人教版英语新教材必修一Unit 1
第一组:字母a在开音节中读/eɪ/; 在重读闭音节中读/æ/;在非重读音节读/ə/
开音节:teenage  debate  graduate  plate  behaviour  generation
重读闭音节:ballet  actually  challenge graduate  attract  adult
非重读音节:suitable  freshman  literature  extra  adventure  attract  addict   
第二组:e在重读闭音节中读/e/ ;在非重读音节中读 /ɪ/
重读音节:freshman  recommend  schedule  editor  generation
非重读音节:prschedule读音efer    challenge  responsible 
重读闭音节 content    obviously  responsible 
非重读音节:confuse  recommend  solution
1.Ballet is suitable for her. 芭蕾舞适合她。
2.I hope to be fluent in French when I graduate from senior high school. 我希望在高中毕业时能流利地讲法语。
3.sign up for advanced literature 报名参加高级文学课程
4.a solution to the greenhouse effect 解决温室效应的办法
5. ahead of schedule提前  behind schedule落后于预定计划 
The meeting is scheduled on Friday.会议安排在星期五。
6.be responsible for the next generation为下一代负责  a generation gap 代沟
7.be attracted to literature喜欢文学 
8.adult behaviour 成人行为
9.meet the challenge of new technology  迎接新技术挑战
10.face/accept challenge面对/接受挑战  challenge the impossible 挑战不可能
11.a challenging task/job 一个有挑战性地任务/工作
12.recommend an adventure story to the editor向编辑推荐一个冒险故事
13.Experts recommend quitting smoking one month before the operation。专家建议在手术前一个月戒烟。 
 14.focus on the topic of mental health关注心里健康这一主题
15.prefer advanced literature to physics 喜欢高级文学胜过物理
16.expand extra-curricular knowledge拓展课外知识
take an active part in extra-curricular activities积极参加课外活动
17.actually prefer to be tanned 实际上更喜欢被晒黑
actually in fact/as a matter of fact 
prefer→n. preference          actual →adj. actually 
graduate→n. graduation        recommend →n. recommendation
responsible →n. responsibility  survive →n. survival
behave→n. behaviour          attract→n. attraction
