Part I Dialogue Completion(15points)
Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each of them followed by 4
choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
1. Sophier: the novel?
Terry: Sorry I have no idea.I' ve just begun to read it.
A. What do you think of B. How do you think of C. What do you enjoy D. How would you like
2. Polly: Did you criticize him for his mistakes?
Peter: Yes, butit.
I'd rather not have done B.I shouldn't C.I'd better not do D.I'd like not doing
3. Becky: Are you really through with the novel?
Oscar:I' ve only just begun.
On the contrary B. On the other hand C. Youright D. In a moment
4. Vincent: Would you like to go with us?
Vera: A. Yes,I do B. Yes, but I wouldn't C. Yes,I'd like to D. No,I don't
5. Sally: What is Jack like?
A. He's kind and handsome B. He's very wellC. He likes music D. He's a worker
6. Pearl:?
Martin:I enjoyed it very much A. How did you like the film B. What's the film about C. How about seeing a film D. What's the film like
7. Nat:I'd like to come to see you. Will ten o' clock do?
Lulu: A. Fine B. Thanks C. With pleasure D. See you
8. Hatty:?
Jesse: Yes,I want a pencil box A. Can I help you B. What do I do for you C. Can you help me D. What do you want to do
9. Doris: You speak very good English.
Jerry: A. No not at all B. Thank you C. No, my English is poor D.I don't think so
10. Homer:?
Emily: He has a round face, blue eyes and brown hair.
What do you think of the boy B. How's the boy C. How do you like the boy D. What does the boy look like
passages是什么意思11. Ginny:I'm sorry, but were you speaking to me?
Jacob: Yes. Would you pleasein this room?
A. don't smoke B. not to smoke C. not smoke D. not smoking
12. Janice: Is he selfish?
Nathan:,. he always finds time to help others.
A. By no means B. No, he is C. By all meansD. Yes, in short
13. Emma: Mike!? You look pale, are you sick?
Mike:I just had a terrible experience.
A. What's the matter B. How are you C. Can I help you D. What are you doing
14. Amy:I' ve got a headache. Byron:?I' ll get an aspirin.
A. Have you, dear B. Do you have really, dear C. What shallI do D. Do you want me to help you
15. Josie: Might I trouble you for a night?
Justin: You!
might indeed B. may indeed C. could indeed D. certainly did
Part Ⅱ Reading comprehension(40points)
Directions:There are 4 passages in this part.Each of the passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose thebest one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
Passage one The Chinese have used a method called acupuncture(针灸)to perform operations for about
4,000 years without putting the patient to sleep.This involves placing flexible needles into certain parts of the body.The needles are available in a number of stores in China and anyone may buy them.
To learm how to use the needles takes about one month of training.But to be skillful requires greater time.The person who performs the acupuncture knows how to put in the needles so the needles themselves are painful.This person also knows where to place the needles so the patient feels no pain in the area where the operation is to be performed.A particular operation might require 25 or more needles placed in various parts of the body.But now this operation requires only 3 or 4 needles.
Today,the Chinese doctors are trying to learn more about acupuncture.They are trying to develop a convincing theory to explain how the needles work in preventing pain,or why a needle in the wrist,for example,would prevent the pain in the area of the mouth.
