JMStudio User's Guide
This guide describes how to use JMStudio. JMStudio is a stand alone Java application that uses the JMF 2.0 API to play, capture, transcode, and write media data. JMStudio also uses the JMF RTP APIs to receive and transmit media streams across the network.
Contents |
∙ Getting Started
o Running JMStudio
o Opening a New JMStudio Window
o Exiting JMStudio
o Menu Summary
∙ Playing Media Data with JMStudio
o Playing a File
o Playing a URL
o Replaying a Previous File or URL
o Receiving and Playing RTP Media Streams
o Controlling the Presentation
o Closing the Current Player
∙ Saving a Media Stream to a File
∙ Transmitting Media Streams via RTP
∙ Capturing Media Data with JMStudio
o Previewing Captured Media Data
∙ Using the Plug-In Viewer
∙ Known Limitations
Getting Started |
Before you can run JMStudio, you must have JMF 2.0 Beta installed. For information about setting up JMF, see the Setup pages.
Running JMStudio
To launch JMStudio, you can run the batch file JMStudio.bat or invoke:
java JMStudio
If you run JMStudio directly, both the JMF 2.0 classes and the JMStudio classes must be in your classpath.
When JMStudio is launched, just the menu is visible:
Opening a new JMStudio Window
To create a new instance of the JMStudio application, select New Window from the File m
enu. A new instance of JMStudio is launched without affecting the current one. Both applications share the same Java virtual machine.
Exiting JMStudio
To exit JMStudio, select Exit from the File menu.
Menu Summary
File | Open File | Ctrl+O | Opens a file for playback. |
File | Open URL | Ctrl+U | Opens a URL or MediaLocator for playback. |
File | Open RTP Session | Ctrl+R | Opens an RTP receive/playback session. |
File | Capture Preview | Ctrl+P | Enables you to monitor media data as it is captured. |
File | Capture Controls | Enables you to control capture parameters. | |
File | Save As | Ctrl+A | Opens a dialog from which you can transcode and save media data. |
File | Transmit | Ctrl+T | Opens a dialog from which you can transmit media data over the network. |
File | Close Player | Ctrl+W | Closes the current Player or Processor. |
File | Visited URLs | Opens a menu from which you can select a URL from a list of URLs recently accessed by JMStudio. | |
File | New Window | Ctrl+N | Launches a new instance of the JMStudio application. |
File | Plug-In Viewer | Ctrl+V | Opens a window that displays the media processing flow. |
File | Exit | Terminates the application. | |
Player | Auto Play | Toggles the auto play state of the current Player or Processor. When auto play is enabled, the player begins presenting the media stream automatically. | |
resized Player | Auto Loop | Toggles the auto loop state of the current Player or Processor. When auto loop is enabled, the player automatically replays the media stream when the end of media is reached. | |
Player | Maintain Aspect Ratio | Maintains the aspect ratio of the video window when the JMStudio window is resized. | |
Player | Full Screen | Ctrl+F | Expands the JMStudio window to fill the entire screen. Click anywhere to restore the JMStudio window to its original size. |
Player | Snap Shot | Ctrl+S | Takes a snap shot of the current video frame being displayed. |
Help | About JMStudio | Ctrl+H | Displays an about box that contains the version number and copyright information for JMStudio. |
Playing Media Data with JMStudio |
JMStudio lets you play media streams from a variety of sources--files, URLs, or RTP transmissions.
Playing a File
To play a file:
1. Select Open File from the File menu. The Open File dialog is displayed:
2. In the Open File dialog, select the file you want to play and click OK.
A JMF Player for the selected file is created. If Auto Play is enabled, the player is started and presentation of the selected media file begins automatically.
If the format of the file is not supported by JMF, an error message is displayed.
Playing Media from a URL or MediaLocator
To play a URL or MediaLocator:
1. Select Open URL from the File menu. The Open URL dialog is displayed:
2. In the Open URL dialog, enter the URL or MediaLocator you want to play, for example greatmedia.v.
3. Click Open.
If the URL exists, and its format is supported by JMF, a JMF Player for this URL is created
and started. If the URL cannot be found or the format is not supported by JMF, an error message is displayed. Supported protocols for the JMF 2.0 Beta implementation include HTTP, FTP, and FILE.
You can use the Open URL command to play any URL or media locator, including RTP media locators. When you use Open URL to play an RTP stream, the first stream of the RTP session is played. To use Open URL to play an RTP Stream:
1. Select Open URL from the File menu.
2. In the Open URL dialog, enter the media locator that identifies the RTP source from which you want to receive the RTP stream. For example, rtp:// (See RTP Media Locator for a description of an RTP-specific media locator.)