Planing of charging stations
for liquid acid Pb-batteries
Linde-Xiamen Fork Lift Truck Co., Ltd
Planing of cha单mg stations fbi liquid acid Pb-battenes 液态铅酸电池充电站方案
目录 Content
1.充电站的定义和说明 Definitions and descriptions of charging stations
1.1电池房 Battery-Rooms
1.2电池充电站 Battery charging stations
2.建筑结构 Building construction
2.1充电站内的车辆空间 Truck place in charging stations
2.2电池房的空间 Place in battery rooms
2.3地板条件 Floor condition
3.电气安装 Electrical installation
3.1视在功率 Apparent Power
3.2取暖 Heating
4.充电机 Charger
5.通风 Ventilation
5.1总那么 General
5.2根据 DIN VDE 0510 计算 Calculation according DIN VDE 0510
5.3必要的空闲房屋空间计算 Calculation of the necessary free room space
5.4必要的空气流量计算 Calculation of the necessary volume of airflow
5.5通风结构 Construction of a ventilation
6.房屋MS和气候 Room temperature and climate
7.加水 Water topping
8.搬运电池 Battery changing arrangements
8.1起重设备和货车 Crane Equipments and changing lorries
9.维护和维修地方 Maintenance and repair places
10.和规定 Labels and regulations
11.solidity急救举措First aid
12.重要的标准和规定 Important norms and regulations
Planing of chaining stations fbi liquid acid Pb-batteiies 液态铅酸电池充电站方案
Definitions and regulations of charging stations
A battery room is a special room for charging and storing batteries, in these rooms also the chargers could be installed.
Battery charging stations:
A battery charging station is a special room for charging batteries which are installed in the trucks and also charging batteries according 1.1.
总之先要决定是否应该建立『Il池房或充电站,大多数情况下两班或三班工作制运行应该有电池房,充电机前放有正 常充好电和正在充电的电池.在充电站里,正常情况下装在车辆中的电池和充电机相接,以上两种充电方式都可以 放在一间房中.
General is to decide if a battery room or a battery charging station should be set up. Mostly a battery room is necessary at a two or three shift operation, normally recharged batteries and batteries under charge stand in front of one charger. In battery charging stations normally trucks with installed batteries are connected to the chargers. Also both different versions could be installed in one room.
重要的是房屋是否是一个有人负责对电池治理、维护和充电的工作场所.这样必须有专门规定,如:灯光、噪音、 温度、气体释放等等,是否还要有附加等候室、清洗室和休息室.
Important is if the room is a working place where persons are in charge to optain and maintain and change batteries. In this case special regulations for working places are necessary, for example questions about light, noise, temperature, gas-emission and so on, additional waiting rooms, wash rooms and rest rooms had to be installed.
Building constructions
Truck place in charging stations
充电站的平面空间取决于充电站规模和车辆种类,而且根据VDI 2197, 2198和2199或国家特殊标准计算车辆进、 出和转弯的必备空间.
The necessary square meters of charging stations depends in the main part of the kind of charging station and the trucks, also the necessary space for drive in and out and turn around with the trucks must be calculated according the regulation VDI 2197, 2198 and 2199 or special national norms.
实际可以用15 m2计算,重要的是:
Planing of chaining stations fbi liquid acid Pb-batteiies 液态铅酸电池充电站方案
In practice you can calculate with 15 m2 square meters, important are:
-kind and largeness of the trucks
-quantity of trucks of each truck type
-total quantity of trucks
-quantity and type of chargers
-the stand square meters of the truck 〔wide and deep〕
-high of the truck
车辆附加的占地面积,必须将车辆周围空间0.6 m和充电机到电池间1m的距离计算在内.
Additional to the stand square meters of the trucks a necessary space around the truck of 0,6 meters and a distance charger to battery of 1 meter must be calculated.
Minimum distances of trucks to chargers and stored goods
充电机A充电机B charger
charger AB