the
two implementations.
b.What is the worst-case propagation delay path through this new circuit?
c.Are there any charge-sharing problems associated with your design? If so, modify your
design to alleviate these effects.
8.[C, None, 11.3] Figure 0.4 shows a popular adder structure called the conditional-sum adder.
Figure 0.4.a shows a four-bit instance of the adder, while 0.4.b gives the schematics of the
basic adder cell. Notice that only pass-transistors are used in this implementation.
a.Derive Boolean descriptions for the four outputs of the one-bit conditional adder cell.
b.Based on the results of describe how the schematic of 0.4.a results in an addition.
c.Derive an expression for the propagation delay of the adder as a function of the number of
bits N . You may assume that a switch has a constant resistance R on when active and that
each switch is identical in size.
9.[M, None, 11.3] Consider replacing all of the NMOS evaluate transistors in a dynamic
Manchester carry chain with a single common pull-down as shown in Fgure 0.5.a. Assume
that each NMOS transistor has (W /L )N = 0.5/0.25 and each PMOS has (W /L )P = 0.75/0.25.Further assume that parasitic capacitances can be modeled by a 10 fF capacitor on each of the
Figure 0.4Conditional-sum adder.A A B B A A B S 0A A B B A
A B S 1A
C 0A
C 1
(b) Conditional adder cell (a) Four-bit conditional-sum adder
S 0
S 1S 2S 3C out Conditional Cell Conditional Cell Conditional Cell Conditional
C 1C 0S 1S 0C 1C 0S 1S 0C 1C 0S 1S 0C 1C 0S 1S 0
B 3A 3B 2A 2B 1A 1B 0A 0
4Chapter 11 Problem Set
internal nodes: A , B , C , D , E , and F . Assume all transistors can be modeled as linear resistors
with an on-resistance, R on = 5 k Ω.
a.Does this variation perform the same function as the original Manchester carry chain?
Explain why or why not.
b.Assuming that all inputs are allowed only a single zero-to-one transition during evalua-
tion, will this design involve charge-sharing difficulties? Justify your answer.
c.Complete the waveforms in Figure 0.5b for P 0 = P 1 = P 2 = P 3 = 2.5 V and G 0 = G 1 = G 2 =
G 3 = 0 V. Compute and indicate t pHL values for nodes A , E , and F . Compute and indicate
10.[M, None, 11.3] Consider the two implementations of Manchester carry gates in Figure 11-8.
a.Compare the delay per segment of the two implementations
Compare the layout complexities of the two gates using In the precharged Manchester carry chain using the gate from b. find the probability that
the carry signal is propagated from the 15
th to the 16th
bit of a 32-bit adder, assuming ran-
dom inputs.
11.[C, None, 11.3] Consider the Radix-4 and Radix-2 Kogge-Stone adders from Figures 11-22
and 11-27 extended to 64-bits. All gates are implemented in domino and all gates in a stage
have the same size. The adders have an overall fanout (electrical effort) of 6.
a.Using logical effort, identify the critical path.
b.Size the gates for minimum delay (hint: don't forget to factor in branching). Which adder
is faster?
c.Let's now consider sparse versions of each of the above trees. In a tree with a sparseness of
2, only every other carry is computed and it is used to select 2 sums. Similarly, a tree with
a sparseness of 4 computes every fourth carry - and that carry signal is used to select 4
sums. Repeat a. and b. for Radix-2 and Radix-4 trees with sparseness of 2 and 4 and com-
pare their speed. Which adder is fastest?
d.Compare the switching power of all adders analyzed in this problem.
12.[C, None, 11.3] In this problem we will analyze a carry-lookahead adder proposed by H. Ling
more than 20 years ago, but still among the fastest adders available. In a conventional adder,
in order to add two numbers
A = a n −12n −1 + a n −22n −2 + .... + a 020
B = b n −12n −1 + b n −22n −2 + .... + b 020we first compute the local carry generate and propagate terms:
P 0C in P 1G 0P 2G 1P 3
G 2G 3
φφV DD Figure 0.5Alternative dynamic Manchester carry-chain adder.
A B C D E F (a) Circuit schematic (b) Partial waveforms
Digital Integrated Circuits - 2nd Ed 5
g i = a i b i p
i = a i + b i
then, with a ripple or a tree circuit we form the global carry-out terms resulting from the recurrence relation:
G i = g i + p i G i −1
Finally, we form the sum of A and B using local expressions:
In the conventional adder, the terms G i have, as described, a physical significance. However,
an arbitrary function could be propagated, as long as sum terms could be derived. Ling's
approach is to replace G i with:
H i = G i + G
i −1
< H i is true if "something happens at bit i " - there is a carry out or a carry in. H i is so-called
"Ling's pseudo-carry".
a.Show that:
H i = g i + t
i −1H i −1
where p i = a i + b i (it was Ling’s idea to change the notation).
b.Find a formula for computing the sum out of the operands and Ling's pseudo-carry.
c.Unroll the recursions for G i and H i for i = 3. You should get the expressions fpr G 3 and H 3as a function of the bits of input operands. Simplify the expressions as much as possible.
d.Implement the two functions using n-type dynamic gates. Draw the two gates and size the
transistors. Which one helps us build a faster adder? Explain your answer.
13.[M, None, 11.4] An array multiplier consists of rows of adders, each producing partial sums
that are subsequently fed to the next adder row. In this problem, we consider the effects of
pipelining such a multiplier by inserting registers between the adder rows.
a.Redraw Figure 11-31 by inserting word-level pipeline registers as required to achieve
maximal benefit to throughput for the 4x 4 multiplier. Hint: you must use additional regis-
ters to keep the input bits synchronized to the appropriate partial sums.
b.Repeat for a carry-save, as opposed to ripple-carry, architecture.
c.For each of the two multiplier architectures, compare the critical path, throughput, and
latency of the pipelined and nonpipelined versions.
d.Which architecture is better suited to pipelining, and how does the choice of a vector-
merging adder affect this decision?
14.[M, None, 11.4] Estimate the delay of a 16x16 Wallace tree multiplier with the final adder
implemented using a Radix-4 tree. One FA has a delay of t p , a HA 2/3*t p and a CLA stage
½*t p .
15.[E, None, 11.5] The layout of shifters is dominated by the number of wires running through a
cell. For both the barrel shifter and the logarithmic shifter, estimate the width of a shifter cell
resizedas a function of the maximum shift-width M and the metal pitch p .
16.[E, None, 11.7] Consider the circuit from Figure 0.7 . Modules A and B have a delay of 10 ns
and 32 ns at 2.5V, and switch 15 pF and 56 pF respectively. The register has a delay of 2 ns
and switches 0.1 pF. Adding a pipeline register allows for reduction of the supply voltage
while maintaining throughput. How much power can be saved this way? Delay with respect
to V DD can be approximated from Figure 11-57.
17.[E, None, 11.7] Repeat Problem 16, using parallelism instead of pipelining. Assume that a 2-
to-1 multiplexer has a delay of 4 ns at 2.5 V and switches 0.3 pF. Try parallelism levels of 2
and by 4. Which one is preferred?S i p i G i 1–⊕=