Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次): (5分)
A. only    B. fun  C. shorter    D. northern  E. acting  F. southern
Cold air. Snow. _______ days. We are in winter now.
Winter is the coldest season of the year. It comes between autumn and spring. For us, the winter months are usually November, December and January. But that is ____because we live in the ________ part of the Earth.
Imagine when we are playing with snow, Australian kids are enjoying ice cream! Why ? Because they live in the _________part of the earth. It’s summer there!
Winter isn’t always gray. It can also be bright. Here’s some tips.
Put on a holiday play and try _______. Ask your cousins or classmates to come to your house and make beautiful clothes and write a play. Act it out for your family.
Play around. Go outside and enjoy yourself. Make a snowman with your friends.
If you really have to stay indoors, give your room a clean and decorate your room. It’s _______to do so.
IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(8分)
49. My friends and I will soon begin our _____trip to Australia.(five)
50. Last week, the trip to Songjiang was __________(please)
51. It’s our duty to look after the ________animals.(home)
52. ________, the tired students arrived at the campsite safely.(final)
53. Use your hands to make the _________into a dough.(mix)
54. We should buy some _____for the new lamp.(battery)
55. Uncle Weiming has _________us to stay with his family in August.(invitation)
56. I am not quite sure if I can make the model ship all by _______(me).
V. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词。)(12分)
57. Jack studies very hard this year.(改为否定句)
Jack ________  __________very hard this year.
58. They sold foods from different countries yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)
_________they _________foods from different countries yesterday?
59. We are going to have a barbecue tomorrow.(对划线部分提问)
______are you going to ______tomorrow?
60. My father often smoked after supper in the past.(保持原句意思)
My father ______  __________smoke after supper in the past.
61. Don’t chase each other in the classroom.(保持原句意思)
__________  _________chase each other in the classroom.
62. is, interesting , snowman , to , it , a , very , make(连词成句)
44-48  CAFEB
49-56  fifth  pleasant  homeless Finally  mixture  batteries  invited myself
57.doesn’t study  58.Did sell  59. What do  60.used to  61.You mustn’t
62.It’s interesting to make a snowman.
machinery  n.(集合名词)机器;机械
mechanic n. 机工,技工,机械师
wait v. 等待:等候 
waitress n. 女侍者;女服务员
coach  v. 训练;指导
trainer  n. 训练员;教员,教练员  trainee  n. 受训练的人
sports field运动场。
wedding ring结婚戒指
cable  n. 电报
quite a few
in charge of
tell the time
have a good time
at the top of
Ⅰ. Words.
1. since   prep. 从……以来;自从
  I haven’t seen him since August, 19th, 2007. 自从2007年8月19日我就没有再见过他。
指点迷津: since 与 for
(1) since用来指时间点,意指“从那时起到所指的时刻”。它常常和现在完成时连用。
  He has been here since Monday. 从星期一开始,他一直在这里。(从星期一到现在)
  He has worked for us ever since he left school. 他离开学校以后就一直为我们工作。
  It has been two years since I last saw Tom. 从我最后一次见汤姆到现在,已经有两年了。
  =:I last saw Tom two years ago. 我最后一次见汤姆是在两年前。
  =:I haven't seen Tom for two years. 我已经有两年没见过汤姆了。
(2) for用来表示一段时间。如:for six years六年之久,for two months有两个月。
  He has worked here for a year. 他在这里工作已经有一年了。(一年前他就开始在这里工作并仍在这里工作。)
  =:He has worked here since this time last year. 他从去年的这个时候起就在这里工作了。
2. quite adv. 相当;十分
  Ann is quite pretty.安长得很漂亮。
  I quite like watching volleyball games. 我很喜欢看排球比赛。
指点迷津: fairly, quite, rather, pretty 与very
(1)这几个副词都可表示程度,fairly语气最轻,尽管经常与褒义词连用,但由于语气较弱,往往不带明显的恭维或赞赏,通常译为“还算;相当”。比如说某部电影fairly good,指的可能是勉强过得去。
(2) quite语气稍重,意为“颇;相当”。比如说某部电影quite good,指的是这部电影相当不错,虽不是最好,但至少值得看。
(3) rather或pretty在语气上又稍重一点,意为“十分,相当”,但pretty不如rather正式。比如说某部电影rather/pretty good,指的是这部电影相当不错,语气比较重,意指要高出一般水平或出乎意料的好。两者均可与褒义或贬义形容词连用。与褒义词连用,表示一种愉快的心情;与贬义或中性词连用,表示一种不赞成或不满意的心情。
(4) very语气最强,意为“很;非常”。比如说某部电影very good,指的是这部电影很不错,算得上是精品之作。
  She looked rather/quite nervous. 她显得相当紧张。
  It's a very interesting book. 它是一本很有趣的书。
  She looked rather/quite disappointed about it. 她对此显得相当失望。
3. machine  n. 机器;机器装置
  They bought a new washing machine last Sunday. 他们上周日买了一台新洗衣机。
【拓展】 machinery  n.(集合名词)机器:机械:机件  mechanic  n. 机工,技工,机械师
4. waiter  n. 服务员;侍者
  The waiter came to take their order. 服务员过来给他们点菜。
【拓展】  wait v. 等待:等候  waitress  n. 女侍者;女服务员
5. coach  n.(体育运动的)教练
  Our football team has got a very experienced coach. 我们的足球队有一个很有经验的教练。
【拓展】 coach  v. 训练;指导
  He coaches people for BEC examinations. 他给准备参加剑桥商务英语考试的人进行辅导。
6. train v. 训练,培训
  Mother trained us to be honest. 母亲教育我们为人要诚实。
  They are training for the relay race. 他们正在为接力比赛接受训练。
【拓展】 trainer  n. 训练员;教员,教练员 trainee n. 受训练的人
7. charge n. 主管,掌管
  She is in charge of the day-to-day running of the business. 她负责掌管日常业务。
8. field n. 田地
  They are working in the cotton fields. 他们正在棉田里干活。
【友情提示】  field还有“场地”的意思。如:sports field运动场。
9. key n. 钥匙
  He put the key in the lock and turned it. 他把钥匙插入锁里,然后转动钥匙。
【拓展】  key是一个多义词,作名词时还有如下含义:
(1)关键;要诀:The key to the whole thing was his jealousy. 整个事情的症结是因为他的妒忌心。
(2)答案:Do you know the key to the problem? 你知道这道题的答案吗?
(3)(计算机或打字机的)键:Press the key to enter the information. 按这个键输入信息。
  key还可作形容词,意为“主要的;关键的”。如:He is a key witness in this case. 在这个案件中,他是一个主要的证人。
10. ring n. 小环;小圈
  She wears a wedding ring to show that she's married. 她戴着结婚戒指,表示她已婚。
  Mary has got a new pair of ear rings. 玛丽有一副新耳环。
  【拓展】  wedding ring结婚戒指 ear ring耳环
11. cable  n. 缆绳
  The truck used a cable to tow the car. 卡车用缆绳拖拽汽车。
  【拓展】 cable n. 电报
12. * fantastic  adj. 极好的
  We watched a fantastic play yesterday evening. 昨天晚上我们看了一场非常精彩的戏剧。
Ⅱ. Daily expressions. 日常表达
1. quite a few相当多;不少
  I have been in Shanghai for quite a few years. 我在上海已经待了很多年了。
  quite a few是“相当多,不少”,与many意思相近,用于修饰可数名词的复数形式。
  Quite a few people came to the lecture. 有相当多的人来听演讲。
  He has quite a few friends. 他有不少朋友。
  修饰不可数名词时,应用quite a little(相当多;不少)。
  There is quite a little rice left in the bag. 米袋里还剩下不少大米。
  quite a little与much意思相近。
2. in charge of负责掌管
  The chief engineer was in charge of directing the building of the underground. 总工程师负责指挥地铁的建造。
  I am in charge of my sister. 我在照看妹妹。
【拓展】  take charge of负责;照管;监理,担任
  He took charge of the farm after his father's death. 父亲去世后,他接管了农场。
3. tell the time报时
  What do you use to tell the time?你用什么报时呢?
4. have a good time过得愉快
  have a good time与enjoy oneself(greatly)“过得愉快,玩得高兴”意思相近。
  Did you have a good time at the party last night?昨晚的聚会你玩得开心吗?
  =Did you enjoy yourself at the party last night?
  也常用have a great/nice time等表示“玩得很高兴,过得很愉快”的意思。
III. Important Sentences structures.
1. Kitty's cousins, Lucy and Simon, have come to Garden City to visit the Li family.
  在这个句子中,现在完成时用于表示动作已经发生(但并不追究动作发生的具体时间),并对现在产生一定的影响(即目前露西和西蒙已经在Garden City了)。
  I’ve lost my passport. 我把护照丢了。(其含义是:I can't find my passport now.)
  -Where's Linda?琳达在哪儿呢?
  -She’s gone to bed. 她去睡觉了。(其含义是:She is in bed now.)
  We've bought a new car. 我们买了一辆新车。(其含义是:We have a new car and can use it now.)
2. How long has she been a teacher?她当老师多久了?
  She has been a teacher since 1997. 她从1997年开始当老师的。
  He has been a teacher here since 1981. 他自1981年起就在这儿当老师了。(可能还要继续在这儿教很多年)
  I have't seen her for four years. 我有四年没见到她了。
【友情提示】  如果句子中的谓语表示持续的动作含义,现在完成时结构中的动词需使用持续性动词,而不可使用短暂性动词。试比较:
  【正】  I have been in the club for three years. 我加入这个俱乐部已经有三年了。
  【误】  I have joined the club for three years. (join是短暂性动词)
  They've worked all day. 他们已干了整整一天。 
3. He catches thieves and helps keep the city safe. 他抓捕小偷、保卫城市的安全。
  We should try to keep the environment clean. 我们应当尽力保持环境卫生。
  Would you please keep your room tidy, Ben?本,你能不能让自己的房间保持整洁?
4. Aunt Betty works in a company in Beijing, doesn't she?贝蒂婶婶在北京的一家公司工作,不是吗?
  She often has lunch at school, doesn't she?她经常在学校吃午饭,不是吗?
  You don't like sports, do you?你不喜欢体育运动,是吗?
5. A watch is used for telling the time. 手表是用来报时的。
  We use a watch for telling the time. 我们用手表来报时。
  A watch is used for telling the time. 手表是用来报时的。
(1)我们把句子的结构称为“主动语态”,把句子的结构称为“被动语态”。主动语态句的主语是动作的执行者,而被动语态句的主语是动作的承受者。被动语态的基本结构是“be+动词的过去分词”。be used for的结构表达“被用来……”的意思,后接动词的-ing形式。
Chopsticks are used for eating food. 筷子是用来吃饭的。
类似的用法还有be used by“被……使用”,be used as“被……用作”。
A knife is used for cutting things. 刀是用来切东西的。
The building was used as a shelter for homeless people.那座楼房用来收容无家可归的人。
(2) tell the time意为“报时”。
Little Mary can now tell the time. 小玛丽现在会认时间了。
6. A key ring is used for holding the keys. 钥匙圈是用来挂钥匙的。
(1) 握;抓住;拿住。如:She is holding up an umbrella. 她正打着伞。
He held me by the sleeve. 他抓着我的袖子。
Hold the line. (打电话用语)稍等/别挂断。
(2)容纳;装着。如:The hall can hold 1,000 people. 这个大厅能容纳1000人。
(3)拥有;占有。如:I held the job for two years. 这工作我干了两年。
(4)举行(会议等)。如:The Olympic Games are held every four years. 奥运会每四年举办一次。
hold back意为“阻碍,阻止”。
hold on意为“等待,不要挂断电话”等。
hold up意为“举起;抬起,耽搁”。
7. Yesterday, we took the cable car to the top of a hill. 昨天,我们乘缆车去了山顶。
the top of意为“……的顶部”,常用于at the top of(在……的顶部)等短语中。
We can have a nice view from the top of the mountain. 从山顶上往下看,我们可以欣赏到不错的景。
She is screaming at the top of her voice. 她正在声嘶力竭地尖叫。
8. 【拓展与复习】
catch a cold                  catch fire       
catch a bus                  catch mice/thieves               
2)help 用法
help sb. (to) do sth. = help sb. with sth.                       
help oneself to sth               
with the help of               
3) keep 用法
keep + adj.               
keep doing sth.               
keep ….from               
keep in touch (with)               
keep off               
keep sb busy               
4) 对职业的提问:(your father)
What does your father do?
What job does you father do?
What’s your father?
What’s your father’s job?
回答:My father is a/an ……
What does he/she do?
a cook
cook food
a teacher
teach students
a headmaster
be in charge of a school
a doctor
save the sick people
a nurse
take care of the sick people
a police officer
save people in danger
a bus driver
drive a bus
a farmer
grow crops
an engineer
design machines
a firefighter
put out the fire and save people
a coach/train
train sb in sports
a waiter/waitress
bring food to the guests
a secretary
type letters and answer the phone
a postman
deliver/send letters
a architect
draw plans of buildings
5) key
the key to the door                 
the answer to the question                 
the solution to the problem                 
the ticket for the film/show/performance                 
6)be used for doing = be used to do                 
used to do                 
be used to doing                 
be used for doing                 
be(get) used to                 
7)be in charge of = take charge of = be responsible for  负责,掌管
be in the charge of = take the charge of 表被动 “被负责,被掌管”
1. in hospital            / in the hospital       
2. in front of            / in the front of       
3. take place            / take the place(of)       
4. go to school          / go to the school       
5. go to college          / go to the college       
6. in bed                / in the bed       
I.    Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.
1.My mother is a    in No. 1 Middle School. (teach)
2.There are a lot of top    coming to Shanghai this year. (design)
3.Look, two    are walking in the street. (policeman)
4.The police caught the two    at last. (thief)   
5.The teacher tells us something about road    . ( safe)
6.My father has been an    for ten years. (engine)
7.Tourists can go to Beijing to see many old    (build).
8.They have moved on the    floor in that high rise. (twelve)
9.We have many different    in our housing estate. (job)
10.    Thousands of    come to London for sightseeing and shopping every year. (visit)
II.    Choose the right word to complete the sentence.
1. This is a visit    garden City. (of/to)
2.     has she been a teacher? ( How soon/How long)
3.He catches thieves and helps keep the city    . (safe/safety)
4.My father has been an engineer    2004. (in/since)
5.His uncle has lived here    nearly twelve years. (in/for)
I . 1. teacher  2. designers  3. policemen  4. thieves  5. safety   
6. engineer  7. buildings  8. twelfth      9. jobs    10. visitors
II. 1.to  2. How long  3. safe  4. since  5. for
. Choose the best answer.
1. There are __________ books in the library.
  A. two hundreds of      B. two hundred        C. hundred of          D. two hundreds
2. Mr White has got a __________ son.
  A. six years old        B. six-year-old        C. six-years-old        D. six year old
3. He is going to be in __________.
  A. one class            B. Class One        C. first class            D. second class
4. Nine fifty is __________.
  A. ten to nine          B. fifty to nine        C. ten past nine          D. ten to ten
5. This is __________ lesson in the book.
  A. first                B. the first            C. the one              D. one
6. __________ of workers work in the big factory.
  A. Thousands        B. Two thousands        C. Thousand            D. A hundreds
7. There are over __________ people in this city.
  A. 10 millions        B. 10 millions of        C. million of            D. 10 million
8. This is our office. My office is on __________ floor.
  A. the two          B. the second            C. second              D. two
9. My birthday is on the __________ of May.
  A. nine            B. ninth                C. nineth              D. nineteen
10. It was __________. Now five minutes passed. Now it is 12.
  A. five past twelve    B. eleven to five          C. five to twelve      D. five to eleven
11. It’s March the __________. It’s Jim’s birthday. He is __________.
  A. nineth…nine      B. ninth…nine            C. ninth…ninth        D. nine…nine
12. Sunday is the __________ day of a week.
  A. seventh          B. first                  C. seven                D. one
13. We have __________ students in our school.
  A. two hundreds of fifteen                    B. two hundred fifty
  C. two hundred and fifty                      D. two hundreds and fifty
14. There are __________ people in the big hall. You can’t find him.
  A. hundred of      B. hundreds of            C. hundreds            D. hundred
15. 6:05 is __________.
  A. six past five      B. six to five              C. five to six            D. five past six
II. Complete the sentences with the given verbs in their proper forms.
16. We usually_______ (have) dinner at home on weekdays.
17. My sister_______ (buy) a new dictionary in the bookshop yesterday.
18. They_______ (be) to Beijing twice.
19. If you go to Huaihai Road, you_______ (find) Shanghai Times Square.
20. _______ (not talk) so loudly. The teachers are having a meeting.
III . Rewrite the sentences as required.
21. The clouds are moving quickly. (改为一般疑问句)
              the clouds            quickly?
22. The children in Class 2 are running on the playground. (划线部分提问)
              are the children in Class 2                ?
23. This T-shirt is not as expensive as that one. (保持句意不变)
  That T-shirt is                         than this one.
24. No one can sing better than he in his school. (保持句意不变)
  He sings    in his school.
25. He climbed to the top of the mountain earliest. (保持句意不变)
  He climbed to the top of the mountain                        any other one.
Part 2  Reading Comprehension
Read the passage and choose the best answer. 
  In 1865, in a small town in Germany, a little boy was very sick. His name was Max Hoffman.
  “Will our son die?” Max’s parents asked the doctor.
  “Maybe,” the doctor said quietly. “Stay with Max. Keep him warm.”
  For three days Max lay in his bed. Then he died. He was only five years old.
  Max’s parents buried(埋葬)their son in the town cemetery(墓地). That night Max’s mother had a terrible dream. She dreamed that Max was moving in his coffin. She screamed (尖叫) in her sleep.
  “Sh, sh,” her husband said. “It’s all right. You had a bad dream.”
  The next night Max’s mother screamed in her sleep again. She had the same terrible dream.
  On the third night Max’s mother had another bad dream. She dreamed that Max was crying. She got out of bed and got dressed. “Quick! Get dressed,” she told her husband. “We’re going  to the cemetery. I want to see Max. I want to dig up his coffin.”
  At four o’clock in the morning Max’s parents and a neighbor hurried to the cemetery. They dug up Max’s coffin and opened it. There was Max. He looked dead. But something was different. When Max’s parents buried him, he was lying on his back. Now he was lying on his side.
  Max’s father carried Max home. Then he ran to get the doctor. For an hour the doctor rubbed whiskey(用威士忌擦) on Max’s lips and warmed his body. Then Max opened his eyes. Max was alive! A week later he was playing with his friends.
  Max Hoffman died-really died-in the United States in 1953. He was 93 years old.
33. The story happened in the     century.
A) seventeenth    B) eighteenth          C) nineteenth        D) twentieth
34 Max’s mother had a terrible dream on the night Max     .
A) died        B) was buried        C) lay in his bed      D) felt very sick
35. At first Max’s father     what Max’s mother had dreamed about Max.
A) didn’t believe  B) believed            C) was surprised at    D) was interested in
36. Max’s mother didn’t go to the cemetery until her     dream about Max.
A) first          B) second            C) third            D) fourth
37. Max’s parents believed that Max had moved in his coffin after his burial (葬礼)
because they     .
A) had seen him moving in their dream    B) found him moving there
C) found a change of Max’s position there  D) thought the dream had told them the truth
38. The best title of this passage is     .
A) The parents and their son              B) The doctor and the sick boy
C) Terrible dreams                      D) Buried alive
Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.
      passages是什么意思The Internet is a   90  which makes it possible for people with computers and telephone
connections to communicate with one another. It is like a  91  public library that anyone can visit., Instead of containing(包含) books on shelves, it contains information on web pages.                  92    of these web pages has an address, and people can visit these addresses by   93  them into their computers. As soon as they are     94  the address, they can look at or listen to whatever information is stored   95  that address.
  Nobody owns the Internet. However, different companies own the means(方法) of using the Internet. They are called     96  providers(提供商). They make it possible for people to get on to the Internet.
39. A) machine        B) toy                C) television          D) system
40.A) wide          B) narrow          C)huge                  D)small
41.A) Every          B) Each            C) Either                D) One
42.A) writing        B) copying          C) typing                D) putting
43.A) tied to          B) connected to      C) united with            D) put through
44.A) in            B) on              C) at                D) over
45.A) job            B) work            C) surf                  D) service
Read and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given verbs.
  For most of his life Joseph Turner lived in London and t    46 painting at The Royal Academy of Art(皇家艺术学院).However, he walked all o    47  Britain and Europe, painting what he saw, especially mountains, ships and the sea.
  His father was a barber(理发师) and had a shop. Joseph’s father was a very poor man and could not send him to school s    48  Joseph sat in his shop drawing the men who came to have their hair cut. His father put Joseph’s drawings on the walls. One day a man came to the shop, saw Joseph’s paintings and asked him if he could copy other a    49  paintings. Joseph said that he could and for seven years he copied famous paintings for the man. In r    50  , he taught Joseph to read and write.
  When Joseph was fourteen Joseph showed his paintings to a teacher at The Royal Academy. The teacher liked those paintings and said that Joseph could study at the Academy. Joseph Turner stayed there for the rest of his life, f    51  as a student and then as a teacher.
  Joseph Turner became a very famous painter, especially for the w  52    he painted light. His most famous painting is of an old sailing ship. It is called The Fighting Temeraire.
read the passage and answer the following questions
  Mrs. Burt was walking along a San Francisco street. Suddenly a man took her purse(钱包) and ran. She was very angry. She had ten dollars, her bus pass, and the key to her house in her purse. Mrs. Burt ran after the thief.
  The thief ran one block, two blocks, three blocks. The thief was a young man, so he could run fast. Mrs. Burt was not a young woman——she was 73 years old——but she could run fast, too. Mrs. Burt stayed right behind the thief.
  Burt was wearing two chopsticks in her hair. The chopsticks had sharp ends. Mrs. Burt took the chopsticks out of her hair. “Maybe I can stab(刺)the thief with these chopsticks,” she thought. “Then he will drop my purse.”
  The thief ran into an apartment building. Mrs. Burt followed him. “Help! Stop him!” she shouted. “He has my purse!
  Two police officers were walking near the apartment building. They heard Mrs. Burt and ran to help her. One police officer stayed with Mrs. Burt. The other police officer chased the thief.
  The police officer found the thief on the roof of the apartment building. The thief was looking in Mrs. Burt’s purse. When he saw the police officer, the thief dropped the purse and jumped off the building. The building was two storeys high.
  A few minutes later the police officer caught the thief. He was hiding under a car. He couldn’t run because he had broken his legs. The police took the thief to jail. The thief will stay in jail for a long time. But the thief was lucky. He was lucky that the police caught him. He was lucky that Mrs. Burt didn’t catch him! 
53. What happened to Mrs. Burt while she was walking along a San Francisco street ?
54. What did Mrs. Burt do then?
55. What was Mrs. Burt going to do with the thief?
56. Who helped Mrs. Burt to catch the thief?
57. What did the thief do when he saw the police officer?
58. The thief was lucky that Mrs. Burt didn’t catch him. Why?
  Write at least 60 words on the topic "what would you like to be in the future?".(以将来你想做什么为题,写一篇不少于60个单词的短文)
                    what would you like to be in the future?
1-5    have; bought; have been; will find; Don't talk
1-5    Are moving; where running; more expensive; best; earlier than
C.    taught; over; so; artists’; return; first; way
      1. A man/thief suddenly took her purse and ran(away).
      2. She ran after the thief/him.
      3. She was going to stab the thief with the chopsticks in her hair (so that he could drop 
        her purse).
      4. A police officer did.
      5. He dropped the purse and jumped off the two-storey building.
      6. He would be stabbed and hurt by Mrs. Burt (with her chopsticks).
